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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CD Projekt Red Apologizes For Hiding Base Console Performance- Offers Refunds


Will you be asking for a refund?

Yes 14 35.00%
No 26 65.00%

Will we ever see a "director's cut" of this game, with all the corners cut and missing contets restored and the dumbing down reversed, on top of bug fixing and optimisation that are just the strict necessary?
Or will the Witcher trilogy remain the high and glorious peak of their career, followed by a sudden, sad and inglorious downfall?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Alby_da_Wolf said:

Will we ever see a "director's cut" of this game, with all the corners cut and missing contets restored and the dumbing down reversed, on top of bug fixing and optimisation that are just the strict necessary?
Or will the Witcher trilogy remain the high and glorious peak of their career, followed by a sudden, sad and inglorious downfall?

Downfall? Cyberpunk has sold millions and has great reviews. You’re putting a bit too much stock into the faux outrage, and also greatly overestimating the effect the outrage will have on their future. There have been countless games launch with big issues and the studios turn out just fine. Look at Bethesda Game Studios. Look at BioWare. Look at numerous Ubisoft and EA studios. 

They could announce Witcher 4 next month and people will be extremely excited. 

How nice of them to apologize. They seem to be well behaved adults. :)

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

Will we ever see a "director's cut" of this game, with all the corners cut and missing contets restored and the dumbing down reversed, on top of bug fixing and optimisation that are just the strict necessary?
Or will the Witcher trilogy remain the high and glorious peak of their career, followed by a sudden, sad and inglorious downfall?

Downfall? Cyberpunk has sold millions and has great reviews. You’re putting a bit too much stock into the faux outrage, and also greatly overestimating the effect the outrage will have on their future. There have been countless games launch with big issues and the studios turn out just fine. Look at Bethesda Game Studios. Look at BioWare. Look at numerous Ubisoft and EA studios. 

They could announce Witcher 4 next month and people will be extremely excited. 

Faux outrage? How many times has it happened before that Sony de-listed a major AAA title a week after release, refunds for everyone.

Just like after TW3, CDPR will lose a lot of talent. They'll have to recruit new people for TW4 and it might never get near TW3. I also doubt people will be very excited if announced next month. Evolution studios did not recover however since CDPR has GoG as steady income, they're not going anywhere. At worst they become like Valve.

The downfall has already happened, the question is, can they climb back up and top TW3.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Seeing some feedback about the game and the bugs are a drop of water in a ocean. The AI in this game is like two gens behind, , the police system is the most horrible and broken i ever seen in a game like this. Didnt they played open world games like watch dogs and gta etc , this game is pike when you date a girl full of makeup , ita a beuty, you go home have some nice sex and then wake up and see her after shower without makeup and she scares the shit out of you.

Literally just rammed my bike into a traffic light and everyone 2 blocks down the street is doing this in unison...

All AI is basically attached to the same scripts/nodes, it's hilariously god awful. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Around the Network
LudicrousSpeed said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

Will we ever see a "director's cut" of this game, with all the corners cut and missing contets restored and the dumbing down reversed, on top of bug fixing and optimisation that are just the strict necessary?
Or will the Witcher trilogy remain the high and glorious peak of their career, followed by a sudden, sad and inglorious downfall?

Downfall? Cyberpunk has sold millions and has great reviews. You’re putting a bit too much stock into the faux outrage, and also greatly overestimating the effect the outrage will have on their future. There have been countless games launch with big issues and the studios turn out just fine. Look at Bethesda Game Studios. Look at BioWare. Look at numerous Ubisoft and EA studios. 

They could announce Witcher 4 next month and people will be extremely excited. 

But will their millions sold (subtract the ones bring returned as we speak) offset their insane 8 years of development on the game?

Wman1996 said:

Has anything like this happened in gaming before? The whole situation seems unprecedented.

Perhaps not quite to this scale, but Halo MCC had largely unplayable multiplayer for a good 5 months. If you found a game, it took half an hour. 

Took 5 months for a complete fix. They gave away Halo ODST for free the following year and honoured some refunds for about 2 weeks after the game launched. 

