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Been playing a few things on Switch. While I do have Paper Mario here in the backlog. Not been in the mood for it. Been playing the Shin Chan vacation game which has the vibes of Attack of the Friday Monsters on 3DS. Also just been replaying Assault Suits Valken, Gleylancer, and Gynoug on Switch. Man Masaya was a great developer on Mega Drive/Genesis but no one knows about them.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Continuing my journey on Another's Crab Treasure in the meantime. Prolly will segway to Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. Saw a bit of the game and ooooh boy ! It's exactly the kind of exoteric afventure-puzzle game I'm in for

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Near the end of Pikmin 4. I wish Olimar would just feed Louie to a Bulborb and say it was an accident.

So that chapter 5/6 cutscene in XC3 just keeps going then huh? 😅🥲

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

So that chapter 5/6 cutscene in XC3 just keeps going then huh? 😅🥲

Yes 🥲

Problem is weirdly enough, it's hurts even more when I watch that stretch of cutscenes knowdays. 

On another happier note ...

We finally got a tease for the Dragon Quest 3 remake ! Or trilogy remake ? They only Herdrick showed the logo for some reason.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Around the Network

Whoa...Lego Zelda is real now.

I finished Dragon Ball FighterZ on Switch.

Game: Dragon Ball FighterZ
Genre: Fighting
Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Bandai Namco
System: Nintendo Switch (NS)
Year of Release: 2018
Length of Playthrough: 24 Hours

+Over 40 playable characters
+Story mode with 3 routes that take at least 20 hours in total
+2Dish like World Hub that gives you access to all the modes (Arcade, Story, etc)

-Story mode allows you to only play as half of the characters
-FPS dips from time to time in portable mode


Games I completed in the series comparison...

Dragon Ball Legacy of Goku (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Legacy of Goku II (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Buu's Fury (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Wii): N/A
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): 87
Dragon Ball FighterZ (NS): 85

Monolift Soft's new game is codenamed "Legacy" according to Midori.

When I think of legacy, I don't think as much about "the first" of something as much as I do honoring the first of something with something new that is like it.

Xenosaga was their first thing. Maybe a sequel to that?

Or, the game being as old as it is, a Xenosaga 1-3 upscale remaster to refresh us all (or for people like me who never played any of them) snd then they announce Xenosaga 4.

Dulfite said:

Monolift Soft's new game is codenamed "Legacy" according to Midori.

When I think of legacy, I don't think as much about "the first" of something as much as I do honoring the first of something with something new that is like it.

Xenosaga was their first thing. Maybe a sequel to that?

Or, the game being as old as it is, a Xenosaga 1-3 upscale remaster to refresh us all (or for people like me who never played any of them) snd then they announce Xenosaga 4.

Doesnt Namco own the rights to Xenosaga?

Xenogears is owned by Squaresoft

Xenoblade obviously by Nintendo.

Its kinda funny how all these games are supposedly in the same universe and made by the same people but each sub series of the "Xeno" series is owned by different companies lol

Very likely it’s their medieval new ip they teased years ago with this image

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 29 May 2024

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed