I finished Dragon Ball FighterZ on Switch.
Game: Dragon Ball FighterZ
Genre: Fighting
Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Bandai Namco
System: Nintendo Switch (NS)
Year of Release: 2018
Length of Playthrough: 24 Hours
+Over 40 playable characters
+Story mode with 3 routes that take at least 20 hours in total
+2Dish like World Hub that gives you access to all the modes (Arcade, Story, etc)
-Story mode allows you to only play as half of the characters
-FPS dips from time to time in portable mode
Games I completed in the series comparison...
Dragon Ball Legacy of Goku (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Legacy of Goku II (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Buu's Fury (GBA): N/A
Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Wii): N/A
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): 87
Dragon Ball FighterZ (NS): 85