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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trump Tests Positive for Coronavirus

sethnintendo said:
DarthMetalliCube said:
I'm not the biggest fan of the guy - but I've already seen some utterly sickening, evil replies in this thread. Have some decency. You may not agree with his rhetoric or policies, but he's not a dictator - he's an Authoritarian right wing populist. And the 200,000 deaths in the US (of which many of these deaths reportedly had other causes anyway) are not remotely his fault. I swear some of the stuff I read makes me disgusted to be a human.

So we are supposed to show respect to a person that deserves no respect.

forest-spirit said:
While I don't think it's completely ok to wish for Trump's death, I can understand why some react the way they do. Some, at least initially, doubted that he has tested positive at all and that this is just some kind of stunt, which is a bit sad but also a reflection of Trump's presidency. He's told so many lies during his time as president that it's no wonder that people doubt everything he says or does, even if it's something as serious as a Covid-19 infection.

People showing a lack of sympathy also comes as no surprise when you take into consideration just how disrespectful and flat out evil Trump has been during these years. Add his terrible management of the corona crisis, and the numerous tragedies that that has resulted in, to the mix and it's not that hard to understand why some people react the way they do.

(I mostly mean you in terms of the left in general here, not you specifically)

I guess you can say it's ok to be extremely negative towards Trump, in terms of yourself personally if that's how you truly view him, but the problem is how it reflects on your political stance and the party. For quite a while now, one of the big reasons to vote Dem or Lib was because they were truly seen as the good guys. The nice guys. The tolerant. The politically correct. I could go on. Trump has shown that's not the case across the Lib spectrum.

Now you can ask, 'how is anyone in their right mind supposed to be nice to the devil himself', but the problem with that is you're way over exaggerating his faults, while also not understanding you're not expected to always be perfectly nice. Over doing it while being negative about Trump makes you look dishonest or that you don't fully understand. You also surely could be upset about him, but there's a line you just don't cross if you're truly the good guys, and that line get's crossed way to often anymore.

This leads people to believe you're no better than the 'orange devil'. If you're willing to stoop that low, by your own labelling and accord, then you're likely just as bad. Considering this has gone on as long as it has, it seemingly proves that the Dems in general are only the good guys when they're getting their way, but when they aren't, they're intolerant and politically incorrect. For people who've dealt with kids, this can't help but remind them of spoiled children. They're super nice and great when they're getting their way, but as soon as things go against their wishes, no matter how legit, they throw a tantrum and will cause havoc until they get what they want, or until you lay down the law. Trump can also at times act childish, but it doesn't seem as bad because the left just follows suit when he does. They don't rise above and prove how elite they claim to be.

What about Trump and his faults which he doesn't even hide? That's on purpose. He set that standard. That's what you're supposed to expect from him. Whether or not you agree with any of it, he's upfront about it. The Dems still try to act like they're the tolerant good guys, but Trump get's them to take off the mask all the time. People don't like feeling or knowing they've been had. They don't like finding out they're being manipulated either. If people in general have to choose though, knowing they're getting screwed regardless, they'd rather be able to see it at the surface rather than not be able to tell at all. People would obviously like for everything to be up front and legit, but that's not how politics has worked for a long time, if entirely ever.

The only thing I've seen that's quite negative but sorta worthy, are the points about hoping he pulls through so he can go to jail, if you think he should that is. This is because it's about justice through the system. Civilized and something all citizens agree to for the most part. No hate, no bias, just facts and the judgement of your peers.

Everyone's free to say what they want within reason, but everyone is also free to interpret what you say. "Be careful what you wish for".

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FarleyMcFirefly said:
I joined twitter about a month ago strictly for entertainment (music, movies, videogames), but could not escape politics... People making absolutely everything political and spewing hatred. It is a disgusting cesspool of hateful comments. I have been on this site for 7 years and honestly, have seen some things, but never so much hatred for topics around Trump.

