John2290 said:
You have a point and perhaps injecting the money too early would be detrimental as people would be less likely to spend it now, it may be too soon over all. Btw, I'm not against Bezos at all, I'm just trying to figure out why he can't see that his company won't exist without people with money to buy the products and currencies that aren't as good as worthless to do so, it devalues his wealth also when we all go under. I hope it isn't ego and he is thinking ahead but with what he done to his work force, I don't know, I have little faith. I'd gladly praise the man if he helped to a degree that would buy us time as I have done with Dorsey, whom I thought was an egocentric billionaire before he donated one third of his his worth and stocks. |
I'd bet there's a lot more to it. It's possible he's just insanely greedy and has a heart of stone, but as a businessman, tossing out a billion right now wouldn't be the smartest idea as far as I'm concerned. Not only can the money be put to better use over time, but as you said, the more needy people are, the more that money will actually matter to them, and many will soon forget the generous early birds.
There's also the fact that we don't know exactly how this is going to play out. Will we get lucky and see this illness dissipate quicker than anticipated? Why throw out billions now when less may be what's truly necessary? Will it get worse and go on for a year? Might as well spread out the wealth over time then. Maybe something else comes up on top of this, so no point in blowing your wad all at once.
Could be a bunch of reasons, but I wouldn't fret just yet. People like Bezos aren't stupid. Even if they are that greedy, eventually they'll cave if the time comes. You can bet they'll get even greedier afterwards to make it all back asap though.