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Forums - Politics Discussion - Official 2020 US Election: Democratic Party Discussion

There's a great deal there to respond to and I don't think I can get around to it all today, so I'm just gonna skim the surface here:

Responding to your first paragraph, yes, I plainly describe myself as a radical feminist. (More specifically a lesbian feminist.) It's worth pointing out though that a lot of the views that are today consigned to the radical feminist movement used to be embraced by virtually all feminists decades ago, including the liberals. If you go back to the late 1970s, for example, you'll find that it wasn't just radical women like Kate Millett, Germaine Greer, and Janice Raymond who opposed prostitution, pornography, what we today would call transgenderism, etc., it was also the leading ordinary liberal feminists of the day like Gloria Steinem, Eleanor Smeal, and Betty Friedan. The radicals were distinguished not by their opinion of things like the sex industry back then, but by their prioritization of cultural change over legal reforms. They worked to create an autonomous women's culture that could raise the class conscious of women toward the goal of radically transforming society and abolishing and replacing most of its existing institutions of male privilege, among which were commonly counted marriage, religion (especially faiths centering on the worship of male deities), heterosexuality, capitalism, and so on. That's what distinguished feminist radicals from the liberals back then; institutions that the liberal feminists have simply sought to reform, not abolish. Today, the differences have grown larger and more fundamental.

Regarding your second and third paragraphs, personally I'm in favor of what has become known as "the Nordic model" of prostitution policy, which is to say that I strongly believe that purchasing sex, as well as brothel ownership, pimping, that sort of thing, should be treated as criminal offenses punishable by jail time, not as civil offenses punishable by mere fines like we typically do here in the U.S. The Nordic model, as it has come to be known, is the policy endorsed by the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and has been adopted by many countries over the last 20 years, with the Nordic countries famously leading the way. (This policy recognizes prostituted women and other sex trade "employees" as victims of exploitative industry and accordingly doesn't penalize survivors of prostitution. This is also a better approach to prostitutes themselves than we typically use here in the U.S. (most of which are informed by the conservative idea that prostitution is a danger to family life, not to females as a class) in that punishing prostitutes discourages them from coming forward and reporting abusive treatment and in that way helps keep them trapped in the business.)

I don't believe in identity politics and I'm not a "choice feminist". I fully believe that a given group can, even in its majority, be dead wrong about what is in their better interests. Prostitution is a major problem in my community (and I don't just mean among younger women) for two basic reasons: 1) because drugs are a major problem in my community, and 2) because, resulting in no small part from the former, sexual abuse is also not uncommon.

Most of the prostituted women here had experienced both drug addiction and sexual abuse at the hands of a loved one before entering the field, and both of those things really seem to play a role. Pimps often pay women in drugs, for example, to keep them trapped in the business and rape is something that I can attest to from first-hand experience tends to tell you a lot about what you're worth to the world. Personal liberty is not an appreciable factor in the equation, in my observation. Most of them hate working as prostitutes, and indeed many investigations have born out that prostitutes tend to survive by dissociating themselves from their situation in the moment (as in pretending that they're somewhere else, doing something else), which I think tells you just how much "fun" they're actually having. I mean it ought to tell you something that a recent survey of American high school students found that most wouldn't have sex with someone they didn't want to for less than $2 million, while the average prostitute does so for less than $200. What does that tell you about the level of self-worth that's involved?

