Received the Pokémon Switch OLED earlier (bought it for my partner) and it's the first time even holding the OLED model, it feels like a real premium piece of tech and that Pokémon themed backplate is gorgeous!
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed
Received the Pokémon Switch OLED earlier (bought it for my partner) and it's the first time even holding the OLED model, it feels like a real premium piece of tech and that Pokémon themed backplate is gorgeous!
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed
To this day I'm clamouring for Advance Wars 1+2 ReBootcamp.
There's no guarantee the war with Russia will be over anytime soon, so just release the game already, Nintendo.
Picked up a New 3DS XL and Nintendo 64. Going to build the DS/3DS/N64 library starting now, especially with games being a good price for the most part.
What's some must haves to start off with?
For 3DS I have:
* Rayman Origins
* Rayman 3D
* Ocarina of Time (Almost finished it)
Going to get Majoras Mask, lylat Wars.
N64 I have:
* Mario Kart 64
* Super Mario 64
* LylatWars 64
Really want to get the Pal variant of StarCraft 64 (Pending price), Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, All the Turoks, Gauntlet Legends.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
Persona 5 feels a lot like Tales of Vesperia at this point. Just when you think that the story would be finally over, the game adds another arc and keeps going. Things just drag on for too long.
So I decided to take a break from Persona 5 and started Xenoblade Chronicles 3 anew. While XC3 was the game of the year 2022 before already, having experienced Persona 5 made me appreciate Monolith's game so much more. Now even the story, characters and music feel phenomenal when they didn't the first time around. The whole thing is simply... coherent and fun. Although I do know that the turning point of the story is far too elaborate and remains a pacing issue. But otherwise, the distribution of story and gameplay is fine.
Regarding Persona 5, I'm sure I'll finish it eventually and play it a second time. Games with time management are something that interest me a lot, so optimizing how the time is spent is fascinating to me. Fast-forwarding the dialogues will cut down on the real time spent tremendously too. But either way, Persona 5 is grossly overrated. I'm not sure why it is so. I imagine a lot of its fandom just goes along with the flow and praises the game despite not enjoying a good chunk of it.
Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.
CaptainExplosion said: To this day I'm clamouring for Advance Wars 1+2 ReBootcamp. |
I'm cautiously hoping for a shadow drop in December. No marketing, no nothing, just a out of nowhere tweet that it's out.
Upsetting too because I was hoping Nintendo would make a push for this release and we would get a brand new Advance Wars and the IP would continue on.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
What did y'all think about the new Scarlet and Violet trailer? I wasn't a fan but I'm sold on the game already so it didn't do anything to hamper my excitement.
My Console Library:
PS5, Switch, XSX
PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360
3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android
Finally got all 8 badges in Pokemon Sword - 28 hours in.
Time to play the end game and then into the post game.
Also I finally finished playing Classic Mode with all of the characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
I've been playing through Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as well.
Once I'm done with Pokemon Sword - I'm gonna play Zelda Wind Waker HD on my WiiU - here's hoping they port that and Twilight Princess to Switch.
The gargantuan popularity of the Switch among school age kids I work with makes me certain that its going to be one of those systems like the NES that shapes the gaming childhood of a generation.
curl-6 said: The gargantuan popularity of the Switch among school age kids I work with makes me certain that its going to be one of those systems like the NES that shapes the gaming childhood of a generation. |
That warms my heart. ^^
So is this supposed to be Nintendo's full introduction to live service seasons? Looks pretty good if so! The base game already offered a healthy amount of content.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind