EricHiggin said: A logistics thing? A treatment thing? An income thing? An economy thing? What about the people's health and lives? |
Yes it's a logistics thing. - If you are unaware of what logistics is, I am more than happy to educate you on the topic.
We don't test the entire country for COVID-19 all at once do we?
EricHiggin said: Ok, but why aren't the driving public forced to refrain from driving other than for 'essential' transportation during large/widespread recalls? We all know why, so why isn't that why covid 19 was handled? We're still talking about every last individual's health and potential death vs their freedom, so.. |
They are forced to refrain from driving unless it's "essential".
And the same thing exists in countries that have actually handled COVID-19 well, essential workers only.
EricHiggin said: If you have a competent parent/guardian, they shouldn't always get involved and shouldn't coddle you until their death. When they do, you typically end up with wet noodles instead of sharp swords. |
People are stupid. The United States lack of appropriate action in curbing the spread of COVID-19 is absolutely evident of that.
Allowing people "free reign" has done fuck all... Clearly it doesn't work... And clearly the Government needs to employ some direction and actual leadership and stop being an absolute joke on the world stage.
EricHiggin said: Now for those who are unhealthy and need to 'coddle' themselves or be 'coddled' in a situation like this, by all means, do so however you need to, just don't force everyone else to have to do the same. |
And that is selfish free-for-all mentality that gets people killed. Good job. You are part of the problem, you lack empathy for other people.
EricHiggin said: Did you need to give up that freedom? Did it have to be for that long? Did you potentially contract it and infect someone else anyway? Would you have infected someone else or contracted it if you had kept those freedoms? If that choice was yours and you happily made it, then that's on you. If you were forced to do it, then you didn't choose it and weren't free to either. |
I protect life, property and the environment.
I run into burning buildings with 300'C/600'F temperatures while other people run out.
I scale down cliffs on a couple of pieces of rope to pluck someone who has fallen down.
I head out to sea with 8-10 meter/26-32 feet swirl to pluck someone from a sinking boat.
I am not adverse to making myself uncomfortable to protect another individual.
I am not against giving up a little of my time to ensure that someone is safe and healthy.
And by giving up some of my "freedom" and staying in lockdown for a few weeks, I have ensured that other people are safe and healthy and can continue their much enjoyed freedoms at a later date when lockdown is lifted.
Everyone is in this together. Don't be selfish, I literally got the moral high ground on this one Eric.
EricHiggin said: So why weren't people informed about covid 19 and then allowed to make their own decisions based on that information? If people can still choose to drive and potentially get killed anyway, or kill others, why didn't the same apply for the illness? |
Why weren't people informed? Incompetent leadership. Elect better leaders.
People were informed and educated constantly during the entire COVID phases here, we defeated the virus.
EricHiggin said: Even worse, if you drive your recalled vehicle and unintentionally kill someone you're almost certainly going to pay for it dearly, and yet if you broke the lock down rules and unintentionally infected someone with covid 19, eventually killing them, you're likely to get off scot free. |
Correct. You drive a vehicle which is "at risk" then you will have additional consequences if you kill someone.
If you have COVID 19 and go around ignoring social distancing, lock-downs and so forth... Then you are obviously a selfish individual with no care about the health and safety of your country and it's people.
EricHiggin said: So being a first responder, I'd think you'd agree that when there are potential deadly vehicle recalls, that only 'essential' transportation should be allowed, correct? So people who's work wasn't deemed essential wouldn't be able to drive to their job for the good of everyone. |
You are only looking at it from a binary perspective.
Basically there are alternatives which ensures safety can be retained... Such as a loan vehicle, look at the other options, weigh the risks and hazards which is generally outlined in all hazards approach to incident management.
EricHiggin said: Fauci wasn't chosen by the people. Is that representational democracy? Fauci told the public they shouldn't and didn't need to wear masks at first. Was that up to date info backed by science? |
I'll be honest. I had to google who the hell that was. - But he isn't an elected official, he is a source of "information" for your elected government.
If your government is only sourcing information directly from one person, then it's not from the scientific community and chances are, not backed by the scientific method... And thus a potential bad source.
We didn't wear masks in Australia and New Zealand for the most part, those who were more at risk or actually had COVID-19 did wear them, however... People weren't ignoring basic hygiene, we went into lock down, people conformed to social distancing... And that is why it was unnecessary.
The USA having pretty much thrown all that out the window... Needs them if it wants to "operate as normal" whilst minimizing the risk to the general populace.
EricHiggin said: How many people are said to have beaten cancer, only for it to recur? Could covid 19 end up like the Spanish Flu? That was said to be quite possible by the MSM and their reputable sources who 'advertised' it everywhere. |
Cancer isn't COVID-19.
Spanish Flu isn't COVID-19.
You are delving into logical fallacies now by attempting to draw false comparisons, which means you don't have an argument.
The media in the USA is also not the media here, so I cannot speak to the accuracy of the media in the United States, for or against, it's irrelevant anyway, the President has his own conferences and can inform the public and set appropriate policy.
EricHiggin said: One selfish driver could injure/kill 100 people in a pile up, yet we let drivers decide themselves without forcing them. |
And that one driver would likely face some serious punishment for doing so.
If you drive a car and you do not maintain it appropriately or use it's appropriate safety features such as a seatbelt in an appropriate manner, you are liable for prosecution.
So by your logic, those who do not wear masks and try to curb the spread of COVID-19 should probably be prosecuted, which I am fully supportive of if it saves lives. - Maybe then people will learn to think about their neighbor instead of being selfish.
EricHiggin said: Start winning? Very nice jab. Very nice. |
That is because I am a winner in life.
EricHiggin said: How do we know wild fires, hurricanes, etc, could, or are going to happen, and where they may happen or spread? Prediction? How do citizens choose their leaders who will make the decisions? Prediction? |
You don't know they are going to happen. But you PLAN in the event they do happen.
It's part of PPRR and emergency management and all hazards approach, it's absolutely basic stuff.
EricHiggin said: Again, to say the illness has been beaten is at the very least being unreasonably optimistic. How long before borders are opened and the spread continues? |
Borders are opened to all states and countries that have defeated the virus.
Restrictions were lifted here 2 months ago. Still no cases.
How much time do you think we should give it? Again. We are winners.
EricHiggin said: The numbers as they are may show that, questionable or not, and that's only looking at the here and now, but could places like the US be doing better at saving more lives in other non covid related ways? Every last life matters no matter how it's being saved I'd think. |
You have definitely had more lives lost, that's for sure. It's a running world-wide joke at this point if it wasn't so blatantly disgusting and sad to see and hear.
EricHiggin said: The world isn't black and white. That should be extremely clear as of recent events. Depends on what you deem successful. When the MSM narrative is USA bad, period, is it even possible that they've done anything good at all? |
The American Mainstream Media doesn't exist here... And we still know your response to COVID 19 was the incorrect one, you can't really use that excuse with me I am afraid.
The Mainstream Media isn't your elected officials, they made the shit decisions.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--