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outlawauron said:
CosmicSex said:
We pray that things like this:

are not inspired by the victory of Donald Trump. The country doesn't need this. For our dignity and our safety. Those forces who wish to do us harm abroad will use this to recruit people to attack us. We do not condone the harassment of people based on what race or region they come from. Its not what this country stands for.

This literally happened on November 1st. It says that at the top of the article.

How can you blame a Trump victory for something that happened a week before he won?

Doesn't necessarily include this case in particular.


"The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reported Monday that hate crimes against Muslims in the Twin Cities and elsewhere across the USA are steadily ticking upward to levels not seen since right after Sept. 11, 2001 — even as other categories of hate crime appear to be on the decline."

Imagine a terrorist attack in between the magnitude of boston bombings or 911 happens in times of high tension and during Trumps presidency.



Rab said:
Riseer said:

I just think we need to stop people from Syria and Mexico to flood our county. I am 100% agreement with the wall citizenship to this county needs to be earned.

Only 3,500 Syrian refugees have entered the US, more like a trickle (In Germany that number is 468,000)

Mexico is also no longer the top origin country among the most recent immigrants to the United States. In 2013, China and India overtook Mexico as the most common countries of origin of immigrants who have resided in the United States for one year or less.Furthermore, more Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico than have migrated to the United States since the end of the 2009

Check the facts for yourself, don’t believe the scare campaign that got many to vote one way or another  

Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story  

"Politician’s don’t tell you the whole story"


Neither do non-politicians. To lie and not to tell the whole truth is the rule and not a characteristic restricted to politicians. It is true, refugees from Syria to US are far below the numbers entering Germany. However, how many terrorist attacks by islamists did occur in Germany?

Hunting Season is done...