Around the same time frame that Sweden adopted what has since become known as the Nordic model at the turn of the century, a rival approach revolving around properly legalizing the prostitution of women also gained some traction in Europe as well and was adopted in such places as Germany and the Netherlands in the early 2000s. The Nordic model continues to be adopted by more countries all the time. Full legalization, by contrast, hasn't had any new takers in over a decade now. That's because it's proven to be a disastrous, self-defeating experiment. In the Netherlands, for example, most of the legal brothels have now been closed because they've been caught trafficking sex slaves in (which isn't legal) and the same is true of those famous communities in Nevada where prostitution has been formally legalized here in the U.S. Likewise, Germany's "brothel king", Jurgon Rudloff, is currently serving a five year prison sentence for similarly trafficking sex slaves in from abroad to service the heightened demand for prostitute services that resulted from legalization. Indeed, Amsterdam's new mayor, Femke Halsema of GroenLinks (a left-leaning environmentalist party similar to the Green Party here in the U.S.), who is also the city's first female mayor, will be banning tours of the city's (in)famous red light district starting next year in a policy move supported by 80% of the city's prostitutes and is actively weighing other major changes such as banning prostitute windows. The city has been overrun by wealthy, foreign partiers, who now outnumber actual citizens on any given day of the year, as a result largely of legalizing brothels. That's how well it's going. One senses a definite policy direction here away from limitless permissiveness and toward cracking down. Perhaps this is why the project of full legalization hasn't had any new takers in quite some time now.

Concerning the beauty industry, I would simply ask if you have ever read their publications like Vogue or Cosmopolitan before. It's very clear that their politics are Democratic Party-aligned today, as one can readily sense not only by their rhetoric, but also by their formal candidate endorsements. I mean even the former Miss Universe Pageant owner Donald Trump is himself, until recently, a formerly pro-choice, left wing Democrat who championed Medicare for all, beat most Democratic members of Congress to calls for exiting the Iraq War.

In regard to your feminist identity, I'm aware of a good bit of the terminology around feminism but am not remotely as well read on the subject as yourself. I'm more familiar with the liberal feminists than the radical ones. I can appreciate the desire for cultural reform, however, because if liberal feminists limit themselves merely to political and legal reform, they will never achieve equality. Culture around women itself must change. I've a question for you though, you say you describe yourself as a "lesbian feminist" and say that the lesbian label adds specificity to your feminism. How so? Is it simply a matter of your being a lesbian informing your perspective? Or are you hinting that you're a lesbian separatist? Or does your lesbianism inform your ideology in some other way that differentiates you from a heterosexual feminist? Sorry if I'm reading too much into it.

You provide a lot of perspective here that I simply don't have comparable experience to respond to. You make a powerful and compelling argument. I confess I haven't given it as much thought as the politicians in those countries that have tried to put some form of legalized prostitution into practice. Based on what you present here, it sounds like the Nordic model is more or less what I described in my first step, that is, decriminalizing being a prostitute, so that we stop punishing survivors of human trafficking and discouraging them from reporting abuses against them. I had my skepticism that brothels and pimps could be legalized in a way that wouldn't be inevitably exploitative, so it sounds like there's a great deal of evidence that my instincts were right on that, and that brighter minds than I have tried and failed spectacularly to make it work without it leading to sex slavery and the like. That said, I maintain that if you had someone who was able to maintain full control over her own bodily autonomy, working autonomously and independently, able to refuse any service with any person for any reason without fear of legal retribution, it may be possible to have prostitution without it being exploitative. I'm sure you're right that most prostitutes today hate working as prostitutes and would rather do something else, and for the vast majority, personal liberty isn't a factor. But if there's even one woman out there would not just be willing, but actively desire to sell sex with her as a service, given that she could choose which services and with which people, and given that she didn't arrive at this decision as a result of or informed by experiences of drugs or sexual abuse, shouldn't that woman be free to do so? If it could be shown that such a woman cannot exist, that inherently, prostitution has to be exploitative, then I'd agree with you that the Nordic model is where things should stop. But look at your example of the teens that wouldn't sell sex for less than $2 million. Note that it says "sex with someone they didn't want to" as the condition. If prostitution were the selling of sexual services, but you could choose to sell them to only those you do want to, it completely reframes the question. We have sex with people we do want to have sex with for free, and don't consider that abuse. Imagine you could get money for it too? I'd bet that many people of both sexes would be willing to prostitute themselves in that case. I don't understand how that is exploitative.

