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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump sex talk video/audio leaked

bunchanumbers said:
Lrdfancypants said:

I'm well aware he was impeached.  I watched it unfold with everyone else.  

What he said while committing perjury is immaterial.  He wasn't impeached for sleeping around. It was completely avoidable. 

It wasn't avoidable. People were going to put him to task no matter what happened or what was said.

Not via impeachment.  I'm sorry but that is a distortion of history. He committed perjury (yes, in relation about an affair but that again is immaterial as it could have been about anything) and that is what got him impeached. 

If your argument is people were all over him about his personal woman troubles than yes you are correct.  This election could be quite the dejavu but he was impeached and it was very avoidable if he had simply told the truth under oath. Of course that is easier said than done since we are not in the same situation as he was but it is still the truth. 


Edit: back to the original point.  The poster was correct. Back then people who supported him suggested personal issues don't impede governing ability and we should focus on policy.  His detractors argued his personal flaws (as they saw them) would impede his ability to govern. In the end the public disagreed and he survived.  

Here we are again with roles reversed with both political sides swapping opinions on personal flaws and their impediments on governing.  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


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Mr Puggsly said:
Meh... its not that bad. He was a young man at the time.

Just two guys talking about pussy.

He was 60.  A young man?

bunchanumbers said:
Lrdfancypants said:

It kind of does matter because action wasn't taken for what you're saying. 

It still happened. His impeachment was tied to perjury and obstruction involved with Monica, and Paula Jones.

Saying that someone else did something wrong doesn't excuse poor behavior.  It is so childish to point the finger at someone else.  What he needed to do is address woman directly.   Also, trying to shame Hillary for the indiscretions of her husband in an way is unacceptable to most people as well. Also no one equates cheating on a spouse with suggestions of sexual assault.  If you somehow think they are the same, you are wrong.  Lets not try to normalize or legitimize or equivocate sexual assault.  Lets have a baseline where rape is unacceptable... Please. 

CosmicSex said:
bunchanumbers said:

It still happened. His impeachment was tied to perjury and obstruction involved with Monica, and Paula Jones.

Saying that someone else did something wrong doesn't excuse poor behavior.  It is so childish to point the finger at someone else.  What he needed to do is address woman directly.   Also, trying to shame Hillary for the indiscretions of her husband in an way is unacceptable to most people as well. Also no one equates cheating on a spouse with suggestions of sexual assault.  If you somehow think they are the same, you are wrong.  Lets not try to normalize or legitimize or equivocate sexual assault.  Lets have a baseline where rape is unacceptable... Please. 

hm? I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that there were repercussions to Bill's actions.

bunchanumbers said:
CosmicSex said:

Saying that someone else did something wrong doesn't excuse poor behavior.  It is so childish to point the finger at someone else.  What he needed to do is address woman directly.   Also, trying to shame Hillary for the indiscretions of her husband in an way is unacceptable to most people as well. Also no one equates cheating on a spouse with suggestions of sexual assault.  If you somehow think they are the same, you are wrong.  Lets not try to normalize or legitimize or equivocate sexual assault.  Lets have a baseline where rape is unacceptable... Please. 

hm? I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that there were repercussions to Bill's actions.

I'm not the one saying it either so I hope that wasn't what you're saying here. 

I'm telling you there were repercussions to Bill's actions.  Just not the actions you're suggesting. 

It bugged me 20 years ago when people suggested this as well. 

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Around the Network

Grabbing them by the pussy seems like a bit much but if women are really letting him do that then he's just taking about what women are letting him do. I'm much more concerned with these emails that show tarp funds
Being paid out to both republicans and democrats. This system is so corrupt it's crazy.

method114 said:
Grabbing them by the pussy seems like a bit much but if women are really letting him do that then he's just taking about what women are letting him do. I'm much more concerned with these emails that show tarp funds
Being paid out to both republicans and democrats. This system is so corrupt it's crazy.

Same, but there are a number of people who try to downplay it like it wasn't a breach in confidential/secret/top secret information. They way more concerned with Trump's mouth.

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What like Hillary is any better?


Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Signalstar said:
What like Hillary is any better?


Imagine what a news story it would be, if it came out Hillary liked the flirt with guys and would start by pressing up against random people and grabbing their cocks.

But its trump... nothing seems to sway his supporters so... yeah.

I don't get it. It's wrong for a man to wanna fuck women now??