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BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

Like I said, I'm waiting to see what the proposal is before I judge.  I didn't reference Trump's plan in the first place, that was all you making up arguments for other people.  Me calling you out for attempting to spread disinformation had nothing to do with Trump.


You said that I made up the ban's Obama put in place. Which I didn't make up. That's how this conversation started between the two of us. And I proved I didn't lie. Anybody else can research it for themselves. Just because your Huffingtonpost didn't report on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I have no idea why you keep talking about the Huffington Post.  Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?  Please, can you try to make sense?

You said, and I quote, "Obama banned Muslims from immigrating to this country", and you were unable to offer a source.  Looking it up myself, after your failure to back up your claim, I found out that previous halts to immigration were from specific countries, not specific religions.  

That means you were dishonest.  

You know, this crap people like you do, where if someone calls you out for spreading disinformation, you're all like "oh, you must be with the other party," is getting really old.  I called you out because you were lying, period, not because I give a damn about Obama or Trump.

Why would you even lie about it in the first place?  Makes no sense to me.