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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%

Microsoft as ROTTR is amazing game! Sony's best games shown at E3 have not yet been released.

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Platina said:
New game that interested me the most was FFVII remake so Sony

On that note XV will be my first FF.... wonder how long till VII cause I really want to experience that!

Out of the Big 3, I'll still say Sony.

Sony won but didnt win my interest as 2 of their 3 big hits arent actually exclusives.

This year Nintendo can ride the NX rumours into a stunning presentation (especially since their E3 last year was indicative of them killing off the Wii U and releasing rushed games).
Sony can do no wrong no matter what they do, although I feel more eyes will be on Nintendo.
While Microsoft could be big (as they need it to be) but like many I feel it wont be anything special.

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In retrospect, Sony won. I'm trying to be as honest as possible, but apart from the BC announcement from Microsoft, I can't remember what else was announced there. On the other hand... I was just arriving from the movies from Jurassic World, very late for the conference, and I missed the internet going bonkers over The Last Guardian. But I was there when Final Fantasy 7 Remake was announced, not to mention Shenmue 3. Then finishing with Uncharted's epic gameplay trailer, with that hiccup at the start.

Not to say the conference was the best because it was unforgettable, but it showed many games and catered to many, many fans. Some conferences had one or two megatons. This had 3.

Sony for sure.

The Poll speaks louder than words, i will leave my comment regardless for the people that want to make a chart of some sort out of the comments.

Ive seen in other threads that some users are not trusting the VG Chartz Polls, like this post from a user named Iceland:

"I wouldn't really take the poll seriously, take the comments left here and make a chart of some sorts.

Interesting thread though"

Still Sony. Like come on guys. It doesn't matter how they did it, they revealed three of the most memetically desired games in gaming history in the same conference. Nothing game close, and few things could have. I'm excited for the NX, and I don't even think that will reach Sony 2015. There aren't enough games in that level of desire left to be as impactful. Half Life 3? Even if someone had that, they'd still need 2 more games of that caliber. It's just unattainable.

We, the consumers, are the true winners.

JK, it was Sony.

Anyone that claim Nintendo was the winner.... just doesn't follow gaming. Nintendo was by far biggest Disappointment of E3 2105 even with my lowered expectation. The best part of Nintendo E3 2105 was the Nintendo direct but not for the games announcement but from their use of muppets. 

I think that some of Sony's announcement were overblown such as Final Fantasy 7 remake, The last guardian and especially Shenmue 3. But on the other hand Horizon looked amazing and Uncharted 4 looked well polished and at the time seem like would be a big Holiday release. Promising tech demo of PSVR were shown on the show floor.

Microsoft lost E3 2015 when they decided to push Quantum Break, Halo Wars 2 & Crackdown 3 to Gamescom 2015. Pleasantly surprise with Sea of Thieves and Recore has new IP from Microsoft. Backward compatibility was a big deal for me personally.