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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Outer World game design are held back by PS4 and Xbox One , another prove that Next gen will be held back by current gen if games are made for cross gen

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Cross gen games will held... 9 52.94%
Yes it suck to have cross... 6 35.29%
I don't care because the ... 1 5.88%
i don't agree with game d... 1 5.88%
HollyGamer said:
Azzanation said:

You need to play games like Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 4 to prove you have nothing to worry about. Those games are Game Pass games.

Well both are great games because it was made for current gens , it will be different story  if those were made for Xbox 360 as well. 

You comparing late gen games to a cross gen window that would only happen in the first 1-2 years of the gen. lol cmon you need some consistency here 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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HollyGamer said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Like Horizon 2? 

Oh wait that was also made for 360 but was basically a different game and the Xbone version was still great. Here’s you right now:

Oh wait it's game that made for Xbox one then ported back to Xbox 360 with more budget, more time, more team . Do i have to remind you again back and forth. It's diffrent. The problem is still exist. IT WILL HELD BACK . PERIOD. 

It’s a next gen game changed to fit older hardware. Same as plenty of current gen games ported to Switch. Same as that game you mentioned in your first post.

So why can XGS devs not do the same thing with whatever XSX games they might develop for the first year of next gen? Why can 343 not scale back AI, enemies, break areas up into different levels, scale down resolution, etc. There’s a difference between a developer making multi platform games for MS, Sony, and PC and a developer making exclusive games for Microsoft. Why would MS not want these devs to utilize the hardware they’re going to be trying to sell people on? 

One of these days you guys are really going to have to fill us all in on how MS is supposed to sell a $500+ console with upscale Xbone games as exclusives and a GamePass service full of cheap filler garbage 😆

eva01beserk said:
sales2099 said:

I think you only half got the point. ALL games are “held back” in the first 2 years regardless of cross gen. 

Not even Sony is immune to this. Resistance Fall of Man - Last of Us. Killzone Shadowfall - Ghosts of Tsushima/Last of Us 2. You tell me those games are graphically on par and you win this debate (surprise, I all ready know the answer)

Dont need to as that was never the argument and you like to add extra conditions because you can't defend the practice.

Simple and clean. Xsx will not have 9th gen exclusives for the first one to 2 years. The ps5 will have no such constrains. Stop trying to add things nobody is arguing to fit your narrative. During that time ps5 games will be superior.

Oh its part of the argument. Looks like Holly is trying overtime but many in addition to myself are poking more holes then Swiss Cheese in the arguments ;)

But lets say he is right and he can prove cross gen games are held back by the previous gen....that’s where my argument proves it redundant. Because time and time again games in the start of a gen barely unlock the potential that late gen games do. NEVER. BEEN. DONE. 

XSX will have “Xbox” exclusives. And their metascores will speak for themselves I’m confident of it. Lol ya PS5 games will have slightly more potential unlocked at launch year....I’m shivering in fear. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Barozi said:
In reality the game is held back because big budget PC exclusives don't generate enough money.
They could've easily skipped the consoles and realized their vision if it wasn't for trying to make a decent profit.
But as we know there isn't a point in creating a game that only one super computer on earth can run, so you have to make compromises. There will always be something that is holding back other systems.

That depends, because SC is a totally different story, but at the same time it was made insanely obvious that Sony didn't want a repeat of last gen, in terms of their manufacturing costs, and the costs of parts in general, as well as Nintendo just wanting to make the safest bets possible on their HW. I'm surprised you don't (or refuse to acknowledge) notice just how much the big 3 (or at least 2 of them) want to cut corners and save as much as possible, purely just for RoI. I wouldn't say that's a good thing, nor cheer for it, and cheering just for making money, I dunno why on earth you'd do that either (unless you're working for the company and are on their payroll).

Just wanted to make that clear, before things resort to "PC's don't make the money, it's always consoles that do" rhetoric 

Last edited by Chazore - on 18 April 2020

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

LudicrousSpeed said:
I mean I know you’ve been trying real hard to push this narrative for awhile now, twisting things to fit it, but watching the video, their issues can be and were resolved by lowering NPC count, splitting areas into multiple levels, and plus now that they will have bigger budgets and have been hiring more people, they can optimize better.

By "optimise", you mean increasing what was previously noted as being less, right?. 

Because by next gen, I'd really, really love to not see many cutbacks and more AI, smarter AI even, rather than current gen's version of "optimisation" (which means cutting aspects of a game back, just to run the game semi smoothly). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Azzanation said:
HollyGamer said:

Yup Because Switch is Wii U on handled mode. :) try again LOL 

Huh? Switch is alot more powerful than the WiiU and Zelda wasnt held back by the WiiU's specs. Zelda turned out to be arguably the best game this gen designed on a console that wasn't even part of this gen.

Keep trying.

Uh, yes it was. Did you not see the Digital Foundry video where they stated that BOTW could have clearly been better had it had a more Switch-centric focus? Or how about all the framerate issues on the Switch version that are also in the Wii U version, despite the Switch being much more powerful? It's funny because I don't think BOTW would have released that late if not for them needing to release it alongside the Switch, but at least day one, it's not like the optimization for Switch was all that great. The biggest difference was just that BOTW ran at 900p on Switch vs Wii U's 720p, but in motion the quality difference is minimal. Even the framerate was nearly a draw, as the way the game was optimized around the different systems resulted in both being worse at certain areas.

sales2099 said:
eva01beserk said:

Dont need to as that was never the argument and you like to add extra conditions because you can't defend the practice.

