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Which was better?

DS 62 65.96%
PSP 32 34.04%
Conina said:
d21lewis said:

Same. I bought motion comics from the store and soooo many digital comics. System was so ahead of its time. Even now, I can only read comics digitally with that panel to panel view.

I never read "normal" comics (no animations, no sound) on my PSP, but the MGS Digital Novel was awesome:

View on YouTube

Still don't know why they canceled the PSP release of the second MGS novel although it was finished:

View on YouTube

Nowadays I often read digital comics on my iPad and thanks to the high resolution yo don't even need the panel-by-panel view anymore.

Same (on my Galaxy Tab). I like panel-by-panel because it hides the "big reveal" until it's time to see it. I tend to look at the entire page by accident and then know what's coming.

Another thing about PSP is that it made me become a pirate. I had so many movies and do much music on that thing. I learned how to download using the PS3 browser and eventually how to change formats of video. 

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According to my VGC profile I have 110 DS games and 24 PSP games (all of them purchased on my own, most at full price).

PSP was pretty good but no handheld not named Switch comes close to the DS.

Cerebralbore101 said:
d21lewis said:
I think the biggest drawback for the original DS was that it did 3D gaming but it didn't do it nearly as well as the PSP. Lots of games, while still good, were 2D or 2.5D. I constantly found myself looking for a graphical showcase and too often found myself with underwhelming games like GoldenEye. Its strengths were creative game design and accessibility.

I championed the DS for years and I guess it deserved to beat the PSP in sales. I'm glad it did, actually. I hated Sony's arrogance. But when I got that PSP, my whole world changed.

I understand where you are coming from, but I think we've all gotta remember what the landscape was like back then. In 2004-2005 the PSP was a handheld that cost more than most consoles. Today's comparison would be a GDP Win 2 for a whopping $740. The fact that PSP sold at all, at the $250 price point, back in the early days blew my mind.

Most people at the time expected the PSP to sell even at the higher price point. In fact, a lot of them expected the PSP to beat the DS purely on the strength of the PlayStation brand, which at that time was considered invincible coming off of the PS2 outselling both of its competitors combined nearly 4:1. Not to mention the multimedia capabilities and Grand Theft Auto. Pundits saw the price difference between the DS and the PSP as a case of "you get what you pay for."

Nintendo itself was worried that the PSP would win and knock Nintendo out of the hardware market completely. The DS got a lukewarm critical reception at first and Nintendo kept insisting that the DS was a separate product line that would be sold concurrently with the Game Boy line, not a replacement for the Game Boy line. They kept saying that a direct successor to the GBA would be released. Then the DS took off thanks to NSMB, Mario Kart DS, Brain Age, Nintendogs, and Pokemon D/P/Pt. 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 24 May 2020

PSP, best handheld ever.

Cerebralbore101 said:
d21lewis said:
I think the biggest drawback for the original DS was that it did 3D gaming but it didn't do it nearly as well as the PSP. Lots of games, while still good, were 2D or 2.5D. I constantly found myself looking for a graphical showcase and too often found myself with underwhelming games like GoldenEye. Its strengths were creative game design and accessibility.

I championed the DS for years and I guess it deserved to beat the PSP in sales. I'm glad it did, actually. I hated Sony's arrogance. But when I got that PSP, my whole world changed.

I understand where you are coming from, but I think we've all gotta remember what the landscape was like back then. In 2004-2005 the PSP was a handheld that cost more than most consoles. Today's comparison would be a GDP Win 2 for a whopping $740. The fact that PSP sold at all, at the $250 price point, back in the early days blew my mind.

Funny thing is there was a more powerful mobile chip and cheaper to produce than what was in PSP. Dreamcast on the chip which was the DC specs doubled and could push more PPS than PSP. 5-6 million PPS. PSP was around 2MPPS real-time performance. Sony back then loved their own tech however.

That was also the time period Sony loved to throw way out there numbers that were not realistic. 60 million PPS for PS2 (lol no) and 35M for PSP and again lol no.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Pretty close to a 2:1 split in the polls so far, which is in line with the real world sales split.

As in the console space in the same gen, a case of breakout software and an appealing new interface trumping graphics and features.

Still, again as in the console space, there was a lot of merit to both approaches.