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Back to the numbers. Europe is still declining, however slightly less each week. The current 3-day average week over week change is 96.2%, a week ago that was 94.8%. Not much of a change, pretty steady overall.

3-day average reported cases

Norway, Denmark and Ireland are pretty much off the chart. Very low numbers each day.
Switzerland and Austria are still heading up a bit and have swapped places with Belgium and the Netherlands.
Poland still on the same level while Germany is recovering from their latest outbreak.
Italy, Spain and France seem to have lost their downward momentum.
The Ukraine might have peaked now, heading downwards.
The UK is still going well despite a little uptick at the end.
Sweden's reporting is getting worse and worse, last update was July 2nd.
Russia ever so slowly declining.

3 day average reported deaths

It looks like Belgium and The Netherlands will soon hit the bottom.
Spain went up a little last week, still tracking lower than expected after all the changes made to their reporting/counting.
The Ukraine hasn't peaked yet in reported deaths, probably seeing the effects of their recent resurgence in cases.
Russia, despite under counting, is firmly leading the pack.

It's now been more than 19 weeks since Italy started charting...