I tend to homebrew only if the console is end of life with no more support or there is nothing to lose because the console has effectively died commercially. At the point the manufacturer has no interest in fighting such hacking/modding and its much better.
At the moment the Switch is thriving with many new games and a bright future and you can buy cheaper devices to run linux if you want that which may have more memory and faster cpu's although weaker gpu. Surely they would be a better fit for Linux. I would of thought a big part of the Switch appeal is its simplicity and convenience.
I use an old windows tablet with my exercise bike, it kept nagging me to update which I finally did and then of course it doesn't work correctly anymore, windows has installed a non touch screen display driver rendering it useless until I spend many hours trying to sort out the driver issue or install a earlier version of windows 10 if I can find it. I find linux even less user friendly than windows with more driver issues when I've tried it in the past. There simply wasn't the drivers for much of my hardware. Linux on Switch just seems like all the hassle of a crappy operating system that you can now take with you wherever you go.