I myself am quite skeptical of identity politics, as I see it as inherently exclusive, not inclusive. I also think that all that "progressive" identity politics tends to do is to replace a rightwing, straight white male identity politics with multiple leftwing, other identity politics. Good progressive politics should combat identity politics, undo the straight white male identity politics already in place (like the laws aimed at disenfrancising certain voters of certain races, or racial gerrymandering, or not allowing gays to adopt, or allowing businesses to not serve LGBTQ people, or the failure to stop the rape of women in the armed forces), and not replace them with identity politics of opposing identities but merely creating an inclusive politics that is fair to everyone. I too agree that it is quite possible for even a majority of a group to act against their better interests. Case in point, white women in the 2016 election. They did vote majority for Trump (if only barely), and I maintain that the Democrat's rhetoric was self-defeating and took those women for granted, but those women were definitely voting against their best interest. But I don't think that prostitution as a concept is inherently against the interests of women. I think in reality it is, but we could change that reality to empower women and fundamentally change the industry so that instead of creating sex trafficking victims, it instead gives them the power to make money off their sexual choices if that's what they want.

I haven't ever read Vogue or Cosmopolitan, but I'm aware of what they are. I detest them. Every time I would see the cover of one of their issues at a grocery store checkout line, all I could think was how vapid they looked, and how toxic the underlying message to women was. I guess I'm aware that they tend to lean left politically, but I never got the impression that their endorsements were all that valued or sought after by any politicians I gave a damn about, and I maintain that I've never seen a Democrat propose policies that seemed designed to appeal to the beauty industry. I wouldn't consider them major allies to Democrats or the left.

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Williamson's campaign is sending out fundraising emails to helping Mike Gravel make the July debates.

jason1637 said:
Williamson's campaign is sending out fundraising emails to helping Mike Gravel make the July debates.

I really don't know what to say, other than that I don't see the downside to this. He'll never win, but America deserves to hear what he has to say. She of all people doing this would probably draw the most attention of the non-major candidates. People might actually be curious who this guy is that power of love lady is trying to help, and thus pay attention to him, which might boost his polls too, since he also needs to win more polls. Williamson earns my respect for this. I doubt she'll succeed though. Gravel is really struggling.

the-pi-guy said:

Snoopy said:

Undocumented means you don't have the proper paperwork to live or do something here which is also another way of saying illegal. Also, VGChartz can ban me if I break their TOS. There are rules and you should follow them. As an Admin you of all people should know.

Ridiculous comparison.  If you're banned off VGC, you're fine. 

People don't die, trying to log into VGC.

People don't come to VGC, trying to avoid getting murdered.  

No one has lived in VGC for their entire childhood, only to get sent over to a country they have absolutely no memory of.  

For empathy's sake, what if you found out that you were an illegal immigrant.  Suppose your parents came over illegally when you were 3.  Would you find it fair, if you were deported right now?

Snoopy said:

Only a few Illegal immigrants pay income taxes, State taxes or property taxes. This is because illegal immigrants get paid under the table and they also do illegal activities like drug trafficking. This is why they can't pay federal taxes for example. Furthermore, many illegal immigrants can't even speak English, what makes you think they know how to do taxes lol.

About half of all illegals pay income taxes.

>they also do illegal activities like drug trafficking

Factually, illegal immigrants commit less crime than citizens.  Although more crime than legal immigrants.  

> Furthermore, many illegal immigrants can't even speak English, what makes you think they know how to do taxes

The crazy thing is, the IRS has a spanish website to help out questions.

Snoopy said:

You're right, that's why we need to build a wall and charge the country that sent them here a fine or else we keep putting sanctions on them.

Wall doesn't fix the problem.  Most illegal immigrants come over by other methods.  About 10% of all illegals come from Asia.  

>charge the country that sent them here a fine 

Countries aren't "sending" people.  That's completely ludicrous.  

Yes, I would be okay with the government deporting my parents if they broke the law. If my parents broke the law right now, for example, killed someone or didn't pay their taxes on purposes for years they need to be in jail. I will still love them but doesn't change the fact what they did was illegal.