Dulfite said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Downfall? Cyberpunk has sold millions and has great reviews. You’re putting a bit too much stock into the faux outrage, and also greatly overestimating the effect the outrage will have on their future. There have been countless games launch with big issues and the studios turn out just fine. Look at Bethesda Game Studios. Look at BioWare. Look at numerous Ubisoft and EA studios. 

They could announce Witcher 4 next month and people will be extremely excited. 

But will their millions sold (subtract the ones bring returned as we speak) offset their insane 8 years of development on the game?

I doubt a majority of people will return the game, and it will continue to sell well into 2021 and when the next gen version comes out. There’s also merchandise, and it’s not like the game was in full on development with a full staff for those eight years.

Theyll be fine. Hell I think the deadline for refunds is tomorrow or Wednesday? 

dane007 said:

It's was as expected. Witcher 3 was buggy af at launch and now it's pretty good. Based on the scale of the game, it was very obvious the base console would be too weak to handle it. Should have been just next gen and pc,

Nope that wasnt the issue. The company didnt have good management of allocating time to ensure the game runs on base PS4 and XB1. They focused on making it run on next gen consoles.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

mZuzek said:

The game isn't in a perfect state, certainly not on consoles. It needs fixing, and it'll get fixing. It's common for open-world games, maybe not this common, but I've seen it before with games that were very warmly received (Skyrim or basically anything else Bethesda pulled out).

It getting removed by the PSN store, and all the statements made by CDPR, it's all in response to the massive outrage. The outrage happened because, well, it's 2020. How many stupid outrages have we seen at this point? It's just everyday on the internet nowadays. And unfortunately, what we have been seeing for a long time too, is that these outrages usually do have an effect. Companies are just too afraid of the bad PR that's so easy to spread nowadays.

I particularly hate how it's removal from the store is seen as a win by so many people. What, so taking away an option from the consumer is a good thing? There's gonna be loads of people who were gonna buy the game for christmas and now they can't. Maybe you can see that as a good thing in terms of punishing the game's developer, as it's a very financial punishment (they only care about finances anyway). But it's just not good for the consumer. Many people don't care about the bugs or performance issues on PS4 and just wanted to play it, now they can't.

I personally have a lot less empathy for the "average consumer" who buys a shitty product because they didn't know any better. Like, zero empathy. If you're putting your money on something, you better know about what you're buying.

It sucks it's your favorite game that broke the camel's back, but this shit storm has been a long time in the making. Just like you said, releasing broken/unfinished games has become the norm. People are fed up and hyper emotional from the crap we've been living through in the past year.

CDPR only threw gasoline on the fire with their ill stated apology. Things like, don't expect it to look like the high end PC version (doubt anyone expected that) and please give us a chance only made it worse. Then they said you can get a refund if you don't want to wait without informing any stores first. Sony got flooded with refund requests which is the reason why it was pulled from the store. Can't refund a working game, can't sell a broken one. MS can, but MS is always more flexible. Steam and EA store don't give a crap, no refunds. Brick and mortar stores are also completely inconsistent. You think that calms people down?

Then you have the die-hard defenders that jump on every complaint saying it runs fine for me, console trolls, console held the PC version back, old consoles can never run the game you should have known etc. This all adds more fuel to the fire, turning it from, the game sucks, move on, into fan bases going at it against each other. Console wars, console vs PC wars, PC elitists vs budget PC wars, Online store wars, GTA vs RPG lovers, it never ends.

CDPR created the perfect storm which blew their house of cards down. The most hotly anticipated, hyped up game in years. Most pre-ordered, desperately needed to get away from the world we're dealing with atm. Turns out to be based on lies, facilitated by glowing reviews from 'critics' and influencers all over. Bad timing when the whole world has reached the end of their patience.

As for you last paragraph, how exactly should the "average consumer" have known better when they literally have been told by pretty much everyone that the game is great and all issues will be fixed on release day. It's going to be a completely different game on release day.

Btw, you can still play it on PS4, it's called a physical edition.