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jason1637 said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:


"Donald Trump has outlined a new screening process for would-be immigrants designed to exclude Islamic extremists that he promoted Monday as "extreme vetting." The policy would attempt to establish whether applicants' beliefs match US values on gay rights, gender equality and religious freedoms, among others."



"In a speech in Ohio, the candidate outlined his plans to combat Islamic extremism, including a new screening test for arrivals to the US. Applicants will be tested to determine if they share Western liberal values like LGBT and religious tolerance."



“We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people,” Trump said at Youngstown State University in Ohio Monday. “In the Cold War we had an ideological screening test. The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting,” he continued. “Our country has enough problems, we don’t need more.”



So it doesn't look like he will ban anyone, except those who don't believe "western liberal values" it seems. Now I'm just waiting to see if he'll go back on his plan for "The Great Wall of Trump" and change it to something a little more acceptable and reasonable.   

This sounds a lot more reasonable and better than bwnning Muslims. Seems as if President Ttump is turning more presidential in the last few days.

How many republicans would pass that test, especially on LGBT right and religious freedom? :)