Here are my thoughts:
-The people who are spewing hate are no better than the man they claim is evil.
-People are skewed on both sides by the mainstream media. They do not even know they have been brainwashed. If there is a number 1 enemy, it is the mainstream media (Yes, I mean both liberal and conservative backed sites). They thrive off of division and hatred.
-I honestly do not believe Trump is this all evil person that everyone claims he is; if he was this evil dictator, there would be mass censorship on his end, people wouldn't have the freedom to protest or even say the disgusting things about him that they do. On the reverse, he is obviously not perfect. I wish he could be more blunt but have bedside manner at the same time (it is possible).

-If we were all played a montage of solely everything that we have said or done that was wrong or that we regret, we would look and sound like evil people (which is all that the media does to candidates on both sides). So before spouting hatred, do some soul searching.
-How someone can place the Covid deaths on Trump just doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. The whole world was slow to act. The whole world has been affected. If you want a group to blame, there are at least 2 that come before Trump: The Communist Party of China for lying to the world, followed by the World Health Organization who echoed those lies, which lead to the world's slow response.
-If you truly think Trump is evil, fighting back with hatred will only create more hatred. Never has evil been ever to triumph over evil.

That is the end of my sermon. I'm sorry but I just don't want to see this site become a smaller version of Twitter. Maybe I've just been ignorant to it all this time and it always has been. I view it as a place where people of all backgrounds can come together on one of the few things that can actually unite us.

Stay safe, and lay your weapons down. We are all in this together (coming from a Canadian).

Got to disagree on many points here...

The people who are spewing hate are no better than the man they claim is evil.

I don't think hating something in and of itself is bad. Some people deserve hatred. 

I never put unqualified son in law in a position of authority in dealing with a pandemic when he had zero qualifications. Nor did I contradict my public health experts as recently as three days ago regarding best practices to avoid spreading a plague. I also didn't go to a fundraising event and take no precautions despite knowing that it was very likely someone I was in close contact with had a deadly disease. I didn't go on record discussing how dangerous a disease was and then tell the public something different. Never ran a fraudulent university. Never grabbed a woman by the pussy without her consent or bragged about doing so. Never encouraged violence against people protesting me at a rally. Never lost a lawsuit for discriminating against black applicants to buildings I owned. Never tried to make it more difficult for people to vote during a pandemic or promoted conspiracy theories that had been denounced by my FBI director. Never attacked someone by bringing up their child's struggles with drug addiction. Never attacked a political rival's wife. Never publicly shamed a woman for gaining weight. Never lied about Muslims having huge celebrations on 9/11. Never mocked a disabled reporter. Never mocked a political rival for coming down with pneumonia. Never attacked political rivals solely based on their country of origin. Never said that someone wasn't a war hero because they were tortured in a pow camp. I never suggested that a recently deceased Congressmen might be in hell. 

So... I dunno. I sort of don't think hating Trump makes me as bad as him. I think you'll have a lot of trouble backing that up.

I honestly do not believe Trump is this all evil person that everyone claims he is; if he was this evil dictator, there would be mass censorship on his end, people wouldn't have the freedom to protest or even say the disgusting things about him that they do. On the reverse, he is obviously not perfect. I wish he could be more blunt but have bedside manner at the same time (it is possible).

Simply not true. Trump really has no way to silence people on a massive scale because our system has protections against that. He's certainly called for many critics to be fired, called for boycotts of brands that spoke against him, and tried to use an executive order to prevent Twitter from disputing things he claims to be facts. 

Trump is not a dictator, but he really couldn't be because of the institutions of our nation and the checks on presidential power. I can't say how far he'd go if he did have absolute power, but then neither can you. 

How someone can place the Covid deaths on Trump just doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. The whole world was slow to act. The whole world has been affected. If you want a group to blame, there are at least 2 that come before Trump: The Communist Party of China for lying to the world, followed by the World Health Organization who echoed those lies, which lead to the world's slow response.

See above. We know Trump lied constantly about the threat, argued against his own expert's opinions, put unqualified people in charge of the response, and directly participated in events with an utter disregard for whether they were safe even AFTER knowing he was in contact with someone who had the virus. 

There's plenty of blame to go around, but Trump's actions give more than enough reason to hate him.

If you truly think Trump is evil, fighting back with hatred will only create more hatred. Never has evil been ever to triumph over evil.