Simple and clean. Xsx will not have 9th gen exclusives for the first one to 2 years. The ps5 will have no such constrains. Stop trying to add things nobody is arguing to fit your narrative. During that time ps5 games will be superior.

Oh its part of the argument. Looks like Holly is trying overtime but many in addition to myself are poking more holes then Swiss Cheese in the arguments ;)

But lets say he is right and he can prove cross gen games are held back by the previous gen....that’s where my argument proves it redundant. Because time and time again games in the start of a gen barely unlock the potential that late gen games do. NEVER. BEEN. DONE. 

XSX will have “Xbox” exclusives. And their metascores will speak for themselves I’m confident of it. Lol ya PS5 games will have slightly more potential unlocked at launch year....I’m shivering in fear. 

No its not part of the argument because nobody is denying that or trying to say that it will impeed xbox after the 1-2 years window. Its the very definition of a strawman, something you believe its being discused because you yourself keep bringing up and you yourself answer.

While I dont know Holly's history From what i have been able to see at least from this thread I can tell thats not true. I doubt any of us can prove anything of the sort as we could never know what devs chose to add or remove from a game or for what reson they chose to do so. But rare chances like theese where devs speak out and tell us exactly what they had to cut out and for why come out and people are still in denial. What holly could do at most is pile up this chances so we have a tally and see what each dev sacrificed and see a pattern. But from what is out already we already know, we knew since the x1 and ps4 came out the cpu was to weak and now they are just garbage compared to everything else. Add to that the SSD and devs will have to sacrifice a lot to for crosgen.  

At underscored: Exactly. Its probably not a big deal. We just dont know, nor can we even picture what changes will there be aside from no load times. So all these mental gymnastics to denie something that we dont even know what will be is just silly. Im glad you can come to terms with it and wait and see if that advantage will be meaningful or not.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

sales2099 said:
eva01beserk said:

Dont need to as that was never the argument and you like to add extra conditions because you can't defend the practice.

Simple and clean. Xsx will not have 9th gen exclusives for the first one to 2 years. The ps5 will have no such constrains. Stop trying to add things nobody is arguing to fit your narrative. During that time ps5 games will be superior.

Oh its part of the argument. Looks like Holly is trying overtime but many in addition to myself are poking more holes then Swiss Cheese in the arguments ;)

But lets say he is right and he can prove cross gen games are held back by the previous gen....that’s where my argument proves it redundant. Because time and time again games in the start of a gen barely unlock the potential that late gen games do. NEVER. BEEN. DONE. 

XSX will have “Xbox” exclusives. And their metascores will speak for themselves I’m confident of it. Lol ya PS5 games will have slightly more potential unlocked at launch year....I’m shivering in fear. 

Obviously cross gen games are hold back by the weakest link. Just because the early next gen titles don't always deliver, doesn't mean they have to be terrible by default either. Mario 64 was a launch title and so was Halo. Both are considered as some of mankind's greatest achievements at the time. 

Well, yes obviously. Unless games are specifically optimized to work within a certain hardware architecture to take advantage of everything it offers and bybass some of its issues then the longer a console generation goes on the more its going to restrict games that are made for multiple different platforms. This is nothing new or unique for this generation of consoles.

Chazore said:
Barozi said:
In reality the game is held back because big budget PC exclusives don't generate enough money.
They could've easily skipped the consoles and realized their vision if it wasn't for trying to make a decent profit.
But as we know there isn't a point in creating a game that only one super computer on earth can run, so you have to make compromises. There will always be something that is holding back other systems.

That depends, because SC is a totally different story, but at the same time it was made insanely obvious that Sony didn't want a repeat of last gen, in terms of their manufacturing costs, and the costs of parts in general, as well as Nintendo just wanting to make the safest bets possible on their HW. I'm surprised you don't (or refuse to acknowledge) notice just how much the big 3 (or at least 2 of them) want to cut corners and save as much as possible, purely just for RoI. I wouldn't say that's a good thing, nor cheer for it, and cheering just for making money, I dunno why on earth you'd do that either (unless you're working for the company and are on their payroll).

Just wanted to make that clear, before things resort to "PC's don't make the money, it's always consoles that do" rhetoric 

Cutting corners is a way to lower costs which means a product can be sold at a lower price which is good for consumers. Considering 2 out of the 3 console manufacturers are also selling their hardware at a loss to keep prices on a decent level I see no reason not to be happy with that.

It's all about hitting that price sweet spot. What's the point of releasing $800 "future-proof-no-corner-cutting"-consoles when no one is buying them? Less sales, less people being able to play modern games, less game support, less money earned. Is that what you cheer for?

As for the sales part I think I was quite clear. I wasn't talking about F2P, MMORPGs and maybe a few other genres where the majority of profit comes from PC and I didn't say that a game from any other genre can't be profitable on PC.