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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will Trump seriously ban all Muslims, cause apparently he can?



He will 74 19.07%
He won't seriously do that 205 52.84%
Who the hell knows at thi... 109 28.09%


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CosmicSex said:
We pray that things like this:

are not inspired by the victory of Donald Trump. The country doesn't need this. For our dignity and our safety. Those forces who wish to do us harm abroad will use this to recruit people to attack us. We do not condone the harassment of people based on what race or region they come from. Its not what this country stands for.

This literally happened on November 1st. It says that at the top of the article.

How can you blame a Trump victory for something that happened a week before he won?

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I highly doubt he will ban all muslims, but I think the muslim people need to show the country that they are against extremists in their religion. They need to voice their distain for those peoples actions because it all becomes one sided when there is no one speaking up for the muslim people who just wants to have a normal and peaceful life in the country.

It might not be fair to the muslim people in the US, but having white people speaking for you is not really fair to them either.

Riseer said:

I just think we need to stop people from Syria and Mexico to flood our county. I am 100% agreement with the wall citizenship to this county needs to be earned.

Only 3,500 Syrian refugees have entered the US, more like a trickle (In Germany that number is 468,000)

Mexico is also no longer the top origin country among the most recent immigrants to the United States. In 2013, China and India overtook Mexico as the most common countries of origin of immigrants who have resided in the United States for one year or less. Furthermore, more Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico than have migrated to the United States since the end of the 2009

Check the facts for yourself, don’t believe the scare campaign that got many to vote one way or another  

Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story 

outlawauron said:
CosmicSex said:
We pray that things like this:

are not inspired by the victory of Donald Trump. The country doesn't need this. For our dignity and our safety. Those forces who wish to do us harm abroad will use this to recruit people to attack us. We do not condone the harassment of people based on what race or region they come from. Its not what this country stands for.

This literally happened on November 1st. It says that at the top of the article.

How can you blame a Trump victory for something that happened a week before he won?

Doesn't necessarily include this case in particular.


"The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reported Monday that hate crimes against Muslims in the Twin Cities and elsewhere across the USA are steadily ticking upward to levels not seen since right after Sept. 11, 2001 — even as other categories of hate crime appear to be on the decline."

Imagine a terrorist attack in between the magnitude of boston bombings or 911 happens in times of high tension and during Trumps presidency.



Rab said:
Riseer said:

I just think we need to stop people from Syria and Mexico to flood our county. I am 100% agreement with the wall citizenship to this county needs to be earned.

Only 3,500 Syrian refugees have entered the US, more like a trickle (In Germany that number is 468,000)

Mexico is also no longer the top origin country among the most recent immigrants to the United States. In 2013, China and India overtook Mexico as the most common countries of origin of immigrants who have resided in the United States for one year or less.Furthermore, more Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico than have migrated to the United States since the end of the 2009

Check the facts for yourself, don’t believe the scare campaign that got many to vote one way or another  

Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story  

"Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story"


Neither do non-politicians. To lie and not to tell the whole truth is the rule and not a characteristic restricted to politicians. It is true, refugees from Syria to US are far below the numbers entering Germany. However, how many terrorist attacks by islamists did occur in Germany?

Hunting Season is done...

Around the Network
jason1637 said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:


"Donald Trump has outlined a new screening process for would-be immigrants designed to exclude Islamic extremists that he promoted Monday as "extreme vetting." The policy would attempt to establish whether applicants' beliefs match US values on gay rights, gender equality and religious freedoms, among others."



"In a speech in Ohio, the candidate outlined his plans to combat Islamic extremism, including a new screening test for arrivals to the US. Applicants will be tested to determine if they share Western liberal values like LGBT and religious tolerance."



“We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people,” Trump said at Youngstown State University in Ohio Monday. “In the Cold War we had an ideological screening test. The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting,” he continued. “Our country has enough problems, we don’t need more.”



So it doesn't look like he will ban anyone, except those who don't believe "western liberal values" it seems. Now I'm just waiting to see if he'll go back on his plan for "The Great Wall of Trump" and change it to something a little more acceptable and reasonable.   

This sounds a lot more reasonable and better than bwnning Muslims. Seems as if President Ttump is turning more presidential in the last few days.

How many republicans would pass that test, especially on LGBT right and religious freedom? :)

Zoombael said:

"Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story"


Neither do non-politicians. To lie and not to tell the whole truth is the rule and not a characteristic restricted to politicians. It is true, refugees from Syria to US are far below the numbers entering Germany. However, how many terrorist attacks by islamists did occur in Germany?

4 Islamic individuals (not necessarily Syrian) have caused 4 deaths and 19 injuries over the last 2 years in Germany

4 out of the 4.3 Million Muslims in Germany have commited a crime in the name of Islam, which is about 0.0001% of the Muslim population 

I would really hope so but I have doubts he'll actually do it, be great if he could though.

Puppyroach said:
jason1637 said:

This sounds a lot more reasonable and better than bwnning Muslims. Seems as if President Ttump is turning more presidential in the last few days.

How many republicans would pass that test, especially on LGBT right and religious freedom? :)

LOL. I can't help but laugh now that I've learnt more about Mike Pence. That man harbors too much hate against the LGBT community. 

Here's the thing. A lot of people talk about building walls and banning Muslims, but what these don't understand is while this makes good dramatic campaign rhetoric, the President of the United States does not have the authority to do any of this. Congress has to approve it. Even though Congress has stupidly given the executive branch powers that it never used to have before, which is why both the Bush administration and Obama administrations kept abusing their executive orders, our constitution was designed so that the power of Congress outweighs the power of the Executive Branch. So if Trump does a bunch of crazy shit, blame Congress.

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