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tsogud said:
burninmylight said:

I think that having the devs optimize the games on the consoles we already have is a better idea than forcing another hardware paywall onto us to get the same games, but just running somewhat better on remixed consoles.

Obviously optimization is a must and should happen anyways, but it hasn't for a lot of games and it's likely not going to as time goes on, especially with third parties. A lot of first party games, even BOTW, has performance issues that still plague it to this day. If Nintendo can't even optimize their games enough to fix it with the hardware they have there's an issue with hardware.

Also no one would be forcing you to buy a switch "pro." Just because you think of it as a paywall it doesn't mean it's fair to think that others who care about performance, and would pay for better running games, should not have that option. If you don't want that option fine don't buy it if it comes.

If Nintendo followed your logic, we would still be waiting on Ocarina of Time. A game that has bugs and performance issues in some areas, by the way.

If you want every game to be perfectly optimized and to run completely frame-drop free and to never do things like lower resolution, pop in assets, load textures late, or screen tear, all with decent load times, then we'd still be waiting on every game that isn't 2-D and sprite based.

And no one is forcing you to play Switch games. Because you have a tingle in your loins for mid-gen consoles that might run some games better, force devs to spend more time optimizing for more hardware profiles, and potentially fracture the market with exclusives, not to mention possibly give the base console version the short end of the stick, there are two consoles out there for you: the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X. There's also this cool gaming device called a personal computer that I imagine would be up your alley. You'd love the modding community. Just because you can't accept that other console publishers do what Nintendon't, doesn't meant it's fair to expect Nintendo to do it too. If you don't like it, fine, don't play Switch games.