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Forums - Sony Discussion - I've lost faith in Sony

It sounds like PC/Switch is a good fit for you and I don't think you should even hope for sony to turn it around as that just means more money you have to spend.

Although I think people seem to really be overstating Sonys change in position. Its still the console platform with the most varied releases, the most japanese titles, the biggest library. Plenty of big and small titles. I think when the generation gets into full swing later this year, a lot of the negativity around the brand will kind of be forgotten entirely.

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shikamaru317 said:
method114 said:

It's true but the problem with that is MS has no games. They are still pumping out Halo and Gears which are so tired at this point. I can't believe they wont give those series a break. Medium was ok. Meanwhile Sony is just continuing to pump out hit after hit. So you have a situation where one company is offering a great deal but very little new games to actually play. Then the other company is offering great games to play but you still have the standard $60 fee. I didn't get into gaming to save money so I still side with Sony on this one. 

I've shifted towards PC mainly anyways at this point and with playnite + controller companion my PC is just like a console. Now that Sony is starting to move their games to PC and Japanese companies are moving to Steam this will most likely be my last Sony console.

That might have been true in the latter half of this past generation, but that is certainly not true now. MS now has 23 first party studios after the Zenimax acquisition, just in the first 3 years of this generation (2021-2023) Xbox is likely to release the following AA/AAA games from 1st party studios, all of which will be day one Gamepass:

  • Halo Infinite
  • Starfield
  • Wolfenstein 3
  • Everwild
  • Avowed
  • Forza Horizon 5
  • Forza Motorsport (reboot)
  • Fable (reboot)
  • Perfect Dark (reboot)
  • State of Decay 3
  • Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga
  • Project Mara
  • Arkane Austin new IP from Harvey Smith 
  • Compulsion Games new IP

And that is on top of insiders recently suggesting that MS has several high profile (AAA or large AA) 2nd party games coming through Xbox Global Publishing, including the rumored Kojima project. Plus many 3rd party timed or full exclusives, some of which were already announced (Second Extinction, The Gunk, Hello Neighbor 2, STALKER 2, Warhammer 40K: Darktide, etc.).

This actually reflects MS' problem. Most of the games on that list appear to be years away and we don't even know whether sony closed the deal for exclusivity for Starfield or not. Halo Infinite and Forza are the only tangible titles. MS' real asset right now is the value of Gamepass, competing with sony on the exclusive front is a while away (compare PS5 games released thus far and annoucned for 2021 versus Xbox Series games)

Well Japan studio have been very weak in major releases for several years even thought I liked Knack, Last Guardian, Pupeteer and others, so it is very understandable why they lost investment compared to the western studios. But they still receive a healthy number of titles from Japan on PS4 and PS5.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Jim Ryan is making it difficult to support that brand.

SKMBlake said:
think-man said:

I hope Sony can change my mind one day, but I have little faith this generation.

Yep, cause the first 5 months of a generation (which is currently impacted by a pandemic) definitly defines how the remaining of the generation will be.

I'd already lost faith in them before the PS5 launched, this feeling already started nearly 2 years back. 

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DonFerrari said:

Well Japan studio have been very weak in major releases for several years even thought I liked Knack, Last Guardian, Pupeteer and others, so it is very understandable why they lost investment compared to the western studios. But they still receive a healthy number of titles from Japan on PS4 and PS5.

All those games charted pretty badly. And all of them received some kind of marketing but failed miserably.

So the studio wasn’t profitable at all, then people complain about the closure or reassignment of some employees into another studio when in the first time users supported other games (the big ones). 

Then about games like Dreams not being marketed enough or that It could become like Roblox, I doubt it, it did receive plenty of marketing, not like the big guns, but it did. But I don’t see that game becoming a big success like he suggested.

As for the other rumours, nothing is confirmed, but the Internet is already on fire against Sony, but again is Sony, is easy to bash against seems. 

Last edited by kazuyamishima - on 09 April 2021

For me Sony has never provided me with meaningful Japanese exclusives. It has always been the third parties. I think it would be great if the Switch or Xbox 1/Series or PC got all my favorite games on it, then I wouldn't have had to buy the PS4.

Still some of their western style games were decent, but for me some have dropped in quality.

Machiavellian said:
Mnementh said:

You really should take a look into Famitsu charts.

Lol, I guess I did shoot that one a little to quick before doing any research.

