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Hiku said:
JWeinCom said:

N95 masks work for personal protection, but they allow you to breathe out freely. So, if you're infected they're of little value to anyone else. Like I said, I went to visit my grandma in the hospital the other day and they wouldn't let me in with an N-95. There's also an issue of availability. Saying everyone needs an N-95 may send the message that any other mask is worthless, and that if you can't get an N-95 you might as well not bother, which is not the case.

People wearing shitty masks, or not wearing them properly is a problem... but that's kind of step two. First you have to focus on getting everyone to wear a mask, which, thanks in no small part to Trump, is a huge hurdle. Once they're on board with that, you can get them to focus on the right kind of masks.

As for never wishing death upon anyone... I disagree. If someone is actively a threat to other people, and them living will cause others to die, I think it's best that that person dies. Whether or not you think that applies here is another issue. 

N95 surgical masks primarily protect other people from the wearer.

They are the most effective when everyone wears them.
But they only prevent 95% of particles from passing through.

The main issue with N95 masks protecting you is that there is leakage on the sides as they're not designed to have a tight fit, and they don't protect your eyes.
N95 respirators are a bit better at protecting the wearer since they have a very tight fit, but a face shield or something to protect the eyes would also be important.

I was thinking of the kind of N-95 with a valve which is typically what I wear... but you are indeed correct. The valve versions are less effective at protecting others I believe, but I'm sure a lot better than nothing. 

Diagram is good. Although, I'd question the 0% part. Might be a slight exaggeration.