sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:
"Gender: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
This includes things like how someone dresses and styles their hair. This does not include an individual's chromosomes."
you haven't actually posted anything here that is at odds with what i've claimed, which to reiterate is that the claim being made is that gender arises independently of sex
From my understanding of your posts, you argument is not that "gender and sex are independent", but instead that "considering gender and sex to be independent is bullshit". I've been attempting to demonstrate that it is not bullshit and that your claims of independence are a bit reductive, but at the core of this, I don't want to argue about your simplistic interpretations of this image, but instead discuss why you think that the image is bullshit. I am asking you for the third or fourth time now: Make an argument.
(Now I just want to say, I don't feel that my understanding of your posts is in any way incorrect or a reach, because you are the one who called the image we are speaking about "bullshit" and then followed up by attempting to demonstrate that the image asserts that gender and sex are independent...)
As for why I won't answer your question, I don't believe that my answer would benefit this discussion, as we are not talking about my opinions on the correct labeling of trans individuals. We are talking about why that image is bullshit which, let me remind you again, you have still not actually presented an argument for beyond incredulity.
"because you are the one who called the image we are speaking about "bullshit" and then followed up by attempting to demonstrate that the image asserts that gender and sex are independent"
"And again:
Gender: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
This includes things like how someone dresses and styles their hair. This does not include an individual's chromosomes."
as i've said previously but i suppose you missed it because it was an edit, the people behind this image do not even believe that sex itself is something that can be defined but is instead socially constructed, this article is linked to/sourced from their website
It’s Time For People to Stop Using the Social Construct of “Biological Sex” to Defend Their Transmisogyny"
so how can you make the argument that they are saying sex and gender are related when they don't even believe sex itself is a thing anyway?
"As for why I won't answer your question, I don't believe that my answer would benefit this discussion"
the question i've asked you is pretty much the core issue being debated here, it is essentially my argument and to me your refusal to answer pretty much confirms that you see the problem yourself
"if a person assigned male at birth identifies as a woman and then changes their clothing and behavior to emulate women, is that person a man or woman in your opinion?"
ironically i had a similar discussion with someone else and they also refused to answer after about 3 times also, even though they were staunchly in support of this nonsense
"We are talking about why that image is bullshit which, let me remind you again, you have still not actually presented an argument for beyond incredulity."
which is why i've asked you the question i have to clarify why i've made that argument
its interesting how you'll bend over backwards to defend this idea but you can't answer this simple question that will affirm your position on it