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I think both companies will be taking a big enough loss at $499 already to go any lower. That video also said they think MS will just wait out Sony and force them to price it first even if it means waiting into the Autumn.

Maybe we shouldn't expect pricing anytime soon.

Last edited by WoodenPints - on 09 May 2020

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Voted for match PS5 price even though:
1) I think that MS really needs to undercut them no matter what it takes
2) I don't think that MS would be the ones who will be making the decision based on rival's price. I don't expect Sony to announce the price before Microsoft. That's the biggest problem here. There's been a lot of talk about how MS can decide their pricing based on PS5 price but why does anyone think that Sony will give that opportunity to them?


Was just looking into some 4k TVs, since I figured I'd upgrade for next gen but.....according to the internet, there's pretty much no point. Apparently the ideal distance to actually see the full detail of 4k, is about 5 feet for like a 75 inch screen. I sit like 11-12 feet from my TV lol. Unless I'm missing something, there's pretty much no way I'd notice any kind of real difference, even if I go out and buy some fucking monstrosity.

Angelus said:
Was just looking into some 4k TVs, since I figured I'd upgrade for next gen but.....according to the internet, there's pretty much no point. Apparently the ideal distance to actually see the full detail of 4k, is about 5 feet for like a 75 inch screen. I sit like 11-12 feet from my TV lol. Unless I'm missing something, there's pretty much no way I'd notice any kind of real difference, even if I go out and buy some fucking monstrosity.

I'm sitting pretty much exactly 3m (or just below 10 feet) from my 75 inch TV and I can definitely see the difference between 1080p and 4k.

For more visually impressive games, I'm moving a little closer (1.20m or roughly 4 feet). But I have to say that this is a little too close for my taste as I have to move my head to see the edges of the screen. It's not that comfortable. The table between the couch and the TV is the reason I can't get to probably the best distance which would be around 2m (~6.5 feet).

So yeah you pretty much need a TV that's at least 65 inches or you have to change your set up so you can sit a little closer. (I recommend a rocking chair)

I rock a 4K LG monitor if that counts I don't game on TV's I've tried it on my Dad's 55" when I was considering a 4K TV but I just can't get used to a big screen/slowness of them compared to a monitor.

I wouldn't even worry about 120fps that won't be standard anytime next gen probably not even the gen after either and only really worth it if your playing competitive games competitively  

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The original 360, and the new one for next gen.

I like the OG and the Series X probably in second.

The second 360 boot up is my favorite one.

OD Xbox startup is the best! But that may be my nostalgia talking...

I have an LG 43UK6090PAU. Well, it's my gf's, but I helped her pick it out :P It's a good 4ktv if you're on a budget. I'll probably get a better one for myself later on, but for now I'm happy with it.