Well, we really hated nazis. We hated them so much that started killing them. Like, not even when they came here, we hated them enough to travel across the ocean to kill them. That's some world class hatred. And, while our actions weren't perfect, I think that hatred ultimately served the world really well. 

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 03 October 2020

EricHiggin said:
sethnintendo said:

So we are supposed to show respect to a person that deserves no respect.

forest-spirit said:
While I don't think it's completely ok to wish for Trump's death, I can understand why some react the way they do. Some, at least initially, doubted that he has tested positive at all and that this is just some kind of stunt, which is a bit sad but also a reflection of Trump's presidency. He's told so many lies during his time as president that it's no wonder that people doubt everything he says or does, even if it's something as serious as a Covid-19 infection.

People showing a lack of sympathy also comes as no surprise when you take into consideration just how disrespectful and flat out evil Trump has been during these years. Add his terrible management of the corona crisis, and the numerous tragedies that that has resulted in, to the mix and it's not that hard to understand why some people react the way they do.

(I mostly mean you in terms of the left in general here, not you specifically)

I guess you can say it's ok to be extremely negative towards Trump, in terms of yourself personally if that's how you truly view him, but the problem is how it reflects on your political stance and the party. For quite a while now, one of the big reasons to vote Dem or Lib was because they were truly seen as the good guys. The nice guys. The tolerant. The politically correct. I could go on. Trump has shown that's not the case across the Lib spectrum.

Now you can ask, 'how is anyone in their right mind supposed to be nice to the devil himself', but the problem with that is you're way over exaggerating his faults, while also not understanding you're not expected to always be perfectly nice. Over doing it while being negative about Trump makes you look dishonest or that you don't fully understand. You also surely could be upset about him, but there's a line you just don't cross if you're truly the good guys, and that line get's crossed way to often anymore.

This leads people to believe you're no better than the 'orange devil'. If you're willing to stoop that low, by your own labelling and accord, then you're likely just as bad. Considering this has gone on as long as it has, it seemingly proves that the Dems in general are only the good guys when they're getting their way, but when they aren't, they're intolerant and politically incorrect. For people who've dealt with kids, this can't help but remind them of spoiled children. They're super nice and great when they're getting their way, but as soon as things go against their wishes, no matter how legit, they throw a tantrum and will cause havoc until they get what they want, or until you lay down the law. Trump can also at times act childish, but it doesn't seem as bad because the left just follows suit when he does. They don't rise above and prove how elite they claim to be.

What about Trump and his faults which he doesn't even hide? That's on purpose. He set that standard. That's what you're supposed to expect from him. Whether or not you agree with any of it, he's upfront about it. The Dems still try to act like they're the tolerant good guys, but Trump get's them to take off the mask all the time. People don't like feeling or knowing they've been had. They don't like finding out they're being manipulated either. If people in general have to choose though, knowing they're getting screwed regardless, they'd rather be able to see it at the surface rather than not be able to tell at all. People would obviously like for everything to be up front and legit, but that's not how politics has worked for a long time, if entirely ever.

The only thing I've seen that's quite negative but sorta worthy, are the points about hoping he pulls through so he can go to jail, if you think he should that is. This is because it's about justice through the system. Civilized and something all citizens agree to for the most part. No hate, no bias, just facts and the judgement of your peers.

Everyone's free to say what they want within reason, but everyone is also free to interpret what you say. "Be careful what you wish for".

Nah, fuck that. 

Don't think the left ever portrayed themselves like that. Tolerance means not hating people for things that they cannot control (race, gender expression, nationality) or the way they choose to live their life insofar as it does not hurt anyone else. Doesn't mean that when people do terrible things we have to say "thank you sir, may I have another".

Don't think the left ever claimed to be Ghandi. We're human. We get angry because that's a natural thing humans do. And sometimes, we hate people, particularly when they do terrible things. If we can't live up to the ridiculous double standard you're setting up here, oh well.

RolStoppable said:
Trump is so cool.

