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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo fires treehouse member Alison Rapp

the_dark_lewd said:
Zkuq said:

This is incorrect. Or, to put it more accurately, correct only in theory. In practice, feminism often seems to be exactly what the name suggests (which is pretty ironic, considering how eagerly a lot of feminists jump on little things such as choice of words). I know feminism should be about equality, but practice often seems different. I'm all for equality though, just not in the form of real-life feminism.

I never fail to be amused how people misunderstand this so badly. THIS IS NOT HOW LANGUAGE WORKS. 

Language is ultimately defined by usage. Not by dictionaries. Dictionary editors will even agree with this! Think about it. If dictionaries defined words (rather than describes usage), why would words change over time? And why would you have multiple definitions for words in many dictionaries? You wouldn't.

Feminist just doesn't mean a belief in equality. When you poll the population, you see this incredibly clearly. Most people believe in equality of the sexes but only a tiny percentage identify as feminists. This is how words are ultimately defined. The dictionaries WILL eventually change the definition to match this. They inevitably always do. They probably just haven't yet because they're scared of the backlash.

Uh, OK. I somewhat suggested what you're saying, so not sure why you feel the need to tell me this. I pretty much said that it feels like feminism means what the name suggests instead of what feminists claim (which seems to be the 'official' definition). Which basically means a contradiction between the dictionary definition and actual usage.

Also, the question is whether dictionaries will change to match the language, or whether people will change to match the definition of feminism first. It could go either way, especially when you consider how big of a movement feminism has become (or maybe I'm just seeing more of it, who knows).

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naruball said:
Aeolus451 said:
I'm gonna try to read her essay before I make any judgements about her but I can understand her getting fired over the controversy just by itself.

No,no. You're doing it wrong. All you need to know is that she's a feminst and feminists are bad and deserve all the abuse they can get. Now be a good male gamer and send her a mean tweet threatening her life or calling her names. Facts don't matter.

(for whatever is worth, I strongly disagree with her views and understand why Ninty would want to fire her)

Alot of the info in the OP is questionable. I never heard of her, so I don't know anything about what she's done in relation to feminism. She's catching undue flak over an essay that has a controversial topic. She's basically saying that we should focus on stomping out actual child abuse, child prostitution and child exploitation instead of trying to force japan into censoring young looking fictional characters. 

If she's really a nude model, that's most likely the reason why Nintendo fired her.

Zkuq said:

Uh, OK. I somewhat suggested what you're saying, so not sure why you feel the need to tell me this. I pretty much said that it feels like feminism means what the name suggests instead of what feminists claim (which seems to be the 'official' definition). Which basically means a contradiction between the dictionary definition and actual usage.

Also, the question is whether dictionaries will change to match the language, or whether people will change to match the definition of feminism first. It could go either way, especially when you consider how big of a movement feminism has become (or maybe I'm just seeing more of it, who knows).

Yeah, sorry. It was mostly aimed at the other guy.

As for your last point. It'll almost definitely die out at the current rate, unless something changes. It's just incredibly hard to force people to use certain words. Someone once likened trying to get a particular word to be used like trying to turn around the tide with a bucket

And feminism hasn't really grown. The polling suggests it's at its lowest popularity in the last 60 years or so with the general public. All that's happened is that it's completely infiltrated certain sections of the media in the last decade. So it has a very large megaphone that not too many people listen to.

the_dark_lewd said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
one thing tho that i dont agree with is people shouldnt be going around harassing her or making threats towards her either

wish people would stoop to that level

What's the evidence that it actually happened?

It worries me that these kinds of assertions are taken on trust so much nowadays. We know how many liars there are out there. 90% of the cases of online harassment I've looked into have pretty much just been criticism and the person receiving it was just very thin skinned.

I realize KIA is a tremendously biased source, so make of it what you will...My personal opinion is that it seems she, like many of the recent scandals, has somewhat played up the harassment to try to make a political statement. While people did undoubtedly say inappropriate things to her (and I don't doubt that she has received some degree of harassment via twitter DM), which I will always condemn, she allowed it to become her identity and surrounded herself in negativity to become a martyr.

pokoko said:
Kotaku and a lot of other places really need to be called out on this. They ran with the narrative they wanted to push without even bothering to get the facts. I despise that kind of unethical journalism. This was just a chance for them to force their agenda on people. They helped create this storm of bullshit, which is probably what they wanted.

One thing I do not understand are the "Nintendo should have backed her up" comments. What, "Nintendo" should start arguing with internet trolls on twitter? Hell, no. The best course of action is to ignore them. A corporate entity shouldn't get involved with that petty garbage, especially when a lot of the blowback seems to be about this person's personal opinions. People arguing on twitter shouldn't even be on Nintendo's radar.

Finally, with these developers jumping on this without bothering to find out if she was fired for valid reasons, go ahead and cancel your Wii U games. Doesn't matter to me, as I don't own a Wii U, but I'm certainly going to skip buying your products on any other device I own. Your pettiness and ignorance make me not want to support you.

