sethnintendo said:
I was just saying that some people (mainly trump) like to act like the 40 million test equals 40 million people when in actuality some people have been tested numerous times.
You see that news that they no longer sending hospital data to CDC but now to HHS. Looks like someone might be busting out their sharpies soon on the data.
Remember if we did half as many testing then there would be even less cases and if half of that even less. If we did no testing then it would be gone. -stable genius
This is actually something to worry about imo.
Trust isnt super high with Trump, and its a "odd look" to change things for no apparent reason. Supposedly lied over 20,000 times publically since he became President (someone actually keeps track of lies/untruths told to the public).
Did they ever give a reason for it? because it does come off as something you could question, if their just doing so to be able to manipuate data.

This was funny at the time.
If their solution to corona virus is to just make up numbers, thats alot less funny.
Best would be if they tried harder to stop spread.
Theres increaseing data that shows immunity only lasts ~3-4 months, and you "can" infact actually get reinfected with corona virus.
Herd immunity doesnt look like its gonna work, it could be a endless cycle with reinfections.
Banking hard on the vaccine, shouldn't be your "only hope", but instead a last resort kinda deal.