So this is your prediction


Hiku said:
JWeinCom said:

N95 masks work for personal protection, but they allow you to breathe out freely. So, if you're infected they're of little value to anyone else. Like I said, I went to visit my grandma in the hospital the other day and they wouldn't let me in with an N-95. There's also an issue of availability. Saying everyone needs an N-95 may send the message that any other mask is worthless, and that if you can't get an N-95 you might as well not bother, which is not the case.

People wearing shitty masks, or not wearing them properly is a problem... but that's kind of step two. First you have to focus on getting everyone to wear a mask, which, thanks in no small part to Trump, is a huge hurdle. Once they're on board with that, you can get them to focus on the right kind of masks.

As for never wishing death upon anyone... I disagree. If someone is actively a threat to other people, and them living will cause others to die, I think it's best that that person dies. Whether or not you think that applies here is another issue. 

N95 surgical masks primarily protect other people from the wearer.

They are the most effective when everyone wears them.
But they only prevent 95% of particles from passing through.

The main issue with N95 masks protecting you is that there is leakage on the sides as they're not designed to have a tight fit, and they don't protect your eyes.
N95 respirators are a bit better at protecting the wearer since they have a very tight fit, but a face shield or something to protect the eyes would also be important.

I was thinking of the kind of N-95 with a valve which is typically what I wear... but you are indeed correct. The valve versions are less effective at protecting others I believe, but I'm sure a lot better than nothing. 

Diagram is good. Although, I'd question the 0% part. Might be a slight exaggeration. 

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Hiku said:
JWeinCom said:

Although, I'd question the 0% part. Might be a slight exaggeration. 

It is. Take all the numbers there with a grain of salt, but it's a decent picture of the general idea.

Even if it's half as effective, it'd still be worth it. People are challenging the idea that viruses can travel through exhaled air. It's on par with the flat earth movement.

JWeinCom said:
EricHiggin said:

(I mostly mean you in terms of the left in general here, not you specifically)

I guess you can say it's ok to be extremely negative towards Trump, in terms of yourself personally if that's how you truly view him, but the problem is how it reflects on your political stance and the party. For quite a while now, one of the big reasons to vote Dem or Lib was because they were truly seen as the good guys. The nice guys. The tolerant. The politically correct. I could go on. Trump has shown that's not the case across the Lib spectrum.

Now you can ask, 'how is anyone in their right mind supposed to be nice to the devil himself', but the problem with that is you're way over exaggerating his faults, while also not understanding you're not expected to always be perfectly nice. Over doing it while being negative about Trump makes you look dishonest or that you don't fully understand. You also surely could be upset about him, but there's a line you just don't cross if you're truly the good guys, and that line get's crossed way to often anymore.

This leads people to believe you're no better than the 'orange devil'. If you're willing to stoop that low, by your own labelling and accord, then you're likely just as bad. Considering this has gone on as long as it has, it seemingly proves that the Dems in general are only the good guys when they're getting their way, but when they aren't, they're intolerant and politically incorrect. For people who've dealt with kids, this can't help but remind them of spoiled children. They're super nice and great when they're getting their way, but as soon as things go against their wishes, no matter how legit, they throw a tantrum and will cause havoc until they get what they want, or until you lay down the law. Trump can also at times act childish, but it doesn't seem as bad because the left just follows suit when he does. They don't rise above and prove how elite they claim to be.

What about Trump and his faults which he doesn't even hide? That's on purpose. He set that standard. That's what you're supposed to expect from him. Whether or not you agree with any of it, he's upfront about it. The Dems still try to act like they're the tolerant good guys, but Trump get's them to take off the mask all the time. People don't like feeling or knowing they've been had. They don't like finding out they're being manipulated either. If people in general have to choose though, knowing they're getting screwed regardless, they'd rather be able to see it at the surface rather than not be able to tell at all. People would obviously like for everything to be up front and legit, but that's not how politics has worked for a long time, if entirely ever.

The only thing I've seen that's quite negative but sorta worthy, are the points about hoping he pulls through so he can go to jail, if you think he should that is. This is because it's about justice through the system. Civilized and something all citizens agree to for the most part. No hate, no bias, just facts and the judgement of your peers.

Everyone's free to say what they want within reason, but everyone is also free to interpret what you say. "Be careful what you wish for".

