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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump plainly admits to lying about his central campaign promises.

if we really lived in a democracy those problems would be easily resolved, the people would just kick him out of office.

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method114 said:
Ljink96 said:

All politicians make promises they can't keep, not necessarily lie, Trump flat out lied to get elected. Obama, Bush, all of them promised to do things but that's all in good hope that you'll get a house that is on your side.

We're not going to sell a multi billion dollar wall, the carrier jobs that he "saved" aren't really saved, they were already never planned to leave, he plans to bomb the hell out of isis, if we did that welcome WW3, he just told a bunch of shit and I called it during the entire election. I guess Trump isn't like Hitler at all, and the fake People Magazine quote wasn't such a fake idea of a comment after all.

All politicians lie period. Anyone who thinks differently is a sheep. 

When Obama said he was going to do something as controversial as Healthcare Reform, he fucking did it. When Trump says he's going to build a fucking billion dollar wall, something as controversial as that, he backs down from it as soon as he's elected. He's a pussy.

Given the anti Islam Army dudes hes chosen.

I honestly couldn't care less about any of his other promises. This is the only one that truly matter for the future of all civilization.

bunchanumbers said:
pray4mojo said:
No wall, no killing Obama care... it's all working out perfectly. Most of his supporters are going to cry foul and turn on the guy and the rest of us already have an unhealthy hatred for him.

Four horrible years and done.

No one is turning on him. His supporters are going to defend him even harder. Almost with a religious zeal even after he takes away all the social programs that they have relied on for years. Its only going to get worse but he will still be defended. Even after the war crimes W did he was still defended.

Oh yes, how could i forget the Iraq War which was entirely done by Bush by himself unilaterally with no political support, or public approval. I still remember when he dropped from the helicopter and shot the civillians himself.

Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!

It makes me sad that people are so easily spun by false promises. This goes for both sides. We can be better though. We can change or fate by making objective decisions about what will make life better for us all. Don't believe anyone who promises you the world at the expense of someone else. Don't believe anyone who tells us that we can't all thrive, because that is a divide and conquer method that leaves few winners.

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Nem said:
HollyGamer said:
Thats why i hate democracy and elected person, you just need to make lies , and a good first impression first or make sweet promise , but then it's just bull shoot in the end. That is applied to every President a cross the globe.

You act like what elected Trump wasnt an electoral college rather than popular vote. You can't claim that is democracy's fault when you don't have a democratic system.

Also, feel free to tell us wich system you would prefer, because monarchy and dictatorship ain't much better.

My country is a very  democratic country, and is lead to nothing but chaos, LOL even the democratic system have failed since on the clasical era (Rome) 

You should rather fear future presidential candidates, because Trump has shown the world that you can make all the shit up you want to and do nothing of it when you get elected. No one can do anything against it. The trust and credibility is completely gone. But knowing humanity, in 4 years they will promises every voter 100 bucks and you won't get any of it afterwards. And you will be ok with it lol.

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Mr Puggsly said:

1. Again, Hillary had a massive lead in NY and CA. Those are what gave her the popular vote. Trump had to actually appeal to swing states. Winning the popular vote is a different game.

2. Obamacare is unpopular because really expensive and the penalty for not having insurance is ridiculous. When unemployed people benefit more from it than actual working people, its broken. I also see people exploit it by working less or lying about their income to get free health care on the backs of those who pay. Even Obama has admitted its broken.

I can't deny the graphs show more job growth under democrats, but what do dems do to stimulate job growth? Higher taxes and more regulations? It certainly hasn't helped Obama much as we've seen small growth compared to other left wing presidents.

Obama's involvment with Bin Laden was essentially, "okay, do your job." The Benghazi thing, I think the bigger issue with that is the lying. Its just one of several occasions the administration was caught lying.

I understand Obama's favoribility is high, but polls also showed Hillary was gonna have a landslide victory. Its strange Obama is so popular but the country didn't want his successor.

A flip flopping president isn't that unusual, look at Obama. I'm more curious to see what Trump does accomplish. Basically you're comparing Obama's record to Trump's, but Trump isn't president yet.

For the record, its seems people think I hate Obama because I love repubuplicans. But I'm not boasting about other republican presidents or complaining about other democrat presidents. I just don't believe Obama was a good president and he certainly didn't push issues Trump supporters find important. I aslo find the push left wingers are making on socialism and social justice alarming. Bill Clinton was a moderate compared to what dems push now.

I just want to say. There is a massive difference between not being able to accomplish your campaign promises....and doing the exact opposite of your campaign promises. Trump is doing the opposite. He said he'd repeal Obamacare during the campaign; now he's saying the major provisions will be kept. He said he'd "drain the swamp" during the campaign; now he's filling it with establishment billionaires. He said he would tax companies that leave the nation during the campaign; now he's giving them millions in tax incentives. Does this not bother you? Those were some of the major points of his platform, now he's doing the opposite. That'd be like Obama campaigning on the ACA and then turning around and saying "actually, you're getting booted off your parent's insurance at 18 and if you have a pre existing condition, then NO insurance is allowed to cover you"

Flip flopping does occur across the board for all politicians in one area or another, but Trump is flip flopping on everything. He's done a 180 on everything it was that got people to vote Trump. What did Obama do? "Evolve" on gay marriage? That's the only thing I can think of. And don't say "you can keep your doctor". That's not a flip flop. That's just being incorrect. Trump is deliberately doing the opposite of what he promised during the campaign, which is downright malicious and incomparable to merely being wrong like Obama was about doctors

Damn I broke it down on page 4 with 2 post not 1 reply lol. Looks like this thread is only for 2 or 3 people.