KManX89 said:
SvennoJ said:
That comparison makes no sense. A road accident injures/kills only the people involved. Stupidity with a virus has a snowball effect.
For example, look at Australia. They had it contained, yet some people working in the quarantine hotel couldn't keep it in their pants, and let it escape. The wave that caused in July 2020 ended up killing 800 people before it was all under control again. |
Yep, apples and oranges. Maybe once these idiots ('cuz that's what I'm gonna call these anti-vax nutjobs) stop spreading a deadly disease around and infecting others with their stupidity, we'll consider letting them drive without their seatbelt. In the meantime: 
And what's funny is, there's an anti-mask/anti-vax restaurant in California (Basilico's) enforcing their lunacy by forcing anyone to enter to show proof of being unvaccinated and NOT to wear masks. On their Facebook page, they have a ton of posts calling pro-mask/vaxxers anti-freedom tyrants who want to suppress freedom with mask mandates and lockdowns. And the even funnier thing? If anyone's gonna force us into further lockdowns, it's them and everyone who "thinks" like they do. |
It doesn't make sense?
A driver can cause a massive pile up, especially in winter... Now even if it's say, the vehicles fault, not the drivers, through a broken poorly engineered part that causes the incident. That vehicle may also get recalled because of the weak part, but nobody has to bring their vehicle in. They can just keep driving anyway, potentially killing more people. We do nothing and it's totally accepted. One of infinite things we just turn a blind eye to each and every day.
Oh, and I like how the covid to driving analogy made no sense, but covid 'anti-vax' to MAGA somehow does? I mean Trump always has been against vaccines, especially this one, and is constantly telling people he didn't get vaxed, and that they shouldn't either, so. Wait a minute, did somebody just try to own the Cons?

As for the 'anti-vax' business, while I'd like to say they're being irresponsible, either opposition would simply say, in their favor, "they're a private business and can operate however they wish." It's a double edged sword in todays all encompassing political world, unfortunately.
If a concerned citizen who doesn't want the jab, is basically forced to take it (like say for their (specialized) job), then dies shortly after anyway, for whatever reason, driving or not, well. Even worse, what if the person who kills the now vaxed, 'anti-vaxer', is a double dosed 'vax addict'?
Apples and oranges? Death is death. Or is dying in a car accident no big deal when dying from a virus is? Or is it just because car accidents are normalized, so all we have to do is wait for covid to be normalized then nobody has to care anymore like the flu?
Since more analogies seem unlikely to help, I'll end with this. Not many are truly thinking long term, though a few here actually are.
Just think about what'll happen if covid strains continue and happen to get much worse. Or maybe it's not virus related but some other 'mainstream' problem causing some deaths. As more and more guidelines, rules, lockdowns, etc, are pushed, more and more people will resist and push back because of the flip flopping and overreach this time around. Think of covid as a first impression, and a considerable amount of people are not impressed in the least, so they won't be 'coming back for another meal', or 'won't be accepting a second date', and how can you really blame them with how things have been handled?