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sethnintendo said:
DarthMetalliCube said:
I'm not the biggest fan of the guy - but I've already seen some utterly sickening, evil replies in this thread. Have some decency. You may not agree with his rhetoric or policies, but he's not a dictator - he's an Authoritarian right wing populist. And the 200,000 deaths in the US (of which many of these deaths reportedly had other causes anyway) are not remotely his fault. I swear some of the stuff I read makes me disgusted to be a human.

So we are supposed to show respect to a person that deserves no respect.

forest-spirit said:
While I don't think it's completely ok to wish for Trump's death, I can understand why some react the way they do. Some, at least initially, doubted that he has tested positive at all and that this is just some kind of stunt, which is a bit sad but also a reflection of Trump's presidency. He's told so many lies during his time as president that it's no wonder that people doubt everything he says or does, even if it's something as serious as a Covid-19 infection.

People showing a lack of sympathy also comes as no surprise when you take into consideration just how disrespectful and flat out evil Trump has been during these years. Add his terrible management of the corona crisis, and the numerous tragedies that that has resulted in, to the mix and it's not that hard to understand why some people react the way they do.

(I mostly mean you in terms of the left in general here, not you specifically)

I guess you can say it's ok to be extremely negative towards Trump, in terms of yourself personally if that's how you truly view him, but the problem is how it reflects on your political stance and the party. For quite a while now, one of the big reasons to vote Dem or Lib was because they were truly seen as the good guys. The nice guys. The tolerant. The politically correct. I could go on. Trump has shown that's not the case across the Lib spectrum.

Now you can ask, 'how is anyone in their right mind supposed to be nice to the devil himself', but the problem with that is you're way over exaggerating his faults, while also not understanding you're not expected to always be perfectly nice. Over doing it while being negative about Trump makes you look dishonest or that you don't fully understand. You also surely could be upset about him, but there's a line you just don't cross if you're truly the good guys, and that line get's crossed way to often anymore.

This leads people to believe you're no better than the 'orange devil'. If you're willing to stoop that low, by your own labelling and accord, then you're likely just as bad. Considering this has gone on as long as it has, it seemingly proves that the Dems in general are only the good guys when they're getting their way, but when they aren't, they're intolerant and politically incorrect. For people who've dealt with kids, this can't help but remind them of spoiled children. They're super nice and great when they're getting their way, but as soon as things go against their wishes, no matter how legit, they throw a tantrum and will cause havoc until they get what they want, or until you lay down the law. Trump can also at times act childish, but it doesn't seem as bad because the left just follows suit when he does. They don't rise above and prove how elite they claim to be.

What about Trump and his faults which he doesn't even hide? That's on purpose. He set that standard. That's what you're supposed to expect from him. Whether or not you agree with any of it, he's upfront about it. The Dems still try to act like they're the tolerant good guys, but Trump get's them to take off the mask all the time. People don't like feeling or knowing they've been had. They don't like finding out they're being manipulated either. If people in general have to choose though, knowing they're getting screwed regardless, they'd rather be able to see it at the surface rather than not be able to tell at all. People would obviously like for everything to be up front and legit, but that's not how politics has worked for a long time, if entirely ever.

The only thing I've seen that's quite negative but sorta worthy, are the points about hoping he pulls through so he can go to jail, if you think he should that is. This is because it's about justice through the system. Civilized and something all citizens agree to for the most part. No hate, no bias, just facts and the judgement of your peers.

Everyone's free to say what they want within reason, but everyone is also free to interpret what you say. "Be careful what you wish for".