So as I said a couple days ago, here in The Netherlands the government releases a meaty pdf each day with new 'corona numbers'. This document consists of tables, graphs, chartz and maps with updated numbers of cases, deaths, hospital admissions and ICU cases. There's even info on deceased patient's other health issues, and age and gender distribution in there.
I'll share the most important graphs (today, because I feel like doing it, I'm not intending on doing this every day), if it works, because the Rich Text Editor is broken, but we'll see.
The data works as follows, in purple is data that has been known and registered up until yesterday, in yellow is newly confirmed data, distributed across the days to which they apply. For example, a death which was registered yesterday that actually occurred two days before is added to 6 April instead of 8 April. So tomorrow there will be new data that may or may not add another death to 6 April for example. In the ICU graphs the green means 'likely incomplete', basically the same as the yellow;
"gerapporteerde meldingen" = reported cases
"nieuw" = new
"t/m gisteren" = until yesterday
"waarschijnlijk onvolledig" = likely incomplete
"GGD meldingsdatum" = date of notification to GGD (the GGD is the abbreviation of what's called in Dutch 'municipal health service')
"datum" = date
"datum van overlijden" = date of death
New confirmed cases;
These seem to be stable week over week for a while now. In actuality though, this means the actual number of new cases is dropping because they've been doing more and more tests.

A mild decline, even if daily reports seem to indicate not much movement (today they added 148 deaths), but distributed across their actual date of occurrence there's a mild trend visible. What's interesting is that new reports can go back quite a while, for example a new death was added for 26 March.

New hospital admissions;
This has been sharply declining for a while now, pretty much as fast as it rose. This is good obviously, I'd say this is the most important gauge of the actual situation in The Netherlands.

New ICU;
Also sharply declining, a natural consequence of there being less people that need to be hospitalised.

Total in ICU;
The government doesn't register the number of recoveries, but they do keep an eye on how many people there are in total in ICU. In regular times, there's 1150-ish ICU beds available of which there were a couple hundred in use. For this crisis this was raised in steps to 2400 now. Which was pretty much the absolute max, if that would've been too little we would've entered what they call the "Dark Phase", where choices on who lives and who dies would have to have been made. Now, because of the decline in ICU needs for corona patients, the total number of patients in ICU is actually dropping. The graph excludes non-corona ICU patients, but it seems 2400 beds is more than ample (this graph would probably have to stay under 2000-ish). There's also about 50 Dutch patient in German ICUs.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 09 April 2020