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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Paris Game Week Thread

If I had to rate the conference I´d give it a 6/10. Not because the games disappointed but because the conference itself was badly put together. Some parts were too long, some were unneccessary and the crowd was....I´d almost say rude(?). I mean is clapping your hands for somebody entering/leaving the stage really that hard?

Anyways my big takeaways from this Conference:
Detroit - 1bajilliontrilliongazillion/10!!!! (I so fucking love Kara)
Robinson The Journey - 10/10 (this seems fucking awesome. Jurrasic Park VR?!)
Uncharted 4 Multiplayer - 10/10 (Just bought NDC and loved UC1. That MP looked friggin hilarious)
Gravity Rush 2 - 9/10 (Do I need say more?)
Wild - 9/10 (It is a single player Game...Thank god!)
Matterfall - 9/10 (well....duh....Housemarque always delivers. But please get Alienation done....)
Gran Turismo Sport - 8/10 (I enjoyed GT but I suck at it...maybe this time I´ll git gud)
Street Fighter V - 7/10 (We more or less knew the date. However Dhalsim)
Driveclub Bikes - 7/10 (Was leaked)
Dreams - 7/10 (Still not so sure what to think)
Horizon - 7/10 (Same location, different strategy)

Hope I didn´t miss anything.

Yup...RO friggin rocked  
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vivster said:
I'm still laughing that a french company at a french gaming event talks about the perfect City to base their game in and it's..... Detroit.

Wasn't Detroit founded by a French guy? 

Versus_Evil said:

Terrible conference, i wasted 2hrs of my life. Wild and Detroit looked amazing tho! Detroit isa definite day one for me. BB DLCS abd GR2 also both looked fantastic.

It only took you about 4 words to contradict your intial statements.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Didnt expect a massive load of new games so im kinda happy we got a few :)

Just watched. Amazing.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

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Versus_Evil said:
outlawauron said:

It only took you about 4 words to contradict your intial statements.

You really have an issue with someone saying anything negative about sony dont you, in a 2hr+ event, having for 4 things that interested me 3 of which I already knew about, 2 of those my excitement level are already at max for (BB DLC/GR2) and only having 1 game (Detroit) that i thought looked amazing  doesnt someone contradict my statement that i think the show was fucking shit.


let me rephrase my "initial statement" in rabid fanboy speak for ya, OH ME GAWD BESHT COMFERENCE EVER!! SHONY IS DE BESHT EBER!!!! better?

Wow Versus. You read way too much into things.

It was a pretty mediorce conference, but to call it a waste of time when you got some value out of it is dumb (and it wasn't 2 hours either). That's all I pointed out. But yeah, revert to hyperbole if it makes you feel better.

Edit: I just re-read my posts to see if I said something I didn't mean to. I posted 4 times, and 3 of them were defending EDM music which I like. The other post was commenting approachs to these press conferences (a lot of smaller announcements vs big announcements with a lot of time spent on them).

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Best thing to come out of that was Detroit and Dr. Nefarious in R&C. Overall having watched only the highlights, I can be reasonably happy but not overly fussed about missing it live...particularly the start.

Also June for NMS is a little upsetting but, at least it's nailed down to some extent. And a delay is no major surprise either.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

So after watching it later (couldn't watch it live), and skipping over the boring parts, I liked it. It was okay. Nothing mindblowing, but I didn't expect anything mindblowing either.

They gave us another R&C trailer tho. That was nice

Versus_Evil said:
outlawauron said:

Wow Versus. You read way too much into things.

It was a pretty mediorce conference, but to call it a waste of time when you got some value out of it is dumb (and it wasn't 2 hours either). That's all I pointed out. But yeah, revert to hyperbole if it makes you feel better.

Edit: I just re-read my posts to see if I said something I didn't mean to. I posted 4 times, and 3 of them were defending EDM music which I like. The other post was commenting approachs to these press conferences (a lot of smaller announcements vs big announcements with a lot of time spent on them).

Theres a skype group agreeing with you there lol

oh oh oh and Holy shit, my bad i though you where someone else XD now my comment comes of wrong i only looked at the avy not your name :P

Psh, no one else has these pure maidens as an avatar!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Versus_Evil said:

You really have an issue with someone saying anything negative about sony dont you, in a 2hr+ event, having for 4 things that interested me 3 of which I already knew about, 2 of those my excitement level are already at max for (BB DLC/GR2) and only having 1 game (Detroit) that i thought looked amazing  doesnt someone contradict my statement that i think the show was fucking shit.


let me rephrase my "initial statement" in rabid fanboy speak for ya, OH ME GAWD BESHT COMFERENCE EVER!! SHONY IS DE BESHT EBER!!!! better?

Wow Versus. You read way too much into things.

It was a pretty mediorce conference, but to call it a waste of time when you got some value out of it is dumb (and it wasn't 2 hours either). That's all I pointed out. But yeah, revert to hyperbole if it makes you feel better.

Edit: I just re-read my posts to see if I said something I didn't mean to. I posted 4 times, and 3 of them were defending EDM music which I like. The other post was commenting approachs to these press conferences (a lot of smaller announcements vs big announcements with a lot of time spent on them).

I love EDM also, getting really tired of dub-step though, Jungle/DnB is more my wheelhouse.