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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will Trump seriously ban all Muslims, cause apparently he can?



He will 74 19.07%
He won't seriously do that 205 52.84%
Who the hell knows at thi... 109 28.09%
JWeinCom said:
Wiibaron said:
Since ONLY American citizens have a right to be here, come here, live here, [or leave here], not 1 single American has a single thing to worry about. Other countries' nationals can start worrying if they want.

Americans do not have anything to worry about, unless they actually care and have empathy for people who are living in other countries.  Many of those are living in a situation where their life is in constant danger, largely because of America's actions.  As long as you don't care about that, then no reason to worry.

Trump's website has actually removed all reference to a muslim ban.  Could be just maintenance, or a sign that like many, he won't follow through on his campaign promises.


His muslim ban policy was further explained laters (months ago) that it was a ban on countries with terrorist links, that are primarily muslim. There is no 100% muslim ban coming. His campaign promise is what i linked.

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CosmicSex said:
Wiibaron said:
Since ONLY American citizens have a right to be here, come here, live here, [or leave here], not 1 single American has a single thing to worry about. Other countries' nationals can start worrying if they want.

No.  America has a moral obligation to be sensitive to the needs of immigrants because we are a nation of immigrants... unless you are Native American... and you see how that worked out for the actual Americans.  I know people wont be satisfied with what I just said, but its really worth it to really consider how this country came about.  It started when some immigrants came to North America fleeing their own countries in a similar way that immigrants flee  their own countires and come here.  Imagine what would have happened if Native Amerixcans had the fire power to deport those immigrants.  What would our view of them had been.  Are we afraid that we will wind up like the Native Americans?  This is just a thought experiment. 

Native Americans did fight and attempt to deport those immigrants.  And they got over run and basically had a genocide happen.   So thank you, your example showed exactly why you don't want to have all your resources depleted.   Trump is still for LEGAL migration (his wife is a LEGAL immigrant remember?).  BUT it's foolish to just have an open border and drain on our country.

CaptainExplosion2 said:
Eagle367 said:

I hope not since that means whatever the hell he does to Muslims inside the states is gonna be much worse. I can go somewhere else but the people are gonna be stuck there in america who are muslims

He's already got his rabid supporters doing it for him.


BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

Link, source, do you not understand English?  

And where have I even mentioned Trump's policy on this one way or another?  What the hell are you even talking about?  You seem to have a problem understanding anything that isn't your own delusion.  Take your own advice, stop being a pawn to a political party.  I won't have a problem with Trump's proposal if religion is one aspect of the screening process, as the Supreme Court already allows that.  Your whining about bias has no foundation when you're the only one exaggerating.

Anyway, you seem to lack the ability to understand logic so I'll give you a little refresher:

All cats are animals, not all animals are cats.

You still following?  Can you puzzle out what that means and how it applies to this?  Or will you claim that logic is biased against you?

Banning Muslims would mean that no Muslims at all are allowed to enter.  You following?  That is not the same as disallowing entry from specific countries in any way, shape, or form, even if the majority of their citizens are Muslim.  Period.

This isn't rocket science, it's basic logic. Earlier it was a full Muslim ban, but it was more about a ban from Muslim countries and that is what the policy he has pushed for months and months has been now. You can google these things and find the same exact answers. I let you decide which "source" you want to use because no matter what I give you, you are going to twist it into how it's right-wing propaganda. I'm not loyal to any political party. Republicans are just as dirty as the Democrats. The politicians are crooked. Take your blinders off.

Like I said, I'm waiting to see what the proposal is before I judge.  I didn't reference Trump's plan in the first place, that was all you making up arguments for other people.  Me calling you out for attempting to spread disinformation had nothing to do with Trump.

pokoko said:
BeefWellingtonIII said: Earlier it was a full Muslim ban, but it was more about a ban from Muslim countries and that is what the policy he has pushed for months and months has been now. You can google these things and find the same exact answers. I let you decide which "source" you want to use because no matter what I give you, you are going to twist it into how it's right-wing propaganda. I'm not loyal to any political party. Republicans are just as dirty as the Democrats. The politicians are crooked. Take your blinders off.

Like I said, I'm waiting to see what the proposal is before I judge.  I didn't reference Trump's plan in the first place, that was all you making up arguments for other people.  Me calling you out for attempting to spread disinformation had nothing to do with Trump.


