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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Linux on Switch!

Good news everyone, Linux is finally getting a Switch port.
Yes that is correct: the kernel that is used in every single one of the world's top (the top 500) supercomputers, can finally run on Nintendo's latest hardware.

Earlier today Twitter user fail0verflow posted a picture of the Switch booting Debian 10.

With a decently advanced GPU, and a unique form factor.
The Switch should make one hell of a Linux machine, eventually.

Last edited by caffeinade - on 06 February 2018

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Homebrew on the Switch is going quite fast, it seems.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

How long until you can buy a "fake" cartridge, that houses linux auto booting into a emulator that then runs other games?

You guys know its gonna happend lol.

JRPGfan said:

How long until you can buy a "fake" cartridge, that houses linux auto booting into a emulator that then runs other games?

You guys know its gonna happend lol.

Hopefully as soon as possible.

spurgeonryan said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hopefully as soon as possible.

Why? So Nintendo closes their systems down like in the past?  Hopefully things don't get too crazy. 

I really like my Wii because I was able to put a ton of emulators on it, it'd be cool do that on Switch.

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VGPolyglot said:
JRPGfan said:

How long until you can buy a "fake" cartridge, that houses linux auto booting into a emulator that then runs other games?

You guys know its gonna happend lol.

Hopefully as soon as possible.

As far as I understand that is actually unfortunately a long time off, since all of this currently uses and exploit that nintendo already patched and that was only on launch systems to begin with.

I have a launch switch, but naturally I updated the OS few times (well, whenever Nintendo pushed out an update) so I and many others have locked themselves out of homebrew and all new systems ship with a version number that already has te exploit patched out.

spurgeonryan said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hopefully as soon as possible.

Why? So Nintendo closes their systems down like in the past?  Hopefully things don't get too crazy. 

Nintendo's systems are already the most closed and least functional aside from games, so yeah.

...and much like always, this will soon devolve into rampant piracy, I wonder what team xecuter will bring...

SuperNova said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hopefully as soon as possible.

As far as I understand that is actually unfortunately a long time off, since all of this currently uses and exploit that nintendo already patched and that was only on launch systems to begin with.

I have a launch switch, but naturally I updated the OS few times (well, whenever Nintendo pushed out an update) so I and many others have locked themselves out of homebrew and all new systems ship with a version number that already has te exploit patched out.

Not necessarily.

From the guys that brought us RGH on the X360. Keep updated.

spurgeonryan said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hopefully as soon as possible.

Why? So Nintendo closes their systems down like in the past?  Hopefully things don't get too crazy. 

In what way is Switch not completely closed? They even scrapped the browser, bluetooth and file transfers to make it as closed as possible.

OT: Finally the Switch slightly closes the gap to the Raspberry Pi.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I tend to homebrew only if the console is end of life with no more support or there is nothing to lose because the console has effectively died commercially. At the point the manufacturer has no interest in fighting such hacking/modding and its much better.

At the moment the Switch is thriving with many new games and a bright future and you can buy cheaper devices to run linux if you want that which may have more memory and faster cpu's although weaker gpu. Surely they would be a better fit for Linux. I would of thought a big part of the Switch appeal is its simplicity and convenience.

I use an old windows tablet with my exercise bike, it kept nagging me to update which I finally did and then of course it doesn't work correctly anymore, windows has installed a non touch screen display driver rendering it useless until I spend many hours trying to sort out the driver issue or install a earlier version of windows 10 if I can find it. I find linux even less user friendly than windows with more driver issues when I've tried it in the past. There simply wasn't the drivers for much of my hardware. Linux on Switch just seems like all the hassle of a crappy operating system that you can now take with you wherever you go.