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AAA300 said:
Sprash said:

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

But it is a game that is coming, it is more tangible now thanks to the event and got the fans involved.... 

Sony are funding it as far as I know, just not the whole thing. I think the idea behind the kickstarter was to allow the fans to feel involved with the whole process from the vocal groups that called for the sequel and then bring them and others on board to make them feel like they truely gave life to the project and carried it through to completion.

In fairness the money they got for the Kickstarter is nothing in game-finance terms... 

If Sony wanted to they could have funded it no problem IMO.