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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What makes Shadow of the Colossus so special?

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How much do you like SotC?

5/5 Best game ever 20 43.48%
4/5 Top 100 games of all time 19 41.30%
3/5 Really good game 1 2.17%
2/5 Quite average 4 8.70%
1/5 A bit annoying 1 2.17%
0/5 Total failure 1 2.17%
mZuzek said:
Random_Matt said:

My ignorance protects me from potential purchases that i may not enjoy. I have never bought a bad game, and am not going to start, sorry if i do not like the idea of the game.

You don't need to be sorry for not liking the idea of the game, you only should be sorry for coming into a thread about it to talk about how boring it looks when you haven't even played it. It's just completely uncalled for and adds nothing to the discussion.

I came in here originally to ask if there was anything outside of 16 Colossi, and hoping there would be. 

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Random_Matt said:
mZuzek said:

You don't need to be sorry for not liking the idea of the game, you only should be sorry for coming into a thread about it to talk about how boring it looks when you haven't even played it. It's just completely uncalled for and adds nothing to the discussion.

I came in here originally to ask if there was anything outside of 16 Colossi, and hoping there would be. 

There's the experience of it. Its sort of unique to this game. To be honest, you'd have to play the game to understand. You'll either really like the game or you won't.

At the time of it's release it was ground breaking. It's been a long time since I played it, so I'm not sure how well it holds up. I do remember the controls were frustrating.

mZuzek said:
roadkillers said:
Shadow of the Colossus is a love story. I do not understand the ending of the game, but it is such a noble and simple story of a guy trying to bring back his deceased girlfriend. Kind of like Snow White. That is what makes the story amazing, the gameplay is the scale and finding out how to take down theses beasts.

One thing I never understood is how everyone feels terrible after killing these creatures. Years later, I get a little caught up in the music, but I always put the importance of people before anything else so that part of the game doesn't effect me as much. By the way, did anyone else notice how blurry the original was? I do not remember it being that blurry.

(SPOILERS) You are supposed to feel bad. If you didn't, you didn't just experience the game in a different way, you experienced it in a way that wasn't how it was supposed to be. They gave each colossus distinct voices and sounds of pain and agony when you hit them, made their death scenes really tragic with sad music, and made your character become more and more corrupted by the end for a reason. It's because that's the story - it's about a demon whose body was split into 16 parts and he/she's bargaining you to restore his/her power by making you destroy the 16 colossi who are keeping his/her evil spirit sealed away. That's why every time you stab a colossus, they spill out black blood, because that's Dormin's spirit leaving their body and eventually joining yours (it's what happens with the tentacles after every battle). That's also why you become him at the end, because you were completely possessed. The colossi are supposed to be protectors of this forgotten land, and you're destroying them one by one.

Haha, I don't like that story so I will pretend mine is right. I like simple love stories, they are the best! I do the samething for Metal Gear Solid, the actual story is so confusing so I simplify it for myself ha.


RolStoppable said:
Aeolus451 said:

So far you've provided nothing to back up your opinion.

That doesn't back up your claim. IGN makes no statement that SotC has been an influential game, but they call it one of the most important games of the PS2 generation regardless, yet provide no explanation for that claim. There's no justification for IGN's statement because it is known that SotC didn't sell much, so if the game had never existed, it wouldn't have affected PS2 sales at all.

CNN put SotC on a list of best and most influential games, but say nothing about SotC being influential. They call it "the high-tech equivalent of an art house film."

And that is exactly what I've said in this thread: The importance of SotC is greatly overrated and any justification for it leads down the path of "It is art." IGN's blurb is outright delusional with its claim that SotC was one of the most important games of the PS2 generation.


You seem joyless all if the time. Did you consider joining the depression thread?

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Errorist76 said:
RolStoppable said:

That doesn't back up your claim. IGN makes no statement that SotC has been an influential game, but they call it one of the most important games of the PS2 generation regardless, yet provide no explanation for that claim. There's no justification for IGN's statement because it is known that SotC didn't sell much, so if the game had never existed, it wouldn't have affected PS2 sales at all.

CNN put SotC on a list of best and most influential games, but say nothing about SotC being influential. They call it "the high-tech equivalent of an art house film."

And that is exactly what I've said in this thread: The importance of SotC is greatly overrated and any justification for it leads down the path of "It is art." IGN's blurb is outright delusional with its claim that SotC was one of the most important games of the PS2 generation.


You seem joyless all if the time. Did you consider joining the depression thread?

