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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox will catch up to Playstation this generation


Xbox will catch up to playstation this generation

Agree 28 21.21%
Disagree 104 78.79%

I guess this gen is gona start like last gen. Xbox fans against all odds claiming US domination will give them global lead.

Seeing how poorly the xbox is selling outside the US, the xbox would need to sell 60 to 70 million in the US alone to get close to getting 100m. Keep dreaming pal.

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eva01beserk said:

I guess this gen is gona start like last gen. Xbox fans against all odds claiming US domination will give them global lead.

Seeing how poorly the xbox is selling outside the US, the xbox would need to sell 60 to 70 million in the US alone to get close to getting 100m. Keep dreaming pal.

Sounds like you didn't get the memo that India loves the Series S!!!!!

Seriously though... I think at best the sales ratio could be closer. Especially if MS can get competitive with pricing.

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The only way I see the Xbox Series catching up eventually is if it has a significantly longer lifespan than the PS5. Which isn't completely impossible, but at that point it would be due to Microsoft diverging from normal console lifespans more so than any ability to keep up with Sony in sales. Needless to say that is also something completely seperate from "cathing up in the first 3 years" which I do find utterly impossible.

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I think xbox will catch and gain alot of ground. Gamepass has proven to be profitable not just for ms for devloeprs who are wanting to try making something completely new. Not only that, it's the best value and the best thing to happen for gamers. One may argue its on pc why get xbox. One thing is cost. To get a pc to match the spec of a series x, u can buy at least 2 series x. In nz for me it would be equivalent to 3 series x and that's just gpu part lol. It doesn't count the other parts that make up a working pc.

Gamepass alone will bring in alot of developers cause cost of making game is getting expensive and ms has money to buy alot more studios to add to gamepass which they can lock out for the competition. 

Sony do good exclusives but they are also slowly coming to PC. It would be inevitable where both platforms share their first party to pc as it sells well. For me I haven't gotten a ps5. That's because there's nothing that interest mee to warrant one as alot of it will be on ps4. For me not worth the 70 bucks usd u have to pay for first party games.

Gonna have to say no on this. I believe the Series consoles will level out around where the 360 did if MS keeps playing their cards right. Sony has too much brand power in other parts of the world for MS to catch up to with XBox. I believe Series consoles will sell very well in the US and the UK, but Eu will still see a comanding lead for PS. And while Playstation cannot touch Nintendo in Japan, it is certainly higher than XBox over there as well.

I believe the PS5 will settle in around 100 mil, and the Series consoles around 80 mil. MS consoles will be a healthy cog in their bigger business model, and potentially cut into Sony's bottom line of console sales overall (especiallyas more Sony 1st party games go to PC). But they will not be catching them in the sales department.

Now if you want to talk about which is more profitable as an entire gamimg division...that is another topic entirely and remains to be seen. With gamepass growing at a fast rate and being available on multiple platforms outside of their consoles, it remains to be seen just how much money it will bring in.

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Not gonna happen. If GP was such a big deal in choosing a console, we would see the impact already but as it stands, Sony is dominating right out of the gates.
PC is a big dampener for this strategy, GP is undoubtedly a good pull for Microsoft, but not for their consoles in particular.
Also, the thesis presented here assumes that Sony will simply stand by and do nothing if GP changes the whole landscape. That will not happen, they are watching closely and will counter with something similar if the need arises.

padib said:

Few of you know that I had already predicted that the hybrid Nintendo console would dominate gen 9. I did this years ago (in 2014) because I understand the video game market and was able to predict years in advance the factors that would make that a reality. The main reason was a unified library between Nintendo's home and portable console, which prior to the hybrid were fragmented, and fragmented their release schedule, making it much stronger once unified.

Everyone who understands a little bit how the market works would know the Switch would become a huge success. And the "main reason" you put is not really what made the console attractive in the first place. Remember: the Switch started to have blockbuster sales with only BOTW and Mario Kart 8, 2 Wii U ports, and while the 3DS keept receveing new games (remember Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon released on November 2017). So, no, the main appeal of the console is the hardware itself.

padib said:

On day 1, xbox owners get to play the very best offerings because Microsoft is putting their 1st party games on gamepass at launch. Not only that, but they are hard at work with partners, making sure they do the very same thing.

Let's see the "best offering" since the launch of this generation (since it's the topic).

3 day one launches on Game Pass since November 2020:

- The Medium (71 on MC)

- Outriders (73 on MC)

- MLB The Show 21 (81 on MC)

So, let's agree this is not the best games that will appeal to gamers. In fact, the fact that both Outriders and MLB The Show were one of the best selling Xbox games during their launch month in the US showed that people would rather buy the game instead of getting the Game Pass to play on it. 

Besides that, there are only old games that are being added to the service every month since November 2020. So the "best offering" is still yet to be shown.

padib said:

Let's compare some alternatives. Stadia for example was a ruin from the start. Google offers users a membership, but users still have to pay full price for games during their membership. 

Stadia is not an alternative to Game Pass, you clearly didn't understand what Stadia actually is. Stadia is a gaming store where you can directly play your game on your computer or Chromecast (if by miracle you actually the only one which actually works with Stadia). It can charge you extra fee for a "Gold/Plus" type of subscription, but still far different from the Game Pass.

padib said:

Someone unsure of what console to choose can easily purchase an xbox with a gamepass subscription and get playing immediately.

That's what MS thought when they launched the Series S. But the Series S are collecting dust on the shelves.

That's why they will eventually go with a Xbox TV stick where you can play your games through xCloud, without needing an actual console. And this will become big.

padib said:

Therefore, my prediction is that while Sony will be very strong this gen with 1st party software, with a similar strength to the PS4, Xbox will catch up to Sony within the first 3 years of the lifespan of the gen. This will surprise a lot of people because most underestimate the importance of gamepass and its upcoming impact.

Actually the PS5 it outpacing the Series X/S and it won't get any better soon.

I think you overestimate the importance of Game Pass actually.

Hear the same shit every gen.

Swear it was already confirmed GP wasn't profitable yet by legit insiders, and there is no such thing as the Xbox division if anyone wants to keep carping on about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if countries don't start banning Game Pass like one of these multi-level marketing scam religious cults. Shattered lives is what that leaves behind. Next thing we will hear how GP ultra fans are taking out multiple subscriptions to help their beloved reach the target subscriber numbers that will trigger the rapture. Of course don't mention PS+ subscriber numbers to them. That could send them into speaking in tongues.