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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

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Soundwave said:
spemanig said:

Who ever said anything about XBO level performance? I just said "able to get multiplats." I never said anything about them running on par with XBO/PS4. Nothing about what I'm saying "violates the laws of thermal physics." You're being riddiculus.

"Able to get multiplats" .... how do you know that is "easy"? It was fun to speculate, but it may well be that it's very difficult to get the performance you are talking about in a portable device.

A Tegra Shield with a full clocked 20nm Tegra X1 consumes almost 20 watts at full tilt (and this chip is well below an XBox One in performance as is), that is simply unworkable in a portable state. 

That would kill even a fairly large 5000-6000 MaH battery in like 1 1/2 hours. What you're asking for performance wise I simply don't think is possible. 

I don't. I'm no tech guy, but people who are say it's possible.

spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

"Able to get multiplats" .... how do you know that is "easy"? It was fun to speculate, but it may well be that it's very difficult to get the performance you are talking about in a portable device.

A Tegra Shield with a full clocked 20nm Tegra X1 consumes almost 20 watts at full tilt (and this chip is well below an XBox One in performance as is), that is simply unworkable in a portable state. 

That would kill even a fairly large 5000-6000 MaH battery in like 1 1/2 hours. What you're asking for performance wise I simply don't think is possible. 

I don't. I'm no tech guy, but people who are say it's possible.

I've looked into it more than anyone on this board, hell I was talking about the Tegra X1 from last year and the whole hybrid idea for more than a year. 

It was always going to have to be in a perfect scenario and Nintendo would have to be using 14nm/16nm (which they're apparently not) too to even get downports. 

As is, no it's not as easy as you think it is and is probably border line impossible. You have to factor in too that these mobile chips have benchmarking but under optimal conditions and peak performance spec. Lets say I tell you to sprint hard for 30 meters. Unless you are grossly out of shape you can probably do that for 30 meters no problem. If I tell you to sprint at that same rate for 3 hours though ... you're likely going to drop dead. 

That was always always going to be an issue. 

If a developer *really* wants to do a port they can, I mean Metal Gear Solid V and Far Cry 4 and Tomb Raider all run on a 250 GFLOP XBox 360. But other games simply can't unless they are dramatically altered. A lot of games are simply not going to run. 

Soundwave said:
Egelo said:

Switch wont even sniff half that number.  

I guess we'll find out. Even half that is still 30+ million though, the Vita couldn't dream of such a number. 

still did better then wiiu lol.  

Soundwave said:
spemanig said:

I don't. I'm no tech guy, but people who are say it's possible.

I've looked into it more than anyone on this board, hell I was talking about the Tegra X1 from last year and the whole hybrid idea for more than a year. 

It was always going to have to be in a perfect scenario and Nintendo would have to be using 14nm/16nm (which they're apparently not) too to even get downports. 

As is, no it's not as easy as you think it is and is probably border line impossible. You have to factor in too that these mobile chips have benchmarking but under optimal conditions and peak performance spec. Lets say I tell you to sprint hard for 30 meters. Unless you are grossly out of shape you can probably do that for 30 meters no problem. If I tell you to sprint at that same rate for 3 hours though ... you're likely going to drop dead. 

That was always always going to be an issue. 

If a developer *really* wants to do a port they can, I mean Metal Gear Solid V and Far Cry 4 and Tomb Raider all run on a 250 GFLOP XBox 360. But other games simply can't unless they are dramatically altered. A lot of games are simply not going to run. 

No offense, but you haven't said anything that makes me think you know more than Thraktor or other Tech Gaffers, and they've been very clear about how acheivable it is to make a machine powerful enough to get most 8th gen ports without sacrificing battery life. That's all it needs.

And we still don't know how powerful it will be. DF only leaked clock speeds.

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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

I've looked into it more than anyone on this board, hell I was talking about the Tegra X1 from last year and the whole hybrid idea for more than a year. 

It was always going to have to be in a perfect scenario and Nintendo would have to be using 14nm/16nm (which they're apparently not) too to even get downports. 

As is, no it's not as easy as you think it is and is probably border line impossible. You have to factor in too that these mobile chips have benchmarking but under optimal conditions and peak performance spec. Lets say I tell you to sprint hard for 30 meters. Unless you are grossly out of shape you can probably do that for 30 meters no problem. If I tell you to sprint at that same rate for 3 hours though ... you're likely going to drop dead. 

That was always always going to be an issue. 

If a developer *really* wants to do a port they can, I mean Metal Gear Solid V and Far Cry 4 and Tomb Raider all run on a 250 GFLOP XBox 360. But other games simply can't unless they are dramatically altered. A lot of games are simply not going to run. 

No offense, but you haven't said anything that makes me think you know more than Thraktor or other Tech Gaffers, and they've been very clear about how acheivable it is to make a machine powerful enough to get most 8th gen ports without sacrificing battery life. That's all it needs.

And we still don't know how powerful it will be. DF only leaked clock speeds.

"Performance at lower clocks could be boosted by a larger GPU (ie more CUDA cores), but this seems unlikely,..."  -Eurogamer.

Their not 100% sure, but they see the most likely scenario is its a plain old standard Tegra X1, when it comes to cuda cores.


That makes the 150 Gflops / 400 Gflops the most likely outcome atm.

Killy_Vorkosigan said:
Shocking but not unexpected from a Nintendo always disappointing since the Wii.

Aren't "shocking" and "not unexpected" conflicting thoughts?

If something is shocking than by definition it is unexpected.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Egelo said:
Soundwave said:

I guess we'll find out. Even half that is still 30+ million though, the Vita couldn't dream of such a number. 

still did better then wiiu lol.  

But vastly worse than wii u and 3ds.

While not overly surprising considering the path NiN chose when they transitioned from Gamecube to Wii, it seemed like they might be transitioning back to a more balanced console, based on them usually being an entire gen behind hardware wise. Apparently not?

For those kind of specs, $249 would be the max I could see them selling it for, based on the "gimmick" and the NiN brand name. $199 would move a lot more units though.

This seems risky to me. Unless they truly hope to get rid of the 3DS and replace it with Switch, I can't see Switch selling to many more units than Wii U (if you only count the Switch sales that are being used for a console and not the units that are replacing existing or potential 3DS's).

This really makes me wonder whether NiN has a Switch Pro up it's sleeve, that's a thicker, heavier unit, due to a larger battery, and cooling fans, to deal with the more power hungry hardware. Either that, or a more powerful Tegra based console, with a GTX 1060 or something like that. I really can't believe that NiN would move even further out of the console space, and simply hope to build on the mobile space with no back up plan. Maybe NiN has decided already if Switch doesn't work out then no more home consoles? Who knows with NiN.