Nah, fuck that. 

Don't think the left ever portrayed themselves like that. Tolerance means not hating people for things that they cannot control (race, gender expression, nationality) or the way they choose to live their life insofar as it does not hurt anyone else. Doesn't mean that when people do terrible things we have to say "thank you sir, may I have another".

Don't think the left ever claimed to be Ghandi. We're human. We get angry because that's a natural thing humans do. And sometimes, we hate people, particularly when they do terrible things. If we can't live up to the ridiculous double standard you're setting up here, oh well.

I said the left wasn't expected to be perfectly nice based on what they set as standard. There's room in there for positivity and negativity, but there is a line at the lower end of negativity that's frowned upon or worse if crossed.

I've often since Trump seen the saying thrown around of, "if the left didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any at all". Now while there's some truth to this, it's not entirely true. It also doesn't only apply to the left. The right, like with Mitch recently about SCOTUS, also have that flaw.

I didn't write all that to jab anyone, I wrote it constructively. The only way people better themselves is to reflect on their flaws, make necessary changes, and move on. This goes for everyone, including Trump. Problem with Trump is trying to teach an old dog new tricks is tough enough, especially when the dog is more like a lion.

If you disagree that's fine. It doesn't encompass everyone as I pointed out from my point of view.

Hiku said:
JWeinCom said:

Even if it's half as effective, it'd still be worth it. People are challenging the idea that viruses can travel through exhaled air. It's on par with the flat earth movement.

I read a study that said if everyone wore a mask, this would essentially be done in 2-3 months.
But no, people need to be 'free', and 'think for themselves'.

Think what exactly? Who knows. Something about Bill Gates microchips, G5 towers and government control.

Government controls the water we drink, we have two way screens pointed at us constantly, post every thought we have on the internet, but this is how they're going to get us.

A few miles from me they decided to show support for Trump by gathering with no masks or distancing. The level of stupidity is simply unbelievable.

Hiku said:


There's a difference between attacking a celebrity, and attacking a forum member.
The celebrity will never read your comment here. But the forum members you tell to burn in hell will. So we take the latter more seriously.

Some people consider Trump responsible for thousands of avoidable deaths. (Whether you agree or not.) But no one thinks any forum member is responsible for any such atrocities.

So please keep this in mind.

Celebrities are people too. We shouldn't be hating anybody. Hate begets hate. It starts with a forum post, but what does it end with? We have to take a middle road here: If Trump is responsible, are the state governors not also responsible? Are the local governments not also responsible? 

No he hasn't handled this pandemic perfectly, but if we blame him for everything wrong, then we should also praise him for everything good that has happened in the last 4 years. It's just not reasonable. 


JWeinCom said:

FarleyMcFirefly said:
I joined twitter about a month ago strictly for entertainment (music, movies, videogames), but could not escape politics... People making absolutely everything political and spewing hatred. It is a disgusting cesspool of hateful comments. I have been on this site for 7 years and honestly, have seen some things, but never so much hatred for topics around Trump.

Here are my thoughts:
-The people who are spewing hate are no better than the man they claim is evil.
-People are skewed on both sides by the mainstream media. They do not even know they have been brainwashed. If there is a number 1 enemy, it is the mainstream media (Yes, I mean both liberal and conservative backed sites). They thrive off of division and hatred.
-I honestly do not believe Trump is this all evil person that everyone claims he is; if he was this evil dictator, there would be mass censorship on his end, people wouldn't have the freedom to protest or even say the disgusting things about him that they do. On the reverse, he is obviously not perfect. I wish he could be more blunt but have bedside manner at the same time (it is possible).

-If we were all played a montage of solely everything that we have said or done that was wrong or that we regret, we would look and sound like evil people (which is all that the media does to candidates on both sides). So before spouting hatred, do some soul searching.
-How someone can place the Covid deaths on Trump just doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. The whole world was slow to act. The whole world has been affected. If you want a group to blame, there are at least 2 that come before Trump: The Communist Party of China for lying to the world, followed by the World Health Organization who echoed those lies, which lead to the world's slow response.
-If you truly think Trump is evil, fighting back with hatred will only create more hatred. Never has evil been ever to triumph over evil.