I never see this domination in the Japanese market ever. Neither NES have this software domination. How many weeks Nintendo have at least 26/30?

Farsala said:

For me Sony has never provided me with meaningful Japanese exclusives. It has always been the third parties. I think it would be great if the Switch or Xbox 1/Series or PC got all my favorite games on it, then I wouldn't have had to buy the PS4.

Still some of their western style games were decent, but for me some have dropped in quality.

Sony's major releases were usually western, but in the PS1/2 days they had such market dominance that if you liked Japanese games, you kind of had to have a Playstation. But with HD budgets and the XBox and PS3 splitting the market, it didn't really make sense to develop for just one, unless you had a game that really didn't appeal to western gamers, and at that point you were better off going to the PSP or DS. 

shikamaru317 said:
Otter said:

This actually reflects MS' problem. Most of the games on that list appear to be years away and we don't even know whether sony closed the deal for exclusivity for Starfield or not. Halo Infinite and Forza are the only tangible titles. MS' real asset right now is the value of Gamepass, competing with sony on the exclusive front is a while away (compare PS5 games released thus far and annoucned for 2021 versus Xbox Series games)

Rumor was Sony was trying to get the timed hat deal on Starfield (like Deathloop and Tokyo Ghostwire), but MS started their acquisition talks with Zenimax before the deal with Sony was closed, so Zenimax stopped the Starfield deal because they knew that such a major game being exclusive to Playstation would weaken their bargaining position with Microsoft.

Most of these won't be ready in 2021, Halo aside (Starfield or Wolfenstein 3 might make 2021 considering they began development in 2015 and 2017 respectively). However, pretty much the rest should release in either 2022 or 2023, barring any unforeseen delays:

  • Halo Infinite- Current build of the game in development since mid 2016
  • Starfield- In development since late 2015
  • Wolfenstein 3- In development since late 2017
  • Everwild- In development since at least mid 2019
  • Avowed- In development since at least early 2018
  • Forza Horizon 5- Likely in development since FH4 released in October 2018
  • Forza Motorsport (reboot)- Began full development in late 2019 (was in pre-production before that)
  • Fable (reboot)- In development since late 2017
  • Perfect Dark (reboot)- In development since mid 2018
  • State of Decay 3- Began full development in mid 2020 (was in pre-production before that)
  • Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga- in Development since mid 2018
  • Project Mara- In development since mid 2019
  • Arkane Austin new IP from Harvey Smith- In development since late 2017, after Arkane Austin finished Prey (2017) and since Harvey finished Dishonored Death of the Outsider with Arkane Lyon
  • Compulsion Games new IP- In development since late 2019

As for the 2021 problem you mention, it is true that Sony has a stronger 2021 lineup currently, but Xbox is rumored to have 2 unannounced big 2021 exclusives, in addition to Halo, Flight Sim console port, and CrossFireX. And there is of course the possibility that some of the 2021 Sony games will be delayed into 2022, very unlikely that both God of War and Horizon 2 make 2021 imo (one or the other is likely getting delayed, probably God of War 5), and it's possible that Tokyo Ghostwire gets delayed too. 

It's not so much about what exclusives they themselves launch, it is about what exclusives buyers get to play. In terms of games, since launch, looking at a 12 month period PS5 owners will have:

1) Miles Morales

2) Demon Souls

3) Removed destruction all stars

4) Oddworld

5) Returnal

6) Ratchet & Clank

7) Horizon Zero Dawn

8) Kena

9) Deathloop

10) Ghostwrite 

11) Stray

12) final Fantasy Remake Thing

Meanwhile Xbox series X will have:

1) halo

2) Forza

3) Scorn

4) crossfire

5) flight simulator

That's 11 big games compared to a possible 4 or 5. 

Granted the future looks different with Zenimax as they will have a larger output once the gen has hit it's stride, but by then Sony will have probably bolstered their teams too if they haven't already.

For the first time ever, MS and Sony will be in equal footing with teams and games output. It will be interesting to see if MS can keep up with 2-3 big game releases every year on gamepass day one.

Also, I love Sony are investing into big blockbusters. I haven't bought a state of the art console for indie games and or smaller games. Yes I love my Hotline Miami, Abzu etc but those are snacks. I want my big Wagyu of games that are filled with spectacle etc. That's why I bought my big TV, my soundbar and my new console. 

As long as Sony continues to outsource these smaller games, everyone gets what they want.