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sales2099 said:
eva01beserk said:

Dont need to as that was never the argument and you like to add extra conditions because you can't defend the practice.

Simple and clean. Xsx will not have 9th gen exclusives for the first one to 2 years. The ps5 will have no such constrains. Stop trying to add things nobody is arguing to fit your narrative. During that time ps5 games will be superior.

Oh its part of the argument. Looks like Holly is trying overtime but many in addition to myself are poking more holes then Swiss Cheese in the arguments ;)

But lets say he is right and he can prove cross gen games are held back by the previous gen....that’s where my argument proves it redundant. Because time and time again games in the start of a gen barely unlock the potential that late gen games do. NEVER. BEEN. DONE. 

XSX will have “Xbox” exclusives. And their metascores will speak for themselves I’m confident of it. Lol ya PS5 games will have slightly more potential unlocked at launch year....I’m shivering in fear. 

No its not part of the argument because nobody is denying that or trying to say that it will impeed xbox after the 1-2 years window. Its the very definition of a strawman, something you believe its being discused because you yourself keep bringing up and you yourself answer.

While I dont know Holly's history From what i have been able to see at least from this thread I can tell thats not true. I doubt any of us can prove anything of the sort as we could never know what devs chose to add or remove from a game or for what reson they chose to do so. But rare chances like theese where devs speak out and tell us exactly what they had to cut out and for why come out and people are still in denial. What holly could do at most is pile up this chances so we have a tally and see what each dev sacrificed and see a pattern. But from what is out already we already know, we knew since the x1 and ps4 came out the cpu was to weak and now they are just garbage compared to everything else. Add to that the SSD and devs will have to sacrifice a lot to for crosgen.  

At underscored: Exactly. Its probably not a big deal. We just dont know, nor can we even picture what changes will there be aside from no load times. So all these mental gymnastics to denie something that we dont even know what will be is just silly. Im glad you can come to terms with it and wait and see if that advantage will be meaningful or not.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.