Sorry Errorist76, I'm quoting so I can comment on Rol's comment... It does seem a little depressing though haha


Yeah, I agree that Shadow is not the most important PS2 game. I mean Grand Theft Auto 3 basically created a new level of free-roaming games, Resident Evil 4 revolutionized how 3rd person was played, MGS3 evolved the stealth genre, God of War proved that western developers could make amazing action adventure games, Silent Hill 2 perfected the standard horror game (at the time), Max Payne was on of the best created crime stories, Burnout 3 recreated arcade racers, Twisted Metal Black introduced online to Sony fans, Devil May Cry created the modern action adventure, and so many others. Shadow was great, but the most important? I would give that to either GTA3 or RE4 because it changed how games were played.



I've always felt that if you have to ask why then you'll never "get" it and chances are this game is just not for you. There's still always a possibility you may embrace it. People that love SotC found out about it on their own and didn't ask anyone if they'd love it or not. They were just seeking something out that they felt was unlike anything they have seen or played before. They NEEDED to feel something "different" and "unique."

Playing SotC to me is comparable to a spiritual awakening. For me, everything about it is very deep and spiritual. The feeling I get from it is almost biblical in a sense due to the fact it is focused on one man's journey to resurrect a lost love (or friend, etc?) 

I've noticed many players who are deeply fascinated by this game seek questions about life. They are looking for wisdom. SOmehow, this game evokes these kind of feelings to me. The first time I have played it I couldn't help but find myself in deep contemplation over what happened in the end. It was so moving to me I couldn't accept it and (without spoiling anything for anyone) I've made the ending last a hell of a lot longer than it should have due to this element. It's a fascinating, emotional experience reserved for the few who enjoy the finer things in life.

If you're a person who is impatient and wants to rush things and get things over with and doesn't have time to stop by and smell the flowers or observe their surroundings while going out for a walk, this game ain't for you. That's the best way I can put it.

Shadow of the Colossus is special. I think I can speak for everyone who has played it how lucky we are that a game like this even exists. That there is actually an audience for this kind of storytelling and gameplay.

mZuzek said:
konnichiwa said:

=p so blame gamers, not the game.

I would indeed. Not featuring villages, dungeons and smaller enemies isn't a flaw of the game, you only make it out to be because you expect games to follow certain tropes. As I said in an earlier post, Shadow of the Colossus is all about not ticking the boxes we expect from games, and that's why it's so great.

If you think the game didn't have much of a story, well, that's as much proof of that as you need, because it's one of the best that's ever been made in the medium. It's a story that isn't told through exposition or lengthy dialogue, it's told mostly through gameplay (this is a game after all) and that's why it's so good. If your mindset going into Shadow of the Colossus is the "ticking boxes" mindset, you're not going to have anywhere near as great of an experience as other people would. Whereas you're going "#1... done, #2... done. Okay, 14 more to go", other people are soaking in the environment and reflecting about the meaning of their actions. This is only possible because of how the game handles its atmosphere and especially by how it doesn't throw dozens of NPCs and enemies and interactions at you. It only gives you a desolate world and exploring it is supposed to make you feel alone and powerless. That's what it is about.

If you want an open world game with NPCs, quests, villages, dungeons, smaller enemies in addition to bosses, and stories filled with lengthy cutscenes and character interactions, well, I think you can find another dozen or two great games like that. But even today, you still can't find a game like Shadow of the Colossus.

Holy freaking HELL does THIS guy "get it." Man, good for you for defending this piece of art  so brilliantly. This game SHOULD be reviewed based on what it set out to do not because it isn't like Resident Evil 4 or Okami LMFAO. Seriously??? How can you compare SotC to anything else when there is nothing like it. Period. Ok, maybe the game JOURNEY can be more closely compared. But come on.

How can you freaking possibly state the game is bad because you cannot enter villages or talk with fellow NPC's hahaha. Wow, it makes me laugh so hard at just the thought...a serious game such as this and a land so divine and forbidden, bit wait...a fellow pedestrian is out walking his dog and you approach him to ask, "hey I was just wondering if you would have any idea where I could find a REALLY tall and HUGE beast made of stone that wields a weapon???" I mean, this sounds absolutely ludicrous in the concept of this game, considering your character has a legendary weapon that highlights where to go, etc. This is just a quick example .

That is why reviews can be so dumb and misleading. SotC is an easy 10/10 because first of all it does its own thing and doesn't copy anything. Others will copy SotC. Also  it does everything it sets out to do so brilliantly. For me, there are hardly any flaws. Sure, the controls can be difficult for some but hey, I had a blast!

I have a feeling this game has one of the lowest bought vs. actually played ratios ever.

Shadow of the Colossus is not about having fun, but about experiencing awe and wonder. The scale, majesty, and beauty of the world and the creatures that roam it are presented with no compromises to it being a 'videogame.' This is obviously not for everyone, and nor should it be. If it isn't for you then there's nothing wrong with that.