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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch hacked by fail0verflow

Mnementh said:
wombat123 said:

The mask comes off completely when pirates are able to talk amongst themselves without fear of ostracization.  For Nintendo's sake, I hope that this method is too cumbersome to use and that Nintendo can find a solution soon so that it doesn't affect them considerably.

So, two generic users without avatar but with similar generated usernames talk to each other about a phantasy of everything is about piracy... Bots for astroturfing?

Yea, I've been a member of Chartz for 7 years, but sure...I'm a bot.

(btw thanks for the reminder of not having an avatar. I kinda like Starman anyway...)

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TheFallen said:
Yeah I remember when fail0verflow said the PS3 hack couldn't be patched. Didn't last long.

I hope that's slda the case here. Personally I hate this, just opens up a can of worms. 

Great news for hardware sales. If people can get free software this could massively boost sales. But bad for Nintendo who could lose out on a ton of revenue as a result. Also bad for online players. Their lobbies and online cheating might become common.

Already made a thread about this.

The real question is: does it have power to run a PS2 emulator?
All I want is a portable PS2 with the ability to run it at 720p...

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Mnementh said:
S.Peelman said:

Lol, yeah that's probably it.

Nope, that is the cover story of haters, that everyone is a pirate and everything revolves around pirating things. Open Source Software actually is based on the idea that sharing your work is no problem. You don't pirate by using Open Source Software.

But the Switch is not an open platform. I don't care either way though, if people want to mess with their stuff then I say go for it, but personally I've never seen the point. Other than to play pirated games that is. Tying into your other reply, I have a phone, which is better at doing all that stuff than a hacked gaming console ever will be. And I'll always have it with me.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 13 February 2018

caffeinade said:
Already made a thread about this.

Oh, sorry. Didn't see that.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

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my modded Wii U is still cooler

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

ratchet426 said:
Mnementh said:

Nope, that is the cover story of haters, that everyone is a pirate and everything revolves around pirating things. Open Source Software actually is based on the idea that sharing your work is no problem. You don't pirate by using Open Source Software.

Oh c'mon, let's be real here: nobody is interested in putting Linux on a Switch. 99% of the excitement over fail0verflow's "accomplishment" is the idea that a  plethora of free, pirated games may soon be coming to Switch owners who are so inclined.

I'll concede that there may be a very (very) small percentage of people who are legitimately looking forward to watching a Grub boot screen on their Switch, but for the "masses" this development is all about FREE GAMEZ!!

(btw, I have long been a supporter of OSS - I've got Fedora 27 on my work PC  with LibreOffice and back in the day even donated a few $ to the Firefox 1.0 release )

I am...

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Vodacixi said:
I hate this guy...


Because of what he does.