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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?


Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?

Capcom, because.. 110 51.89%
Konami, because.. 43 20.28%
see results. 59 27.83%

Capcom hands down.

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what's wrong with none?

I'd say neither personally but:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Neither and I believe soon enough Capcom will fizzle out ...

Capcom would be the better choice.

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Sony should buy Konami, so that Capcom still can develop games for Nintendo. More Resident Evil or another Zack&Wiki and naturally Monster Hunter.

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Both publishers are in bad positions. Why would sony buy the whole mess when they can buy just the cherries off the pie(the ips)

Capcom are better staying 3rd party imo and using the console manufactures to their advantage. They're getting plenty of backing from Sony for SF and Nintendo for MH for example and have the best platforms for said games because of that. Thats win win.

Konami are a weird one. Like many have said they don't have many developers anymore so its more about buying IP.

But guys... take those rose tinted glasses off for a second. Those games aren't actually worth much anymore.

Sure there was a time when they were all million plus sellers but that time has gone.

At best Contra, Gradius, Bomberman etc would make decent download games but they would be lost in the sea of games these days.

Castlevania? Maybe? LoS was a success but the second bombed hard and it has plenty of competition in Devil May Cry and most Platinum games, Bayonetta anyone? Even that didn't light up the charts, either of them on any format.

Face it, these games are too expensive to make for low returns at best. Its not the 1980s/90s anymore. Goemon won't sell!

The mighty PES has been squashed by FIFA which just leaves...

Metal Gear!

I personally think Konami will try and make MG some sort of Assaaains Creed/James Bond hybrid. Use the same engine to churn out a games every year or so with a story that has no continuity like the old Bonds. Might work, might flop.

After that they may consider selling IP but I seriously think MG is the only one with any weight, at least as far as consoles go.

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Poll is fail. Where is the "F**k Konami" option?