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Forums - Movies & TV - Netflix Loses Millions of Subscriptions Over Controversial Film, "Cuties" For Sexploiting Children

Americans are so stupid.
This is why China will take the lead soon.

All faggots who says the film it's just child porn, it's disgusting, 100% nobody have seen it.
I'm French, i have seen the film, and the result ? the film fights all the controversies that people try to force on it.

Continue to ridicule yourself, between this kind of unnecessary bullshit and your catastrophic fight against the Covid which is 10 * more zero than that of France when my government was totally incompetent, I wish you good luck, and no, God will help you not, it's not your quarry spitting on the camera that will heal you.

User was banned for this post- JWeincom

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 15 September 2020

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Coolback said:

Americans are so stupid.
This is why China will take the lead soon.

All faggots who says the film it's just child porn, it's disgusting, 100% nobody have seen it.
I'm French, i have seen the film, and the result ? the film fights all the controversies that people try to force on it.

Continue to ridicule yourself, between this kind of unnecessary bullshit and your catastrophic fight against the Covid which is 10 * more zero than that of France when my government was totally incompetent, I wish you good luck, and no, God will help you not, it's not your quarry spitting on the camera that will heal you.

You sound like a reasonable and mentally healthy individual. Have a nice day.

Well deserved backlash, I still can't believe they thought any of this was a good idea. I'm so happy I've never bought any Netflix subscription.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

I'm mostly pretty openminded on different views and i try to understand how others think but movies like these are a slippery slope into true corruption of our social standards, sell everything,sell morals.
I feel very protective for my family,and my sister her daughter experienced sexual abuse mostly because of the neglect of her dad and because of step brother and these kind of movies can be an incentive to trigger that kind of behaviour or to validate it.

shikamaru317 said:
sundin13 said:

Wouldn't most of the issues people have with Cuties still be acceptable under those rules? 

Nope, because the girls in Cuties are all 11, much younger than the 15yo minimum I proposed for sexually suggestive scenes in film and television. The movie has 11 year old girls twerking in a dance competition with the camera zooming in between their spread legs in some scenes, an 11 year old girl stealing a phone to take a picture of her own vajajay and post it online, an 11 year old girl exposing her breast to the camera, 11 year old girls twerking for 2 adult male security guards to get past them, among several other highly controversial scenes. 

Okay, your definition of "sexually suggestive" was a lot wider than I had thought. I feel like widening the definition that much would create issues with both artistic expression and self-expression for young girls, which can create an overly prudish environment that too can be harmful, but I'm not sure how much I really want to debate this topic...

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I’ll just stick with Avatar, Korra, Mr. Iglesias, and The Last Dance and pretend the film doesn’t even exist.

KManX89 said:

Lawmakers from BOTH parties are pursuing criminal charges against Netflix for distributing the film.

I don't know what this means.

shikamaru317 said:
Ultr said:
People hate cancel culture but THIS IS cancel culture. YOU dont watch the movie but you HATE and Cancel it because of what IS SAID BY SOMEONE ELSE.

I am usually against cancel culture, because 9 times out of 10 it's people trying to cancel someone over allegations, instead of actual facts (just look what happened to poor Johnny Depp due to cancel culture, everybody believed Amber Heard at first, until Johnny presented evidence that Amber was in fact abusing him, including a recording of her admitting to hitting him). There are also people that try to cancel others over their personal beliefs, political or otherwise, which also isn't ok. 

However, this is one of the very rare cases where cancel culture is 100% acceptable. Netflix isn't facing mere accusations of wrongdoing here, the movie is released and the scenes in the movie are absolutely terrible, I'm not going to post them here and break forum rules, but you can go find them yourself pretty easily. Suffice it to say the movie has numerous highly controversial scenes, including one which could be described as actual child pornography (an 11 year old girl showing her breast).

Yeah sure, you must have been one of the guys outraged by SIA's Elastic Heart.

Thats why cancel culture actually exists.

Must be an american thing, because I just watched those scenes, and .... all that outrage for that? sheeeesh

Ultr said:
shikamaru317 said:

I am usually against cancel culture, because 9 times out of 10 it's people trying to cancel someone over allegations, instead of actual facts (just look what happened to poor Johnny Depp due to cancel culture, everybody believed Amber Heard at first, until Johnny presented evidence that Amber was in fact abusing him, including a recording of her admitting to hitting him). There are also people that try to cancel others over their personal beliefs, political or otherwise, which also isn't ok. 

However, this is one of the very rare cases where cancel culture is 100% acceptable. Netflix isn't facing mere accusations of wrongdoing here, the movie is released and the scenes in the movie are absolutely terrible, I'm not going to post them here and break forum rules, but you can go find them yourself pretty easily. Suffice it to say the movie has numerous highly controversial scenes, including one which could be described as actual child pornography (an 11 year old girl showing her breast).

Yeah sure, you must have been one of the guys outraged by SIA's Elastic Heart.

Thats why cancel culture actually exists.

Must be an american thing, because I just watched those scenes, and .... all that outrage for that? sheeeesh

Partly everything is blind outrage but criticism is justified for this instance imo, it is not how you feel about it but how it can be percieved.

Coolback said:

I'm French, i have seen the film, and the result ? the film fights all the controversies that people try to force on it.

LOL, no, it doesn't do that at all. You have frequent zoomed-in crotch and ass shots of 11-year-old girls twerking, floor-humping, ass-grabbing, boob-flashing, DP-sending in sports bras. At one point, a man even gives a blank stare like he's turned on by them, very subtle. I don't know what you French call that, but here in America, we call that pedophilia. 

Calling this film a commentary against sexualization of kids is like calling Texas Chainsaw Massacre (or any slasher movie) a commentary against hyper violence or Saw/Hostel a commentary against torture. Sorry, but that shit wouldn't fly with anyone for OBVIOUS reasons. 

Enjoy the ban hammer BTW.