It was funny when some of the 'listen-and-believe' indie developers jumped too early and canceled their games then quickly backtracked when they found out that Rapp was fired for a second job (that rumors say is non-PG stuff).  It's especially sickening how Klepek of Kotaku isn't owning up to any of this despite the fact that he fanned the flames and helped create this entire mess with his earlier article that put a big magnifying glass on Rapp.  But then again, why should Klepek accept responsibility when he and all the other ideologically motivated clickbait gaming journalists can just blame a hashtag whenever they royally screw up or make complete asses of themselves.  Their MO is essentially, 'it's only okay when we do it'.

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sundin13 said:

I realize KIA is a tremendously biased source, so make of it what you will...My personal opinion is that it seems she, like many of the recent scandals, has somewhat played up the harassment to try to make a political statement. While people did undoubtedly say inappropriate things to her (and I don't doubt that she has received some degree of harassment via twitter DM), which I will always condemn, she allowed it to become her identity and surrounded herself in negativity to become a martyr.

Like I say, that's what 90% of modern claims of harassment actually are. It's people forgetting that twitter is essentially a public space. So they say or do something stupid, and suddenly crap themselves when 1000 people start criticising them. Well that's just not harassment. That's what happens when you say something stupid in a public space. It's the inevitable nature of a platform like twitter. If people don't like that, they should just use a different social network.

I didn't look into this case too much but the one thing I could see is what you've mentioned: she was playing up to it bigstyle. Another really common trait in most claims of modern harassment. I remember when Brianna Wu was claiming she was getting harassed and however many hundreds of idiot news sites reported it. No-one thought to ask: well is she doing anything wrong herself? A simple google search through her twitter reveals that she's mentioned gamergate over 1000 times in her tweets. Did no-one think maybe this was a factor? How much "harassment" would an equivalent person who'd only mentioned gamergate 1 time have got?

It's reading garbage articles like this that make me pray that Kotaku and its parent company Gawker go down in flames after Hulkamania ran wild on them.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
It's reading garbage articles like this that make me pray that Kotaku and its parent company Gawker go down in flames after Hulkamania ran wild on them.

It's especially depressing when you realize that there are people that see ideologically motivated clickbait sites like kotaku as legit news sources.

DevilRising said:

You have to love how these #GamerGate morons work. They're mad that NoA censors certain content in game localizations....typically sexual content. Then they harass someone who isn't even directly responsible for that censorship, and threaten her, her family, her career, just as they have with others. Note how they don't often attack male members of the industry. If they have it hasn't gotten much attention. Most of their primary targets have been female, and that is not a coincidence.

I have no great love for extreme feminists. But a bunch of anonymous losers attacking women behind keyboards are worse. There isn't even an argument to be made about that. These "movement" has only ever proven that certain contingents of modern gamers are nothing but spoiled brats, and immature man-children, from the start. It's one thing to disagree about something. But it's something else entirely to, in some cases quite literally terrorize human beings and their lives, their livelihoods, even their loved ones......over ANYTHING. There is zero excuse to threaten or harass these women. None.

#GamerGate people are not "activists". They're idiots with absolutely nothing better to do in their lonely, rotten lives. Period.


You havent read the article, or a single comment in this have you? I almost dont beleive you even read the title.


Altruino said:








pokoko said:
Kotaku and a lot of other places really need to be called out on this. They ran with the narrative they wanted to push without even bothering to get the facts. I despise that kind of unethical journalism. This was just a chance for them to force their agenda on people. They helped create this storm of bullshit, which is probably what they wanted.

One thing I do not understand are the "Nintendo should have backed her up" comments. What, "Nintendo" should start arguing with internet trolls on twitter? Hell, no. The best course of action is to ignore them. A corporate entity shouldn't get involved with that petty garbage, especially when a lot of the blowback seems to be about this person's personal opinions. People arguing on twitter shouldn't even be on Nintendo's radar.

Finally, with these developers jumping on this without bothering to find out if she was fired for valid reasons, go ahead and cancel your Wii U games. Doesn't matter to me, as I don't own a Wii U, but I'm certainly going to skip buying your products on any other device I own. Your pettiness and ignorance make me not want to support you.

Oh, you're expecting Anti-GG to get anything approaching half the scrutiny and critisism of GG. Not happening.




I'll remove this in case it might be considered too risque.

smol pterodactyl ‏@alisonrapp 10 Dec 2015
If you, too, want to dress me up in cute outfits or spoil me with other fun consumer goods, here's my thing!

Uhhh...would anyone company NOT fire someone for this stuff? Having a twitter account posting somewhat NSFW pictures while having people buy you stuff through your Amazon wishlist. That seems like a big no-no.

Anyway I liked her, sad she got fired and all, but I'm guessing they'll be finding a replacement quite easily around E3 time.