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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Biggest issue with Nintendo when they are successful is that they become too greedy

RolStoppable said:

It's the opposite.

 I take great heart that someone here can make a concise statement that rebutts all arguments no matter the viewpoint, well done.

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Stuart23 said:

Yeah,but well, this is true to any company being successful. Like how Sony got greedy on yhe beggining of the PS3 era or how EA and Activision and so many more got greedy resulted in that lootbox disaster. After all, they are all big companies, making huge money just make them less and less satisfied.

About these ports situation, yeah Skyward Sword shouldn't had that price. Funny that I've had bought many third party ports for Switch but so far none from Nintendo itself (though I want Captain Toad and Mario 3D World), but to be far, it is mostly because I owned most of them on Wii U. And as long as they keep selling so much Nintendo will keep doing them. For me personally, I can get over ports I don't want as long as the console have other games I do want, so I'll spend my time on those. Is not like Switch is lacking games I want to play, so for me, I can live without those overpriced ports.

I'm not sure that losing money on a console is greed, now if they had profited at the early price point yes, you can make a case for overconfident though.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 21 February 2021

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:
Stuart23 said:

Yeah,but well, this is true to any company being successful. Like how Sony got greedy on yhe beggining of the PS3 era or how EA and Activision and so many more got greedy resulted in that lootbox disaster. After all, they are all big companies, making huge money just make them less and less satisfied.

About these ports situation, yeah Skyward Sword shouldn't had that price. Funny that I've had bought many third party ports for Switch but so far none from Nintendo itself (though I want Captain Toad and Mario 3D World), but to be far, it is mostly because I owned most of them on Wii U. And as long as they keep selling so much Nintendo will keep doing them. For me personally, I can get over ports I don't want as long as the console have other games I do want, so I'll spend my time on those. Is not like Switch is lacking games I want to play, so for me, I can live without those overpriced ports.

I'm not sure that losing money on a console is greed, now if they had profited at the early price point yes, you can make was a case for overconfident though.

If you are confused about that PS3 example,I was talking about how the massive hit of the PS2 made Sony do a lot of stupid stuff during the development and launch of the PS3, by assuming the consumers and third parties would just support the console by default.

Switch Friend Code: SW - 1286-0025-9138

I understand that the high price tag and scarcity adds to their games' prestige, but shit, this is getting beyond a joke.

xMetroid said:
brute said:

I don't know if Nintendo is struggling too hard with COVID but they are becoming too greedy and lazy.

The game that made me create this topic is Skyward Sword HD.

While Ive been wanting a remake/remaster for a while now, never would I have imagined that it would be a straight port with just a resolution upgrade and an extra control option? Nintendo seemingly assumes that's enough to warrant a $60 price tag. $10.00 more than the Wii version at time of release.

When Nintendos backs were against the wall they put in real effort on the Wii U and 3DS remakes/remasters. But doesnt seem to be the case for this one

At least for the other ports/remasters/remakes they put in some decent effort or included all DLC in the package.

MK8D? All DLC plus battle mode.


Pikmin 3? All DLC

Super Mario 3D World? Bowsers Fury addition as it had no DLC

Links Awakening was a full blown remake of a GameBoy game.

3D All stars seemed to not warrant the $60.00 price tag but at least that was 3 games.

Skyward Sword doesnt seem like any different of a game. I may pass and wait to get this on sale during the holidays (like Links Awakening) or try to get used. Sad fact is most people will buy this at full price and I cant blame them as they wont have any other way of playing the game.

It'll just make Nintendo feel they made the right business decision to price at $60 without any real effort.

Lastly, maybe Nintendo will prove me wrong and announce extra content for the game before release.

They did release WW HD and TP HD on their own pretty much full price too...  when the Wii U was failing.

But the thing i dislike is they are starting to take fans for granted. Like that direct had nothing much for the audience that has the Switch since launch

But yea, TP and WW are coming to Switch, let's hope it will be a collection of some sort. I don't know if SS will do that well on it's own at 60$ tbh.

I know it’s off topic and sorry if I sound like an a$@ but I think that’s a bit disingenuous. How do you know that?

Personally, there’s a lot I can look forward to from the direct. And I got the Switch back in its launch year.

I know everyone has different tastes and all, but damn not much from this direct will satisfy switch owners since launch? I probably would’ve been really happy during the Wii U days if this was presented back then. That’s how bad the Wii U days were. You were lucky to get one or two really big announcements or exclusive games or even ports of games that people thought wouldn’t come to a Nintendo platform.

im not saying he grateful, but I think there’s a bit of an overreaction on the other end of the spectrum.

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A lot of people claimed that SS could never be ported due to the motion controls and how the game was built around them. Said it would be too much work or something like that. They would have to revamp the entire control scheme, which may not look like much on the surface but puts it above a simple HD port.

So now that they did that, is that all of a sudden not a big deal or are we just ignoring it for the sake of complaining?

Asking for a friend.

Last edited by Shiken - on 18 February 2021

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

mZuzek said:
Shiken said:

A lot of people claimed that SS could never be ported to to the motion controls and how the game was built around them. Said it would be too much work or something like that. They would have to revamp the entire control scheme, which may not look like much on the surface but puts it above a simple HD port.

So now that they did that, is that all of a sudden not a big deal or are we just ignoring it for the sake of complaining?

Asking for a friend?

The game was literally ported to a console with motion controls though, it's gonna play just like it did back in the Wii. Sure, they added button controls, but it's quite apparent that the game isn't designed for that and if it were the only way to play, it wouldn't do any justice to the game.

So the solution is to act like they did not put in the work to add them at all?

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

Stuart23 said:
mjk45 said:

I'm not sure that losing money on a console is greed, now if they had profited at the early price point yes, you can make was a case for overconfident though.

If you are confused about that PS3 example,I was talking about how the massive hit of the PS2 made Sony do a lot of stupid stuff during the development and launch of the PS3, by assuming the consumers and third parties would just support the console by default.

 Yes but like I said that's not greed, over expectation yes and even that was somewhat understandable at the time, lead by Ken Kutaragi who was coming off   having helped engineer 2 of the all time most successful consoles with the PS2 being the most successful console of all, also the Cell wasn't custom made for the   PS3 alone, it was a Sony joint product with Toshiba and IBM and was planned to be integrated into a range of different devices from computer arrays through   to   smart appliances and thus bring down the costs quite considerably, these actions and the outcomes that sprang from them are to blame for the PS3 price rather     than excessive greed above the usual level found in corporate life.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 18 February 2021

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mZuzek said:
Shiken said:

So the solution is to act like they did not put in the work to add them at all?

I don't see why the situation needs a "solution". I'm just saying that if motion controls weren't a possibility, the game likely wouldn't have been ported, because the right analog controls wouldn't be fun enough. If the game was centered around button controls, it'd need a major overhaul in puzzle and enemy design or else it'd be really boring, but because they're only being added as a makeshift option, it also required a lot less effort.

Well I agree that the motion controls worked well, and that is how the game should be experienced.  I do look forward to directly comparing both control schemes to see just how well they work with the way the game is set up though.

I guess I just have a different way of looking at it.  Where some people see it as an HD port, I see it as an HD port with a new control scheme added to the game that also allows me to play anywhere I want.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

I can see the usefulness of great classic games remasters for people that never played them before, but I would never buy again full price an old game I already own. Probably I wouldn't buy it again at all.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
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