You said that I made up the ban's Obama put in place. Which I didn't make up. That's how this conversation started between the two of us. And I proved I didn't lie. Anybody else can research it for themselves. Just because your Huffingtonpost didn't report on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

Like I said, I'm waiting to see what the proposal is before I judge.  I didn't reference Trump's plan in the first place, that was all you making up arguments for other people.  Me calling you out for attempting to spread disinformation had nothing to do with Trump.


You said that I made up the ban's Obama put in place. Which I didn't make up. That's how this conversation started between the two of us. And I proved I didn't lie. Anybody else can research it for themselves. Just because your Huffingtonpost didn't report on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I have no idea why you keep talking about the Huffington Post.  Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?  Please, can you try to make sense?

You said, and I quote, "Obama banned Muslims from immigrating to this country", and you were unable to offer a source.  Looking it up myself, after your failure to back up your claim, I found out that previous halts to immigration were from specific countries, not specific religions.  

That means you were dishonest.  

You know, this crap people like you do, where if someone calls you out for spreading disinformation, you're all like "oh, you must be with the other party," is getting really old.  I called you out because you were lying, period, not because I give a damn about Obama or Trump.

Why would you even lie about it in the first place?  Makes no sense to me.

pokoko said:
BeefWellingtonIII said:


You said that I made up the ban's Obama put in place. Which I didn't make up. That's how this conversation started between the two of us. And I proved I didn't lie. Anybody else can research it for themselves. Just because your Huffingtonpost didn't report on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I have no idea why you keep talking about the Huffington Post.  Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?  Please, can you try to make sense?

You said, and I quote, "Obama banned Muslims from immigrating to this country", and you were unable to offer a source.  Looking it up myself, after your failure to back up your claim, I found out that previous halts to immigration were from specific countries, not specific religions.  

That means you were dishonest.  

You know, this crap people like you do, where if someone calls you out for spreading disinformation, you're all like "oh, you must be with the other party," is getting really old.  I called you out because you were lying, period, not because I give a damn about Obama or Trump.

Why would you even lie about it in the first place?  Makes no sense to me.


You only lied because you were misinformed. He banned the residents of Muslim nations from coming to this country. Just like Trump proposed. Same thing. Sorry that it's too hard for you to understand

BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

I have no idea why you keep talking about the Huffington Post.  Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?  Please, can you try to make sense?

You said, and I quote, "Obama banned Muslims from immigrating to this country", and you were unable to offer a source.  Looking it up myself, after your failure to back up your claim, I found out that previous halts to immigration were from specific countries, not specific religions.  

That means you were dishonest.  

You know, this crap people like you do, where if someone calls you out for spreading disinformation, you're all like "oh, you must be with the other party," is getting really old.  I called you out because you were lying, period, not because I give a damn about Obama or Trump.

Why would you even lie about it in the first place?  Makes no sense to me.


You only lied because you were misinformed. He banned the residents of Muslim nations from coming to this country. Just like Trump proposed. Same thing. Sorry that it's too hard for you to understand

And yet, Muslims from other nations COULD enter the United States, which means that Muslims were not banned.  Since Christians from Syria were also unable to enter the United States, are you saying that Christians were banned, too?  Bloody hell, dude.  Seriously, how the hell can you not understand simple logic?

I'm just bloody amazed.  Just ... wow.  I don't even know what to say.  

pokoko said:
BeefWellingtonIII said:


You only lied because you were misinformed. He banned the residents of Muslim nations from coming to this country. Just like Trump proposed. Same thing. Sorry that it's too hard for you to understand

And yet, Muslims from other nations COULD enter the United States, which means that Muslims were not banned.  Since Christians from Syria were also unable to enter the United States, are you saying that Christians were banned, too?  Bloody hell, dude.  Seriously, how the hell can you not understand simple logic?

I'm just bloody amazed.  Just ... wow.  I don't even know what to say.  


I understand it's confusing for you that Donald Trump is just going to put in the same ban policies as Obama

Turkish said:
Eagle367 said:
That's a big question especially for me since I am Muslim and almost everyone I know is a Muslim. And will he ban immigration only or student visa and tourist visa since I want to study Physics at the best possible university and am in the process of applying for a multitude of universities and also because I have family there.

If you followed the latest news or typed "Trump muslims" on google instead of making a thread, you'd knew the answer.

Donald Trump statement on banning Muslims from US disappears from his website

Add to the fact that his top advisor wants close relations with Turkey, the answer is likely:


You are right that it was removed but it already is back on the site  Basically we have to wait and see what he does.