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sundin13 said:

I realize KIA is a tremendously biased source, so make of it what you will...My personal opinion is that it seems she, like many of the recent scandals, has somewhat played up the harassment to try to make a political statement. While people did undoubtedly say inappropriate things to her (and I don't doubt that she has received some degree of harassment via twitter DM), which I will always condemn, she allowed it to become her identity and surrounded herself in negativity to become a martyr.

Like I say, that's what 90% of modern claims of harassment actually are. It's people forgetting that twitter is essentially a public space. So they say or do something stupid, and suddenly crap themselves when 1000 people start criticising them. Well that's just not harassment. That's what happens when you say something stupid in a public space. It's the inevitable nature of a platform like twitter. If people don't like that, they should just use a different social network.

I didn't look into this case too much but the one thing I could see is what you've mentioned: she was playing up to it bigstyle. Another really common trait in most claims of modern harassment. I remember when Brianna Wu was claiming she was getting harassed and however many hundreds of idiot news sites reported it. No-one thought to ask: well is she doing anything wrong herself? A simple google search through her twitter reveals that she's mentioned gamergate over 1000 times in her tweets. Did no-one think maybe this was a factor? How much "harassment" would an equivalent person who'd only mentioned gamergate 1 time have got?