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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are Handhelds = Consoles?


Are Handhelds = Consoles?

Yes 184 50.14%
No 126 34.33%
Its more complicated than that 37 10.08%
Who gives a shit! 20 5.45%

I consider the last console to be the Gamecube. The way I see it, Microsoft and Sony have never sold consoles. The PlayStation and Xbox home platforms, are computer entertainment and productivity devices. PlayStation's mobile products have been mobile comunications, entertainemt, and productvity devices. Since the DS and Wii, even Nintendo platforms have went on to become multimedia hubs.

With that said, here is the question I have, Are smartphones = pcs?

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network
Samus Aran said:

PS4 will never overtake the 3DS in Japan.

In Japan yes. Everywhere else...

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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KBG29 said:
I consider the last console to be the Gamecube. The way I see it, Microsoft and Sony have never sold consoles. The PlayStation and Xbox home platforms, are computer entertainment and productivity devices. PlayStation's mobile products have been mobile comunications, entertainemt, and productvity devices. Since the DS and Wii, even Nintendo platforms have went on to become multimedia hubs.

With that said, here is the question I have, Are smartphones = pcs?

The Famicom (NES) and Super Famicom (SNES) had broader multimedia functionality in Japan too. 

Mnementh said:
DerNebel said:
KLXVER said:
Who is saying that handhelds are consoles...?

I've seen it argued a couple times by Nintendo fans trying to argue that Sony has to overtake the 3DS with the PS4 to become the market leader in Japan. Then arguing that in that case smartphones/tablets should be counted in as well results in a lot of spinning about why consoles and handhelds should be counted as one group in Japan while smartphones/tables are totally seperate and way too different to count.

Well, every major definition of gaming console I can find includes handhelds. Also, the smartphone debate brought up is just defensive bullshit. The definition says a console is a dedicated gaming device with some sort of visuals. Smartphones are not for the purpose of gaming. If you include smartphones into handheld consoles (and that would be valid based on the argumentation if handheld consoles are consoles or not) then PCs must be home consoles, because they can play games and can be connected to a TV-set.

Also the Sony-Nintendo-debate in regards to handheld consoles and home consoles is stupid at best. PS4 probably will overtake 3DS and PS2 is still ahead of DS. Sony-fans don't need to get this defensive, their team is winning in any case, whatever this does to ones feelings of self-worthiness.

The point wasn't to include smartphones into handhelds, the point was to either include all devices that people game on in the discussion about who is the "king" in a gaming market, or seperate all of them in the normally used groups (and no vgchartz is not the only place that makes this distinction, other places do it too and when console makers talk about console marketshare they are also making the distinction between handheld and console) of dedicated handhelds, consoles (+ PC) and smart devices. But the person that I had this discussion with wanted to desperately make Nintendo the king of the japanese gaming market (in a reply to someone clearly talking about consoles), so he decided that handhelds and consoles had to be put together, but that smartphones didn't count.

So this whole thing had nothing to with "Sony-fans being defensive".

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Mnementh said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Home, due to the need of an external power supply.

DS, 3DS, Vita, PSP all need external power supply, without it you will not be long happy about them.

Everything on earth is externally powered by the Sun if you want to argue semantics. It is implied that need refers to dependency on a constant external power supply.

Well, I meant power cable and transformator (power brick). Some older handhelds didn't use that, but instead changeable batteries. And actually no technical reason is barring home consoles from living without power supply. You build one with an akkumulator like an laptop. If your wife wants to watch a movie on the main rooms TV, you could pause your game, unplug the console and plug it into the sleeping room TV to game on. That would be technically possible. The only reason we don't see such features is that manufacturers don't see it bringing much sales.

What's funny is the fixation on TV in some posts. What if PS5 only uses Playstation VR and doesn't plug into TV, is it a console any longer? Even a PS4 that is never used with the TV but only with VR, is it still a console based on the definition of plugability to the TV?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Around the Network
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Well, not exactly, the metric of smartphone use to make phone calls is not even near 20% percent let alone 99%, however, you are right in that it its the primary purpose to own and or buy a phone

When I say "make phone calls," I really mean, "make direct communication across someone who's contact information has been mutually recieved." Phone calls, text messages, IMs, emails, video calls, etc. That is what people buy smartphones for. Everything else is mearly icing. If Apples next iPhone game with a free controller periferal and better games, but removed the ability to send any emails or text, their phone business would be over.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Everything on earth is externally powered by the Sun if you want to argue semantics. It is implied that need refers to dependency on a constant external power supply. 

Then am I...

...A handheld?

DerNebel said:

The point wasn't to include smartphones into handhelds, the point was to either include all devices that people game on in the discussion about who is the "king" in a gaming market, or seperate all of them in the normally used groups (and no vgchartz is not the only place that makes this distinction, other places do it too and when console makers talk about console marketshare they are also making the distinction between handheld and console) of dedicated handhelds, consoles (+ PC) and smart devices. But the person that I had this discussion with wanted to desperately make Nintendo the king of the japanese gaming market (in a reply to someone clearly talking about consoles), so he decided that handhelds and consoles had to be put together, but that smartphones didn't count.

So this whole thing had nothing to with "Sony-fans being defensive".

Well, you still don't see my point. If you say handhelds aren't consoles, but differentiate between handhelds and smartphones (as you seemingly do), nothing changes if you say handhelds are also consoles. The differentiation to smartphones still works. It just doesn't matter. So bringing up smartphones is just not helpful at all. If we discuss if handhelds are consoles too it doesn't change anything in the relation of smartphones to the two. If you say smartphones aren't counted as consoles ONLY because they don't plug into a TV, then you currently demand that VGC has on the main site iphones and android next to 3DS and Vita.

And to your discussion with one Nintendo fan - you said before: "I've seen it argued a couple times by Nintendo fans". So you make this a Nintendo-Sony issue while in reality it is only a Kurt issue (assuming your Nintendo fan is called Kurt). You shouldn't have brought up Nintendo and Sony at all (as you shouldn't have brought up smartphones). This type of generalization is made fun of in this comic:

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

KBG29 said:
I consider the last console to be the Gamecube. The way I see it, Microsoft and Sony have never sold consoles. The PlayStation and Xbox home platforms, are computer entertainment and productivity devices. PlayStation's mobile products have been mobile comunications, entertainemt, and productvity devices. Since the DS and Wii, even Nintendo platforms have went on to become multimedia hubs.

With that said, here is the question I have, Are smartphones = pcs?

That's pretty silly. If anything, call them "smart consoles." They're still consoles. Their primary funtions are still playing video games. It's silly not to consider them consoles just because they can do more than just play video games.

And yeah, smartphones are PCs.

Wait, I'm sorry. Smartphones are = PCs.

Yes, but we normally use the term "console" for homeconsoles.

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