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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware Sales 18 November 2017

CrazyGamer2017 said:
curl-6 said:

The chances of that happening are about as likely as the PS4 getting PS3 lifetime sales.

Maybe or maybe not, we don't know but please explain why the Switch is not at the top when November sales should be boosted by Super Mario Odyssey? BOTW clearly made the Switch sales soar sky-high so why isn't Mario doing the same?

Yet when you see Mario (just the game) sales you can tell the game is selling well. So it's almost as if most people buying the game already have a Switch. But when you watch PS4 sales, even though there are already a ton of PS4's out there you can clearly see that games, even third party games keep the PS4 selling.

Again it's too early to be sure of course but still my question stands, is there a trend here?

Look at the difference between November and December sales for Xbox One and PS4.

Now compare that to 3DS and Wii U.

It's pretty obvious that Nintendo consoles have much better sales in December than November. 

In 3DS's best year, 2013, it sold 1.95 million in November and 14.4 million for the whole year.

In Xbox One's best year, 2015, it sold 2.06 million in November and 8.6 million for the whole year.

Do you understand? Even though Xbox One sold more in November, it sold much less for the entire year.

Now take into consideration the fact that Switch is 2 million units ahead of where 3DS was at this point in its life.

3DS is about to pass 70 million units. So what do you think it means for Switch to be selling faster than 3DS?

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Green098 said:

I really don't think so... I think you're a bit off your rails if you think Switch not selling 850k this week means it's going to sell around 20 million lifetime when it's already sold half that in 9 months (just as fast as PS4 btw). I really really don't think "it's too early to be sure" for that one.

Again neither you nor anyone else explains these figures while a major Mario game was just released. The Switch's sales so far are huge which makes sense in regard to BOTW but it does not seem to do the same in regard to Super Mario Odyssey. That's what I'm asking and that's what you and others are not replying to. You're just saying that I'm crazy and that it's obvious that the Switch will sell a trillion units and that I'm guilty of heresy for daring question Switch sales but you are not answering my question.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. If there is no trend then yeah all is well, but if there is a trend, I'll be curious to see what you Nintendo guys have to say on this.

CaptainExplosion said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Not sure if thats the case, but I also dont think its gonna be the massive hit some assume.

Its also expensive compared to more powerful $199 consoles with more notable software.

Oh ye of little faith.

Well the 3DS and Wii U were massively from their predecessors.

I'm sure it will be a hit eitherway.

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StarDoor said:

It's pretty obvious that Nintendo consoles have much better sales in December than November. 

If so then we'll see that in December figures on VGC. In which case good for the Switch but if I don't see figures following up then I'll bring the question again.

And all that still does not answer the question of why isn't Mario pushing the Switch to the top in November but at least if what you say about December is true then there is no downward trend.

Yes all 3 did great. Yes PS4 did kill it.

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CrazyGamer2017 said:
StarDoor said:

It's pretty obvious that Nintendo consoles have much better sales in December than November. 

If so then we'll see that in December figures on VGC. In which case good for the Switch but if I don't see figures following up then I'll bring the question again.

And all that still does not answer the question of why isn't Mario pushing the Switch to the top in November but at least if what you say about December is true then there is no downward trend.

Well, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to learn that Switch's December sales in Japan are already ahead of November by 107%, and there's still one week left. And if you've looked at the Amazon thread this month, then you'd also know that Switch has had a much bigger increase in December than either PS4 or Xbox One got, seeing as how Switch is the best-selling console of the month.

Also, in what world should 3D Mario push Switch to the top in November? I mean, have you ever looked at the sales of these games? Their lifetime sales generally fall between 10 and 13 million, and they reach those numbers because of their legs, not their launches. No one with even slightly reasonable expectations should think that Switch would sell more worldwide than PS4 in November, a month that is much stronger for PlayStation and Xbox than it is for Nintendo, when Switch is in its first year and PS4 is in its best year yet.

CrazyGamer2017 said:
The PS4 it totally crushing it and I'm very glad about that. The Xbox is down compared to previous week's huge numbers due to the XB1X release which is expected.
The Switch while doing good is last in the top 3 which makes me wonder if there is a trend here. Last week it was last in the top 3 too and these are Super Mario Odyssey weeks which I thought would put the Switch at the top. So while I'm sure at this point that the Switch will outsell the Wii U, I have to wonder if sales are not starting to settle for the new Nintendo machine? Except for Japan, Switch is not doing as well as it should. Of course it's still too early to tell and I want to wait for VGC figures for December before forming a definite opinion but my feeling is that the Switch is heading for Gamecube lifetime sales and not Wii lifetime sales...

Here we go again *eye roll* 

Why are you pretending like COD, Assassin's Creed, $189 Xbox, and $199 PS4 weren't factors in Nov? Switch is one of the fastest selling Nintendo consoles ever, but because it didn't win Nov it's somehow going to do Gamecube numbers? You're so transparent, it's ridiculous. 

Nogamez said:
NintendoPie said:
Switch is such a disappointment. I was expecting it to be #1 for the rest of the year. It's gonna drop like a rock in 2018.

Close to half a milllion the week before Black Friday and you are complaining. Think ( well i hope) you are just trolling to collect points. Either that or you are just a person who spins everything into the negative.  

All the responses to my post have been pretty funny, but I don't understand how me making that post gets me more points? Slightly confused here.

CrazyGamer2017 said:
Green098 said:

I really don't think so... I think you're a bit off your rails if you think Switch not selling 850k this week means it's going to sell around 20 million lifetime when it's already sold half that in 9 months (just as fast as PS4 btw). I really really don't think "it's too early to be sure" for that one.

Again neither you nor anyone else explains these figures while a major Mario game was just released. The Switch's sales so far are huge which makes sense in regard to BOTW but it does not seem to do the same in regard to Super Mario Odyssey. That's what I'm asking and that's what you and others are not replying to. You're just saying that I'm crazy and that it's obvious that the Switch will sell a trillion units and that I'm guilty of heresy for daring question Switch sales but you are not answering my question.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. If there is no trend then yeah all is well, but if there is a trend, I'll be curious to see what you Nintendo guys have to say on this.

You should look at previous years to see how its doing in relation to other platforms in their first holiday.

Here are 3rd week of 1st (non-launch) November sales for previous consoles.



Wii U-103k









Only PS4 & Wii are ahead of it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Does this Xbox numbers include the X

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