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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%
yvanjean said:

Anyone that claim Nintendo was the winner.... just doesn't follow gaming. Nintendo was by far biggest Disappointment of E3 2105 even with my lowered expectation. The best part of Nintendo E3 2105 was the Nintendo direct but not for the games announcement but from their use of muppets. 

I think that some of Sony's announcement were overblown such as Final Fantasy 7 remake, The last guardian and especially Shenmue 3. But on the other hand Horizon looked amazing and Uncharted 4 looked well polished and at the time seem like would be a big Holiday release. Promising tech demo of PSVR were shown on the show floor.

Microsoft lost E3 2015 when they decided to push Quantum Break, Halo Wars 2 & Crackdown 3 to Gamescom 2015. Pleasantly surprise with Sea of Thieves and Recore has new IP from Microsoft. Backward compatibility was a big deal for me personally.

Totally agree! Backwards compatible was a huge megaton announcement downplayed by Sony fans. It was the biggest announcement of e3 to me! It also makes games with gold better than PS plus because all games come to one system and are not diced up like plus. Fully agree on the Sony conference except for horizons. To me it looked gorgeous but not sold on the planet of the apes with robots, just doesn't get me excited. Ms won ,  holo lens look amazing with the Minecraft demo , personally more excited for this than regular vr. Microsoft seems to always get downplayed by gamers when it comes to there e3 conferences. If they had the conference that Sony had  people would have seen how lack luster it really was!

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AAA300 said:

If the beyond good and evil rumors are true and they showcase prime 4 and Galaxy 3 it will easily beat a non exclusive remake, a boring demo of a game left for dead, and a kick starter announcement. If Microsoft or Nintendo pulled that kick starter announcement crap they would have been torn apart, Sony could have at least funded it. Also big fan of shenmue back in the day but gameplay wasn't the greatest it was more of a graphical show case back then and with this budget there better be some amazing fork truck missions. The bar to beat last year's conference is not that high, was more hype than anything.

Not even clows. It doesn't matter if Sony didn't fund it. It doesn't matter if you thought it was boring. It doesn't matter if the remake isn't exclusive. It's three games people wanted so much that they entered meme status, and they showed them. Galaxy 3 isn't memetic, Prime 4 both isn't memetic and isn't happening, and BG&E2 isn't on the same level as any of those three. There aren't enough games of that caliber left to have the same impact.

Sprash said:
AAA300 said:

If the beyond good and evil rumors are true and they showcase prime 4 and Galaxy 3 it will easily beat a non exclusive remake, a boring demo of a game left for dead, and a kick starter announcement. If Microsoft or Nintendo pulled that kick starter announcement crap they would have been torn apart, Sony could have at least funded it. Also big fan of shenmue back in the day but gameplay wasn't the greatest it was more of a graphical show case back then and with this budget there better be some amazing fork truck missions. The bar to beat last year's conference is not that high, was more hype than anything.

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

I think Sony's 2015 conference is arguably the best E3 conference we have ever seen in terms of announcements.


AAA300 said:
Sprash said:

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

Yeah that's why I don't understand how sony could have won e3 I mean microsoft and nintendo had games like horizon, dreams (that looks so amazing) and don't forget uncharted 4 (despite the problem start) it was a good decision for microsoft and nintedo to do that in the end.


Edit: So I looked it up and it seems that even those games I listed where shown at sony's e3 as exclusives o_o if that is correct then screw it sony won, hands down.

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AAA300 said:
Sprash said:

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

But it is a game that is coming, it is more tangible now thanks to the event and got the fans involved.... 

Sony are funding it as far as I know, just not the whole thing. I think the idea behind the kickstarter was to allow the fans to feel involved with the whole process from the vocal groups that called for the sequel and then bring them and others on board to make them feel like they truely gave life to the project and carried it through to completion.

In fairness the money they got for the Kickstarter is nothing in game-finance terms... 

If Sony wanted to they could have funded it no problem IMO. 

Bandorr said:

Between those 3? Sony.

In general? SE.

This. From the console producers Sony dominated the competition, and honestly IMO that is not even up for debate. When it comes to massive surprises, it boils down to SE. They have a lot to prove, but IMO they started down the right path.

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Carl2291 said:
I think Sony's 2015 conference is arguably the best E3 conference we have ever seen in terms of announcements.

I think there is probably an age issue going on in the thread.... with 25+ year olds leaning towards it being the greatest show ever and those younger than that not really understanding the big deal about FF7, Shenmue and TLG.... 


But I still think Horizon was my game of show. 

Without a doubt Sony.

I clicked Nintendo thinking I would be the only one.... Damn.


Really though, Sony hands down.