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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?


Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?

Capcom, because.. 110 51.89%
Konami, because.. 43 20.28%
see results. 59 27.83%

Konami without Kojima is as good as dead, why bother to buy a dead company ?

In another hand, Capcom with Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighters, Dragon's Dogma, Devil May Cry, Phoenix Wright, etc ... is really worth the money for anyone who want to purchase it


NNID : ShenlongDK
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Whichever it'd buy, if it even would, it should fire its top management as the very first move. And without golden parachute, this bullcrap of paying rich bonuses to inept managers must end.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

None, Sony will turn all those great IP's by Konami and Capcom into shovelwares.

Honestly, neither. Konami's currently busy committing suicide so might as well leave them to slash their own wrists and then loot their corpse for all the good IP later for far less money. Capcom is more problematic due to the third parties who would work very very hard to muck with the deal, namely Nintendo who know darn well how important MonHun is to their handhelds.

Also, Capcom is a pretty big company, not sure the government over there would support a company as big as Sony buying them.

Konami because the IPs fit more to Sony and i think it would benefit the industry more

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Neither. Capcom is a failing company who needs help making/funding games and Konami is going a whole another route and their ips isn't what they once were outside of metal gear which may fail without Kojima. The only relevant console gaming companies in Japan is Sony and Nintendo. Thats because Nintendo games/characters are like disney in terms of icons and recognition. Sony was smart enough to invest more into western games/western studios.

Nuvendil said:
Honestly, neither. Konami's currently busy committing suicide so might as well leave them to slash their own wrists and then loot their corpse for all the good IP later for far less money. Capcom is more problematic due to the third parties who would work very very hard to muck with the deal, namely Nintendo who know darn well how important MonHun is to their handhelds.

Also, Capcom is a pretty big company, not sure the government over there would support a company as big as Sony buying them.

Konami may be killing its console games division, but they are far from suiciding themselves (at least, economically)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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Roronaa_chan said:
Why buy Konami? They have no game developers left. Only thing you could buy is an IP from them, and you'd still have to give it to someone that might not do the IP justice
Capcom needs to move..whether it's getting bought or something else. They're barely doing anything, someone needs to jolt their collective butt.


It's not about there developers it's about the IP both these publishers own and use terribly.

Even if we are talking about who Sony should buy instead of Nintendo, I'd say Capcom.

Capcom has the better IPs.

Most of Konami's are niche (Suikoden) or far past their prime and didn't translate well into 3D (Castlevania). The best they could do is get Metal Gear and Kojima, but lets face it, even the past few of those aren't fantastic.

Get Devil May Cry and outsource it to Platinum, Get Mega Man and outsource that to Naughty Dog. Get Resident Evil and give it to.... Hell I don't know, Kojima.

Konami, Nintendo should buy Capcom.