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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 51, 2020 (Dec 14 - Dec 20)

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OTBWY said:
Marth said:

That's... a surprise. Usually Sony rides a console till the wheels fall off. I'd expected PS4 production to continue well into this decade.

one thing to note is that 500GB black PS4 is not listed. Could just be them streamlining production with 1 SKU now. Also the possibility of a final cheaper PS4 SKU launching next year

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Marth said:

PS4 production for Japan has been pretty dead for a long while now. Practically for most of 2020.
This is just more official confirmation of that.

Ah, they just don't ship them to Japan anymore? From the message's wording I thought Sony ended the production of the PS4 already.

Then again, as @Otter noted, there's one SKU missing from the list, so Sony probably just streamlined the production down to just one basic model that they can sell for cheap (hence only 500GB HDD) as entry-level console compared to the more advanced PS5 versions. And ending all the other models also certainly frees up some production lines for the PS5.

Marth said:

As I have said multiple times in my predictions. Sony is transitioning fast out of the PS4 and into the PS5, and it is the same situation worldwide. Yet some people still believe the PS4 will get a pricecut and sell nearly 130m. 125m is the challenge.

Farsala said:
Marth said:

As I have said multiple times in my predictions. Sony is transitioning fast out of the PS4 and into the PS5, and it is the same situation worldwide. Yet some people still believe the PS4 will get a pricecut and sell nearly 130m. 125m is the challenge.

The legs of the PlayStation brand maybe is drastically reduced. I bet 119-125 range. 

Playstation is no more a cheap multimedia device (PS2 and PSP) and a cheap videogame(PS1, PS2, PSP). The two are two powerful late potentials for the prolong the sales tail. Only the massive library is the selling point now. Nintendos mimics the massive library with DS, Wii, and Switch. On Switch, Nintendo extends this sales point. 

Marth said:

So which models are left with these being phased out?

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6 Million dream is over guys:

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Otter said:

The decline from PS3 to PS4 ( less than 10%) is worlds apart from the decline from PS2 to PS3 ( more than 100%).

You have to take it into perspective: The drop from PS2 to PS3 was ~100% in most markets, not just Japan. But the PS4 on the other hand improved from the PS3 in almost all markets, with Japan being the sole exception that we know of.

ah but you forget, psp exists, as basically a cheaper/personal alternative to the ps3, ESPECIALLY considering the massive 600$ launch price of the home console.

ps2 to ps3/psp is actually a 10 milion unit growth, while ps3/psp to ps4/vita is, currently, something around a 40% drop off. and this is just globally....

in japan, its even clearer, ps2 to ps3/psp was a Growth of a MASSIVE 50%. ps3/psp to ps4/vita is a 100% drop off, and if ps5 sells just a bit under the ps4, thats another 50% drop off....

If the PS4 in Japan as a whole is getting discontinued soon, Sony better hope that FFXVI is releasing soon otherwise they are gonna struggle hardwise in Japan.

PDiddy said:

6 Million dream is over guys:

Actually, no, where are 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st Dec of 2020?

HoangNhatAnh said:
PDiddy said:

6 Million dream is over guys:

Actually, no, where are 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st Dec of 2020?

I think they will be included in week 1 of 2021.

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