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I think xbox will catch and gain alot of ground. Gamepass has proven to be profitable not just for ms for devloeprs who are wanting to try making something completely new. Not only that, it's the best value and the best thing to happen for gamers. One may argue its on pc why get xbox. One thing is cost. To get a pc to match the spec of a series x, u can buy at least 2 series x. In nz for me it would be equivalent to 3 series x and that's just gpu part lol. It doesn't count the other parts that make up a working pc.

Gamepass alone will bring in alot of developers cause cost of making game is getting expensive and ms has money to buy alot more studios to add to gamepass which they can lock out for the competition. 

Sony do good exclusives but they are also slowly coming to PC. It would be inevitable where both platforms share their first party to pc as it sells well. For me I haven't gotten a ps5. That's because there's nothing that interest mee to warrant one as alot of it will be on ps4. For me not worth the 70 bucks usd u have to pay for first party games.