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While not overly surprising considering the path NiN chose when they transitioned from Gamecube to Wii, it seemed like they might be transitioning back to a more balanced console, based on them usually being an entire gen behind hardware wise. Apparently not?

For those kind of specs, $249 would be the max I could see them selling it for, based on the "gimmick" and the NiN brand name. $199 would move a lot more units though.

This seems risky to me. Unless they truly hope to get rid of the 3DS and replace it with Switch, I can't see Switch selling to many more units than Wii U (if you only count the Switch sales that are being used for a console and not the units that are replacing existing or potential 3DS's).

This really makes me wonder whether NiN has a Switch Pro up it's sleeve, that's a thicker, heavier unit, due to a larger battery, and cooling fans, to deal with the more power hungry hardware. Either that, or a more powerful Tegra based console, with a GTX 1060 or something like that. I really can't believe that NiN would move even further out of the console space, and simply hope to build on the mobile space with no back up plan. Maybe NiN has decided already if Switch doesn't work out then no more home consoles? Who knows with NiN.