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Hey guys, happy new year! :)

Place has been quiet the last few days, although not being able to embed Twitter has definitely made it harder to use the thread for news post dumping.

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More than 9 years after its release, Mario Kart Wii makes Amazon's top 100 best selling games of December 2017

Has everyone heard the rumors about Link Between Worlds being ported to the Switch???
If so, then please disregard this post...
Supposedly Nintendo asked a media outlet if they could use a snippet of the review the published for the game...
While this tiny little piece of information tells us nothing, many on social media have decided to run with it...

Have a nice day...

leedlelee said:
Has everyone heard the rumors about Link Between Worlds being ported to the Switch???
If so, then please disregard this post...
Supposedly Nintendo asked a media outlet if they could use a snippet of the review the published for the game...
While this tiny little piece of information tells us nothing, many on social media have decided to run with it...

I'd prefer a new 2D Zelda for Switch, but ALBW port as a stop-gap would be pretty nice!

So Thabes Labyrinth in Fire Emblem Echoes, was that in the original NES game? The gameplay there started to feel more like Awakening n Fates, in that I had to think carefully about my actions since my units could die in 1-2 hits. The final boss battle was even the same as Awakening's. That dungeon was easily the best part of the whole game for me, which would be kinda sad if that wasn't even part of the original game lel.

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GDQ is about to go live.

Mar1217 said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:
So Thabes Labyrinth in Fire Emblem Echoes, was that in the original NES game? The gameplay there started to feel more like Awakening n Fates, in that I had to think carefully about my actions since my units could die in 1-2 hits. The final boss battle was even the same as Awakening's. That dungeon was easily the best part of the whole game for me, which would be kinda sad if that wasn't even part of the original game lel.

Yes, it's new. I don't know how awekening content could have been made back in the NES era though ...

Uh it's not like the infinite enemy spawns while you're trying to reach the boss is a unique idea only possible in Awakening, infact that's how the final story boss in Echoes went, though they spawned from cantors rather than sigils. But anyway thanks, just wanted to be sure!

Have to say I'm really impressed and pleased for Nintendo. Really thought it was all over for them when Wii sales fell off the cliff and Wii U was an utter failure.

Means I can even return to this website after an absence of over 8 years. I see the dislike of Nintendo hasn't changed much in that time though. I thought people were meant to love the underdog success story.

etuoyo said:
Have to say I'm really impressed and pleased for Nintendo. Really thought it was all over for them when Wii sales fell off the cliff and Wii U was an utter failure.

Means I can even return to this website after an absence of over 8 years. I see the dislike of Nintendo hasn't changed much in that time though. I thought people were meant to love the underdog success story.

Nintendo could weather probably 5-7 Wii U level failures over the span of a few decades before they ran out of money. 

Also, I believe this website has more Nintendo fans than any other fandom.

Pornhub pledges support for Switch