If you cross the border illegally you already committed a serious crime. So illegal immigrants are already 100% criminals by default. So who is going to point them to the Spanish site when they didn't learn about America lifestyle and rules? Most of them probably don't even know where to begin. Also, VOX isn't a credible source. They have been debunked quite a bit already or spin numbers to their benefit.

Have you not been paying attention to the caravans we have lately?  A lot of the countries are encouraging illegal immigrants because for one they get a job here and send money back to their families in their home country. Not to mention we pick up the tab for all their citizens especially young children.

Last edited by Snoopy - on 07 July 2019

Snoopy said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

You didn't understand the point it seems.

More people means more services are needed. Jobs like Hairdressers, cashiers, shopkeepers, and so on. And those won't get automated anytime soon.

Really, immigration pays for itself. What kills a country is not immigration, it's the opposite of it: Emigration, as it results in Brain drain.

Those jobs won't get automated soon? I guess you haven't been paying attention especially when you list cashiers. My local grocery store is using self-checkout completely with a couple of managers to keep watch. Even grocery stores might not be here soon because they will just deliver you the food with their self-driving car.

I don't know what you do for a living, but you better find a job in IT so you can stay on top of things.

Oh, we have self-checkout counters, too. Thing is that not everybody uses them and prefers going to the cashier, and the self-checkout counters still have some cashiers to help the people out when they have problems. In other words, while there will probably be a bit less cashiers, they just won't go away.

Around the Network
Bofferbrauer2 said:
Snoopy said:

Those jobs won't get automated soon? I guess you haven't been paying attention especially when you list cashiers. My local grocery store is using self-checkout completely with a couple of managers to keep watch. Even grocery stores might not be here soon because they will just deliver you the food with their self-driving car.

I don't know what you do for a living, but you better find a job in IT so you can stay on top of things.

Oh, we have self-checkout counters, too. Thing is that not everybody uses them and prefers going to the cashier, and the self-checkout counters still have some cashiers to help the people out when they have problems. In other words, while there will probably be a bit less cashiers, they just won't go away.

It doesn't matter if it is a little inconvenient. If it saves the company money they will do it. They can also lower the price of their products because of automation which will actually make customers a lot happier than some cashier.

Snoopy said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Oh, we have self-checkout counters, too. Thing is that not everybody uses them and prefers going to the cashier, and the self-checkout counters still have some cashiers to help the people out when they have problems. In other words, while there will probably be a bit less cashiers, they just won't go away.

It doesn't matter if it is a little inconvenient. If it saves the company money they will do it. They can also lower the price of their products because of automation which will actually make customers a lot happier than some cashier.

I just explained you that it won't make them save much since they need cashiers to help the people on the self check-out counters, and that removing the cashier lanes would kill business for them. In other words, not much changes for the stores themselves financially speaking.

But all that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, so I suggest we'll leave it at that.

@SpokenTruth might wanna make some room in the OP.

jason1637 said:
Williamson's campaign is sending out fundraising emails to helping Mike Gravel make the July debates.

As already 21 people have qualified for the July-debates the tiebreaker rules are in effect. And because of that donors alone will not cut it. If he gets the needed donors (and he is close to that, I read 55K has he already) and additionally three polls with 1 percent though, he would be in the safe zone, as a lot of the other candidates who qualify via polls are a far cry from 65K unique donors (Hickenlooper is reported to have 13K).

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Mnementh said:
jason1637 said:
Williamson's campaign is sending out fundraising emails to helping Mike Gravel make the July debates.

As already 21 people have qualified for the July-debates the tiebreaker rules are in effect. And because of that donors alone will not cut it. If he gets the needed donors (and he is close to that, I read 55K has he already) and additionally three polls with 1 percent though, he would be in the safe zone, as a lot of the other candidates who qualify via polls are a far cry from 65K unique donors (Hickenlooper is reported to have 13K).

Would be great if he could do it, I'm sure he would do a great job in the debates.