That is the end of my sermon. I'm sorry but I just don't want to see this site become a smaller version of Twitter. Maybe I've just been ignorant to it all this time and it always has been. I view it as a place where people of all backgrounds can come together on one of the few things that can actually unite us.

Stay safe, and lay your weapons down. We are all in this together (coming from a Canadian).

Got to disagree on many points here...

The people who are spewing hate are no better than the man they claim is evil.

I don't think hating something in and of itself is bad. Some people deserve hatred. 

I never put unqualified son in law in a position of authority in dealing with a pandemic when he had zero qualifications. Nor did I contradict my public health experts as recently as three days ago regarding best practices to avoid spreading a plague. I also didn't go to a fundraising event and take no precautions despite knowing that it was very likely someone I was in close contact with had a deadly disease. I didn't go on record discussing how dangerous a disease was and then tell the public something different. Never ran a fraudulent university. Never grabbed a woman by the pussy without her consent or bragged about doing so. Never encouraged violence against people protesting me at a rally. Never lost a lawsuit for discriminating against black applicants to buildings I owned. Never tried to make it more difficult for people to vote during a pandemic or promoted conspiracy theories that had been denounced by my FBI director. Never attacked someone by bringing up their child's struggles with drug addiction. Never attacked a political rival's wife. Never publicly shamed a woman for gaining weight. Never lied about Muslims having huge celebrations on 9/11. Never mocked a disabled reporter. Never mocked a political rival for coming down with pneumonia. Never attacked political rivals solely based on their country of origin. Never said that someone wasn't a war hero because they were tortured in a pow camp. I never suggested that a recently deceased Congressmen might be in hell. 

So... I dunno. I sort of don't think hating Trump makes me as bad as him. I think you'll have a lot of trouble backing that up.

I honestly do not believe Trump is this all evil person that everyone claims he is; if he was this evil dictator, there would be mass censorship on his end, people wouldn't have the freedom to protest or even say the disgusting things about him that they do. On the reverse, he is obviously not perfect. I wish he could be more blunt but have bedside manner at the same time (it is possible).

Simply not true. Trump really has no way to silence people on a massive scale because our system has protections against that. He's certainly called for many critics to be fired, called for boycotts of brands that spoke against him, and tried to use an executive order to prevent Twitter from disputing things he claims to be facts. 

Trump is not a dictator, but he really couldn't be because of the institutions of our nation and the checks on presidential power. I can't say how far he'd go if he did have absolute power, but then neither can you. 

How someone can place the Covid deaths on Trump just doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. The whole world was slow to act. The whole world has been affected. If you want a group to blame, there are at least 2 that come before Trump: The Communist Party of China for lying to the world, followed by the World Health Organization who echoed those lies, which lead to the world's slow response.

See above. We know Trump lied constantly about the threat, argued against his own expert's opinions, put unqualified people in charge of the response, and directly participated in events with an utter disregard for whether they were safe even AFTER knowing he was in contact with someone who had the virus. 

There's plenty of blame to go around, but Trump's actions give more than enough reason to hate him.

If you truly think Trump is evil, fighting back with hatred will only create more hatred. Never has evil been ever to triumph over evil.

Well, we really hated nazis. We hated them so much that started killing them. Like, not even when they came here, we hated them enough to travel across the ocean to kill them. That's some world class hatred. And, while our actions weren't perfect, I think that hatred ultimately served the world really well. 

No, hate in and of itself is bad. It is okay to be angry. It is okay to be frustrated. But to hate? That is when we start to lose our humanity. 
You can look at it that Trump lied, but you can also look at it that Trump truly did not want to panic people. I mean, I was panicking and made a stupid thread back when this thing started. Going crazy over toilet paper. Imagine if Trump panicked everybody? People tend to do stupid things when they panic, when they are overly emotional, when they are filled with hate. 

Try taking a middle road. Yes, there is true evil in this world. Yes, Nazism was evil. 
But violence is only acceptable under one condition: self defense. That is what I believe. That is what I believe the military is for. 
